

Maya-Bbased Three-Dimensional Virtual Modeling Technology and Application of the Temple of Heaven

【作者】 李书明

【导师】 车明;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,信息化图像己成为发展社会生产力和提高人民生活质量日益重要的资源。目前我国在文化古迹保护和旅游景区建设方面已经开始使用虚拟三维图像信息技术,并且今后这将成为一个发展趋势。本文通过MAYA软件,对天坛景区主体建筑进行虚拟模型构建和材质制作,建立了三维虚拟动画的展示基础模型,本人负责完成天坛祈年殿主体建筑模型和材质的研究,最终凭借这些模型完成了天坛的虚拟漫游视频影片制作。文章介绍了MAYA软件和辅助软件ZBrush,描述了天坛祈年殿虚拟模型的制作过程,以及不同材质的创建和贴图制作。制作流程上采用了在MAYA软件中制作低边模型,在ZBrush中制作多边模型,再把模型细节输出成法线贴图,这种制作模式可以大量节省模型面数,又可以最大限度的突出细节,在节省模型面数方面提出了独到性见解,这使得模型渲染输出节省了大量的时间;并且在重复性制作方面采用制作完成一个单体再进行多点复制的制作流程,节省了虚拟模型建模的制作时间和整体流程;接下来对虚拟建筑的展示、参观、信息管理和信息反馈、评估和管理等进行了简明的阐述,体现了本文研究的意义和实用价值。本人工作于前门街道办事处,三维虚拟展示对于区域旅游经济具有良好的展示作用和示范作用,在文化建设和旅游品牌建设方面具有良好的宣传作用。

【Abstract】 At present, the information image has become the development of social productive forces and improving the quality of life increasingly important resource. At present our cultural heritage conservation and tourism in the area have begun building a virtual three-dimensional image using information technology, and in the future this will become a trend. By MAYA software, the main building of the Temple of Heaven, a virtual model of scenic construction and material production, established the basis of three-dimensional virtual model of the display of animation, I am responsible to complete the main building of the Temple of Heaven Qi Niandian models and materials research, the final completion of these models with the Temple of Heaven Virtual Tour Video film production.This paper introduces the software and supporting software MAYA ZBrush, describes the Temple of Heaven Qi Niandian virtual model of the production process, as well as the creation of different materials and textures. Production process on the software used in the production of low-side MAYA model in ZBrush in the production of the multilateral model, then model the details of the output into law line map, this model can produce a large number of section faces the Russian province of model number, they can maximize highlight the details, save the model in the face of the number of unique views put forward, which makes the model rendering output to save a lot of time; and in terms of repetitive production of a monomer used to conduct produced more copy of the production process, saving the virtual modeling of production time and overall process; the next display of the virtual building, visits, information management and information feedback, assessment and management, a concise exposition of this paper reflects the significance and practical value. I work at the front door of Subdistrict Office, three-dimensional virtual showcase for the regional tourism economy and has a good role model showing the role of culture and tourism in terms of brand building good publicity.

【关键词】 虚拟场景MAYA3D天坛建模ZBrush
【Key words】 Virtual sceneMAYA3Dtemple of heaventhe modelingZBrus
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】300

