

Investment Management Efficiency Research of Large & Medium Scale Real Estate Development Enterprises

【作者】 信忠宝

【导师】 王雪青;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2008年金融危机肆虐全球,对我国经济发展产生了较大的冲击。国家出台了一揽子刺激经济计划以拉动经济增长,客观上推动了固定资产投资的显著增长。这也引发了相关学者就投资效率问题展开激烈讨论,可见,研究投资效率是推动经济健康稳健发展的必要环节。房地产行业作为国民经济的支柱性行业,一直占据着固定资产投资的高份额。随着近年来全国房价的迅速攀升,高房价,投资性购房等话题,一直是公众关注的焦点。近些年我国政府为促进房地产平稳健康发展而出台了一系列调控政策,特别是步入2011年,相关调控政策更是密集出台。在此背景之下,从房地产公司角度研究投资管理效率具有很强的紧迫性,对该课题客观、正确的分析与评价无疑会对于我国房地产行业的发展产生重要意义,也是对国民经济健康发展的重要贡献。本文以国内大中型房地产开发企业为研究对象,从投资效率即投资管理的有效性的角度进行了研究和评价。首先,明确选题背景、提出了论文的研究框架和研究内容,并对当前该领域的研究进行了文献综述,阐述了论文研究的基础。之后,按照样本选取与指标选取的原则,确定模型,再通过数据采集及加工,提出了评价的流程及方法。本文选取A股42家上市房地产企业作为样本,并选取二次相对评价模型,通过数据采集及加工,得出相应的结论,验证了研究的科学性及有效性,最后得出结论并提出建议与展望。

【Abstract】 In 2008, the world economy was badly hit by global financial crisis, which exerted adverse impact to China’s economy. The Chinese government launched a package of stimulus plans to boost economic growth, and this has translated into fast rise of investment on fixed assets. Investment efficiency has become a hot topic of discussion among scholars and experts. In order to obtain a healthy and steady growth in economy, it is a necessary step to study investment efficiency. Being a backbone in national economy, the real estate sector always takes up a large portion of fixed assets investment. In recent years, the housing price has been soaring throughout the country. High housing price and house purchase as investment are focus of attention of the public. For steady and healthy development of the real estate sector, the central government has constituted a series of regulation policies, especially in the year 2011, concerned regulation policies have been published in close manner. In the backdrop, it is urgent to study investment management efficiency from the perspective of real estate development companies. To formulate an objective and correct analysis and evaluation is quite important to growth of the sector, and undoubtedly makes contribution to healthy development of the national economy.The thesis takes large and middle scale real estate development companies as object of study, conducts study and evaluation from the angle of investment efficiency, viz. efficiency of investment management. First, it clarifies background for the subject, puts forward the frame and content for the study, delivers literature review of the field and elaborates basis for the study. Afterwards, according to discipline of choosing sample and index, fix the model; proposes procedure and methods for the evaluation through data collection and processing. The thesis takes 42 listed real estate development companies in A share market as samples, collect secondary relative evaluation model and comes to corresponding conclusion through data collection and processing. It verifies scientificity and effectiveness of the study, makes final conclusion and put forward suggestion and prospect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F293.3;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】123

