

Disposal of Dynamic Modification in Workflow

【作者】 李璐璐

【导师】 刘清华;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 面对日益激烈的市场竞争,越来越多的企业开始应用工作流管理企业信息。目前工作流的应用已经取得了一定的成果,但是传统的工作流管理系统只能管理预先定义的流程,对流程不确定因素的处理缺乏支持。随着企业业务的变化,不确定性和多变性已成为业务流程的显著特点,因此提高工作流管理系统对不确定因素的处理能力成为工作流技术研究的热点之一。本文以提高工作流对动态变更的处理能力为目的,深入研究了工作流的动态变更处理技术。首先,介绍了工作流技术的发展现状,研究了工作流处理动态变更的相关理论、概念以及功能技术体系等。其次,本文通过深入分析工作流的动态变更特点,提出了针对流程变更的相应迁移策略。同时深入研究了工作流处理动态变更所涉及的关键技术:(1)提出了基于Petri网和有向网络图的动态工作流模型,该模型用关系矩阵定义节点路由,用状态标识矩阵描述流程和节点执行状态,不仅可以记录流程结构变更,而且可以追溯流程运行过程。(2)针对传统工作流引擎对动态变更处理的不足,研究了动态变更对流程引擎的新需求,设计了工作流引擎应对变更的处理过程。(3)通过分析企业信息管理系统和工作流的数据交互,研究了流程数据类型和存储过程,以及工作流与其它系统的数据交互接口技术。(4)通过变更处理算法查找可越过节点和迁移节点,实现了流程实例的即时迁移。最后,在以上关键技术研究的基础上,以汽车行业的更改签收流程为例,验证了文中方法处理工作流动态变更的可行性及适用性。

【Abstract】 With the increasingly heated market competition, Workflow Management System (WfMS) is employed more and more widely to manage business information. By now, the application of WfMS has gained certain achievements. The pre-defined workflows are well managed by the traditional WfMS. But it can’t deal with the uncertain workflows. With the business process becoming more uncertain and various, it’s crucial to improve the workflow to deal with uncertain factors.To improve the flexibility of WfMS and solve problems in dynamic changes of workflow instance, the related technologies are deeply studied.Firstly, the current situations of the development of WfMS is introduced. Theories and concepts related with dynamic changes, and functional technology systems are well studied.Secondly, according to the characteristics of dynamic changes , migration strategies of each workflow instance is proposed. key technologies of the dynamic workflow are discussed in detail:(1) A new model based on Petri-net and DNG is proposed. In this model, routing relations between workflow nodes are expressed by routing matrix with current state of each place in the workflow instance expressed by a state matrix too. These two matrices are employed to monitor dynamic changes of node relations and place states in the workflow instance.(2)The disposal of dynamic changes are not supported by the traditional workflow engine, so new demands for the engine are proposed in this thesis. Meanwhile, the responds of the engine to the dynamic changes are designed.(3)Through the analysis of data exchanges between WfMS and other systems, the data types and storage are studied. The interface technology between WfMS and other systems is introduced.(4) An immediate change algorithm to find bypassable nodes and migration nodes in time of workflow template adjustment is proposed. Migration strategy of each workflow instance is determined by bypassable nodes and migration nodes found.Finally, based on the above general architecture and related key technologies, an engineering change process is given as an example to verify the feasibility of this method.


