

Research on 3D Irregular Military Symbol and Terrain Matching Based on OSG

【作者】 张庆义

【导师】 李小平;

【作者基本信息】 北京理工大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着时代的发展,战争类型已经由单一的陆地战演变到了陆海空天一体的信息化战争?为了能够使指挥人员更好的进行作战规划和制定决策,通常在实战演习之前需要对一次想定作战进行推演,通过可视化的方式来展现战场态势演化的情况?在作战态势推演中如何将整个战场态势合理逼真的可视化出来便成了当前研究的热点问题?二维态势可视化和三维态势可视化是战场态势可视化的主要组成部分,而在三维态势可视化中主要涉及到三维军标标绘生成以及场景匹配等关键技术?本文以国防预研项目为背景,结合参与XXX战场环境建模与仿真等项目实践的基础上,对三维军标标绘生成?场景匹配和沟堑类动态军标生成等关键技术进行了研究与创新,并对某战场态势推演系统的结构进行了改进,同时将其应用到某空天三维态势感知软件的设计与实现中?具体的研究工作有:1.研究了不规则军标的标绘生成算法?以进攻箭标为例,本文提出了一种过控制点的B样条不规则军标标绘方法,在三维场景中进行直接标绘并生成三维不规则军标?对于不同类型的不规则军标需要分析并选择合适的控制点进行标绘,该方法提高对不规则军标标绘的方便性和编辑的灵活性?2.研究了不规则军标与地形的匹配算法?本文提出了一种基于控制点简化的不规则军标地形匹配算法,该算法通过对高程曲线求取极值点和拐点从而获取不规则军标的初始控制点,并采用特定的合并算法减少控制点到预设的最终控制点的个数?通过控制最终控制点的个数可以调整不规则军标与地形匹配的精细程度?该方法适用于那些不需要精确匹配的态势要素,该方法在一定程度上提升了匹配的速度和效果?3.研究了沟堑类动态军标的生成方法?本文通过借鉴动态地形的研究方法,提出了一种基于约束Delaunay三角剖分的沟堑类动态军标的生成方法?通过沟堑?筑墙和修建道路三种动态军标的实验,分析了该方法的可行性以及存在的不足?4.研究了态势推演系统的相关结构?在某战场态势建模与仿真预研项目实践的基础上,本文对一种态势推演结构进行了改进,并将其应用在某三维态势感知系统的设计与实现中,通过该应用进一步验证了该改进的态势推演结构的可行性?

【Abstract】 The current battle has evolved from the land into the space informational warfare. In order to make proper battlefield planning and command decisions in the way of visualization, combat situation demonstrating is always used before fighting to show the evolutive situation of battlefield. How to visualize the battlefield reasonably has become a hot topic in the current research field. The visualization of the combat situation includes 2D visualization and 3D visualization. Military symbol marking and scene matching are the key technologies to the visualization of the 3D combat situation.Based on the background of defense pre-research project, this dissertation includes the research and innovation on the key technologies of 3D military symbol real-time rendering, scene matching and trench dynamic military symbol generation. A combat situation demonstrating system is improved and designed and it has been applicated to 3D space situational awareness software system. Definite research work is below:1. The research on the marking algorithm of 3D irregular military symbol. This thesis provides an algorithm for arrow symbols marking based on certain control points. This method improves the plotting facility and editing flexibility of the irregular military symbol.2. The research on the irregular military symbol and terrain matching algorithm. A terrain matching method for irregular military symbols based on the simplification of control points is proposed in this paper. This method is suitable for situation elements that do not have to match the scene accurately. The method can accelerate the matching speed and effectiveness to some extents.3. The research on the generation algorithm of trench dynamic military symbol. By study and reference the dynamic terrain research, a method is proposed for the generation of the trench dynamic military based on the constrained Delaunay triangulation. Through the experiment on the generation of the trench military, the feasibility of this method is verified.4. The research on the architecture of the combat situation demonstrating system. Based on the practice of the project XXX battlefield situation modeling and simulation, the situation demonstring system architecture has been improved based on the battle simulation system. This improved architecture has been applicated to a 3D space situational awareness software system. This application has verified the feasibility of the improved architecture.


