

Research on the Positioning of "985 Project" Universities

【作者】 曹艳红

【导师】 许艳丽;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “985工程”高校是我国教育系统的重要组成部分,是我国高等教育事业发展的支柱力量。新中国成立以来,“985工程”高校的发展得到政府在政策和财力诸多方面的大力支持,其地位也是政府“钦定”的,在这种情况下,“985工程”高校的定位是面向政府的。经过多年的发展,特别是1999年扩招以后,高等学校的数量增多,一方面生源相对减少,另一方面消费者对高等教育的消费也越来越理性化,竞争加剧,“985工程”高校的定位需要由“面向政府需求定位”到“面向消费者需求定位”转变。本文基于里斯与特劳特定位理论,通过分析“985工程”高校定位现状和美国一流高校定位的案例及启示,提出促进“985工程”高校“面向消费者需求定位”的对策。全文共五章:第一章为绪论,包括研究背景、国内外研究现状、研究方法和研究意义;第二章界定了定位、高校定位的概念,阐述里斯与特劳特定位理论的主要观点,并指出将定位理论应用于“985工程”高校定位的原因;第三章分析了“985工程”高校定位的现状,包括“985工程”高校定位存在的问题、“985工程”高校定位内外环境的变化,进而建构“985工程”高校定位的SWOT模型;第四章以美国麻省理工学院和威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校为例,总结美国一流高校定位对我国“985工程”高校定位的启示;第五章提出实现“985工程”高校定位的对策,即强化策略定位、比附策略定位、单一策略定位、寻找空隙策略定位、品牌策略定位和再定位策略。

【Abstract】 “985 Project”universities are play the important role on the education system, and the backbone of higher education. Since the establishment of New China, the development of“985 Project”universities get the governmental support in policy and finance, positioning is granded by the government. In this case, the“985 Project”universities are positioning for government. After years of development, especially after enlarged enrollment in 1999, the number of universities is increasing, while the number of students relative reduced, while people spending on education is more rational. In this case, the positioning of“985 Project”universities needs to be changed from”Facing the government’s demand”to“facing the consumer’s demand”.This paper mainly analyses the positioning theory, point out the positioning promble of“985 Project”universities, the case of foreign top universities, and proposing solutions. It includes five chapters: The first chapter is the introduction, including research background, research status, the article structure,the significance of research methods and research significance; The second chapter firstly introduces the concept of positioning and the universities positioning, elaborates the mainly view of positioning of AL Ries and Jack Trout, positioning princeples, successful positioning steps, and then gives the reason for the positioning theory to the“985 Project”universities; In the third chapter, analyze internal and external environment changes of“985 Project”universities, point out the positioning promble of“985 Project”universities and then construct the SWOT model for changing from“Facing the government’s demand”to“facing the Consumer’s demand”; The fourth chapter, the Massachusetts institute of technology and the university of Wisconsin-Madison are chosen as the examples, analyses the apocalypse to the positioning of our“985 Project”universities. The fifth chapter proposes measuresment to achieve target of“985 Project”universities positioning: emphasis tactics, comparative tactics, only position tactics, looking for a gap tactics, brand tactics, re-positioning tactics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】191

