

Research of Optimal Design of Power System in High Speed Railway

【作者】 熊育民

【导师】 张步涵;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 作为蓬勃发展的高速铁路运输系统,其快捷、舒适的服务正得到广泛的关注与认可,其节能环保问题也逐渐成为关系到国家经济发展的一个重要方面。在提倡节能减排的大环境下,如何做到高速铁路节能降损以达到更快更好地为国民经济发展服务的目的是当今的重大课题。在高速铁路的建设中,必须坚持节能减排与产业发展深度结合,提高资源利用率,降低能源消耗,使企业效益和社会效益达到最优化的要求。从电力角度而言,高速铁路与电力系统密不可分,高速铁路配电系统电力设计的优劣已然成为影响高速铁路节能的一个重要因素。通过对高速铁路电力设计的优化,可以较为全面地为提高铁路系统的安全性、可靠性、经济性提供一系列可行的策略,这将对高速铁路运输系统的发展产生深远的影响,具有较高的研究价值和现实意义。本文选用高速铁路合肥—武汉段作为研究样例,针对目前高速铁路电力设计的现状进行了研究分析,总结出现今高速铁路电力设计中存在的一些不合理方面,主要包括:(1)高速铁路在变压器以及电缆截面的选择上缺乏一定的标准,很多路段还处于根据经验值来选择的阶段,并且为了防止过载现象,通常将变压器容量以及电缆截面选择得较大,影响了经济性。(2)无功补偿方面也经常存在不能满足电源连接点对功率因数的以及线路末端电压偏移的要求,危害了电网的电能质量,并为铁路系统自身带来了巨大的经济损失。从不足之处出发,本文针对发现的问题结合PSCAD/EMTDC仿真软件提出了相应的优化方案,其中仿真软件起到了良好的帮助作用。在研究变压器容量选择方面充分考虑结合变压器的过载能力以及储能装置的运用,通过比较变压器投资等年值求得最为经济的变压器选择方案。在关于电缆截面选择,以经济性为入手点,先采用经济比较的形式初步确定截面大小,再通过校验电压降以及热稳定性和机械强度最终确定选择方案。在无功补偿方面主要以集中分散补偿方式为切入点,全面考虑贯通线以及车站在各种情况下的补偿方案。并且通过仿建模,将动态无功补偿装置SVC以及STATCOM用于贯通线补偿中,观察其补偿效果。总结各类方案的优缺点,得到贯通线上最适宜采用集中分散补偿方式的结论。本文提出的相关优化方案已经得到了项目委托方的认可,为高速铁路的经济节能以及电能质量的控制提供了可行的改进依据,具有一定的实际意义。

【Abstract】 In the big background of energy saving and emission reduction, how to save more energy and reduce the depletion and to make the national economy in sound and rapid development is a big research project. The high speed railway line system is now in a vigorous period, its convenience has caused worldwide concern, but the energy saving and environment protecting of it is an important aspect of the national economy. In high speed railroad’s construction, low energy reduces and the industrial development must be united deeply and the traditional development way and the pattern be changed,raises the availability of resources, reduces the energy consumption, causes the performance of enterprises and the social efficiency achieves optimized request. Nowadays, high speed railway line system is connected closely to the power system and many facilities such as communication and lighting can not run without electric power. Obviously, good or bad in the electric design of the high speed electrified railway will affect the economic and social benefits of enterprise. Through the research in key technology of the energy efficiency electric design of the high speed railway would contribute practical and heuristic significance to improve the economy of railway line.In this paper, unreasonableness in the electric design in the railway line are analyzed. Firstly, in a long period of time, the way of selecting the distribute transformers for the continuous power transmission line is just estimate the peak load, and then multiply by a coefficient known from experience. So, it may lead to transformers’ overload or oversize. Secondly, the selection of section for electric cable is also unreasonable. Thirdly, there are also irrationalities in the reactive power compensations. Now in railway line, fixed electric reactors are used as the compensation, so it is not flexible and can not meet the request of the loads when they fluctuate.Because of the unreasonableness analyzed above, some optimum schemes are given with the help of PSCAD/EMTDC. The overload ability of transformers and the initial project investment and cost of manufacture are both considered, then a choice for the selection methods is made. An idea of the application of super capacitor is considered which can provide new ideas for new energy resource development research direction. Then from the angle of economy and reliability, feasible method of the section selection is given with theory analysis and calculation. At the end, from the aspect of traditional compensation method, the overall analysis has been done. And the effect of SVC as well as STATCOM in the railway is considered and compared with the traditional method.Optimization scheme proposed in this paper related to the project has been recognized by the clients and will contribute practical and heuristic significance to improve the economy of railway line.


