

Method Research on Screening of Suitable Technology for Building Energy Conservation

【作者】 周甜甜

【导师】 张华玲;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在当今世界环境日益恶化,以及我国能源形势十分严峻的背景下,指出我国建筑节能技术急需由研究阶段转入大规模应用阶段;重点阐述了建筑节能技术在发展过程中存在的问题,发现服务于实际应用的适宜性技术筛选的方法很少,且不具有通用性,在选择建筑节能技术时存在很大的盲目性,有必要建立一套科学的筛选方法和模式,给国家、地区相关部门确定技术的推广方向,进行区域规划提供参考,并指导投资方进行技术决策。因此,本文从建筑节能技术的共性入手,以选择适宜的建筑节能技术为目标,对技术的筛选展开了较为全面系统的研究,提出了一套适用于任意技术的筛选方法。首先,通过对建筑节能适宜性技术的内涵及其筛选复杂性的分析,首次提出了筛选层次化的构想:将建筑节能技术的适宜性筛选划分为区域和建筑两个层面,并就两个层面的具体内涵、目标、作用及其相互关系进行了界定。针对区域层面筛选的内涵和特点,提出了此层面的筛选模型:经初步筛选和适宜性等级划分这两个阶段,将技术在某一区域的适宜性划分为适宜、适中、不适宜、明显不适宜四个等级,作为区域层面的筛选原则。结合两个阶段的涵义、目标,分别构建了各自的筛选方法。重点阐述了适宜性等级划分的方法为:模糊综合评价法,从技术层面抽剥出各节能技术的共性,建立了区域层面适宜性等级划分的通用指标体系框架,确定采用层次分析法计算指标权重。针对建筑层面筛选的内涵和特点,提出了建筑层面的筛选模型:结合区域层面的筛选结果,经过初步筛选、互斥方案最优选择、独立方案优化决策这三个阶段来确定适宜在建筑中采用的技术方案。结合这三个阶段的涵义、目标,分别构建了各自的筛选方法。提出了依据多目标决策分析法(TOPSIS法)对互斥方案的评价和排序来选出互斥方案中的最优方案,运用最优化理论进行独立方案的优化决策,并建立了几个基于不同建设目标的最优化目标函数。然后,利用区域层面的筛选理论和方法,完整的建立起太阳能热水技术、自然风压通风技术、空气源热泵技术、地表水源热泵技术、土壤源热泵技术五项技术进行区域适宜性评价的指标体系,并确定了这五项技术在哈尔滨、北京、重庆、广州、昆明五个地区的适宜性等级,同时验证了区域层面筛选模型的可行性。最后,以重庆地区某工程的节能技术选择为例,利用建筑层面的筛选理论和方法,确定了满足该工程既定节能率及投资约束条件的采暖空调适宜技术方案,为决策者技术选择提供了科学依据,同时验证了建筑层面筛选模型的可行性。

【Abstract】 Based on the background of the world’s environment problems and our energy situation, the paper proposed the urgency of transfering energy saving technology of building from research period to large-scale application period. The problems and their causes existed in the application process of building energy conservation technology at home were analysed. However, the research on suitable technology’s screening is so rarely that selecting of technology has such great blindness. It is necessary to establish a set of screening method and mode for energy saving technology of building, providing reference for country and relevant departments in some areas’promotion work, guiding the region planning and the investors to make technology decisions.Firstly, with the discussion of implication and the selected characteristics of appropriate building energy saving technology, the conception of hierarchical selecting was presented that the screening of suitable technology was divided into two levels: region level and building level. Then the paper defined the definition of each level, discussed and compared their concrete meaning, function and mutual relationship.According to the implication and features of the region level, the selecting model was presented that the suitability in a region could be classified into four grades: suitable, generally suitable, unsuitable, obviously unsuitable by preliminary selecting and suitability‘s division, which could be used as reference for whether the technology was suitable to popularize in a area. Then the paper established the frame of the general indexes system, determined the calculating indexes’weight of level analysis method, and regarded the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation as the way of dividing suitable grade.According to the implication and features of the building level, the selecting model was presented that the suitable technology and scheme implied in the building could be decided based on the selecting result of the region level by preliminary selecting、the selecting of best exclusion shemes、optimal decision analysis of independent schemes. Based on ideal law, the multi-objective decision analysis method to determine the optimal plan in mutually exclusive plans was adopted. Then, based on construction goal, we may establish the optimal model to decide to use which kinds of projects to solve problems.Secondly , with the theory and method of region level screening, a complete index system for the regional suitability evaluation was established , which contained five technologies: the solar energy hot water technology, natural ventilation technology, air source heat pump technology, surface water source heat pump technology, soil source heat pump technology. Then the suitability grade of the five technologies in Harbin、Beijing、Chongqing、Guangzhou and Kunming had been determined. At the same time, the validity of the screening model in region level was verified.Finally, with the theory and method of building level screening, the paper took the selecting of energy saving technology of a project in Chongqing for example, determined which kind of technology and its scheme was suitable and meet the intended goal of energy conservation and investment for the sample project, provided scientific foundation for the decision-makers to choose technology and scheme, meanwhile verified the feasibility of selected theory in building level.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

