

Research and Implementation of Computing Resource Isolation in DB2 Based Database as a Service

【作者】 杨泽华

【导师】 车明;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 计算资源隔离是云计算领域的一个重要研究课题,通常应用虚拟机技术来解决该问题。数据云(Database as a Service,简称DBaaS)属于云计算平台的一种,其中的计算资源隔离一般也应用虚拟机技术,用户的数据库服务运行在虚拟机上,用户以虚拟机为单位租用服务。但虚拟机技术有较多缺点,如资源浪费、性能降低、计算资源分配不灵活等。本文提出了一种新的计算资源隔离方案,用于基于DB2的DBaaS系统中。用户以数据库为单位租用服务,多个用户的数据库运行在同一实例下。它是一种更细粒度的计算资源隔离方案,较之于虚拟机的解决方案,它的资源共享率更高、性能更高,资源配置更灵活。本文提出了虚拟资源容器DBR,用于不同用户之间的计算资源隔离,这些计算资源包括CPU、内存、磁盘I/O速度、磁盘使用量。DBR运行于操作系统上,可以动态的创建,删除,修改计算资源参数。每个数据库用户对应一个DBR,用户的所有任务运行在自己的DBR中,在DBR中为每个用户分配资源,用户任务受到DBR资源阈值的控制。DBR可以被集成到基于DB2的DBaaS系统中,经实验表明DBR可以对不同用户的计算资源进行隔离,并提高用户性能的可预见性,能够保证用户服务质量。

【Abstract】 One of the most important research subject in cloud computing is computing resource isolation. The traditional solution is using virtual machine technology. Database as s service is cloud computing paltform which also use virtual machine technology to islolate computing resource. Database service runs on virtual machine. Customers subscibe database service by virtual machine. Virtual machine has some drawbacks,waste of resource, low performance and inconvenience of resource distribution .etc.A new resolution of computing resource isolation is proposed in this paper,which is used in DB2 based Database as a Service system. Customers subscribe database service by database rather than virtual machine and different customers may share the same DB2 instance. It is a fine graind solution compared to virtual machine under which computing resource can be shared more common and used more effective,thus the performance is high. We put forward a concept called DBR(Database Resource Unit) in this paper which includes CPU,memory,disk I/O bandwidth and disk space isolation. Eevry customer has its own DBR corresponding to their database, whose tasks will run in it. DBR runs on Linux Operating System which can be created, distroyed dynamically and its parameter can also be configured dynamically. Customer’s computing resource is allocated to DBR and their tasks are constrained by DBR. DBR can be integrated into DB2 based Database as a Service. Experiment results have proved that DBR can effectively isolate customer’s computing resource, improve performance prediction and guarantee service quality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

