

Inheritance Research on Henan Bantou Tune

【作者】 兰庆炜

【导师】 崔斌;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 音乐学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 河南板头曲是河南弦索乐合奏曲的重要组成部分,是由三弦、琵琶、古筝等合奏的器乐曲。板头曲主要流传于河南南阳一带,属中原文化之瑰宝。板头曲曾经在中原大地盛极一时。然而,随着现代化文明的高速发展及多元文化的日益繁荣,可供选择的娱乐方式逐渐增多,加之对板头曲的研究和宣传力度比较欠缺,使得板头曲一改往日盛行的境况,日渐衰落,以致一度陷于濒临失传的危境。2006年,板头曲被列入国家第一批“人类口头及非物质文化遗产名录”,此举引起了学术界的高度关注。2008年,宋光生先生被文化部任命为国家级非物质文化遗产—河南板头曲代表性传承人。至此,对于板头曲音乐的传承与研究自上至下有了一个明确地认证。板头曲在得到国家重视的同时,也表明了其衰落的现状。以往对板头曲音乐的研究,大都比较客观---或从音乐本体、或以史料为切入点进行研究。缺少立足于传承人的角度,展开的深入实地调查。通过对宋光生先生传承个案的深入调查研究,力求深刻、准确的把握河南板头曲的传承脉络和艺术特征,并针对古筝这一乐器进行分析研究,力争为板头曲的健康发展尽绵薄之力。文章共分为四部分,第一部分为概述,分别从河南板头曲的历史环境、研究现状、板头曲音乐与大调曲子的关系三个方面对板头曲做了系统的介绍。第二部分对河南板头曲的传承现状加以梳理,重点通过对传承人宋光生的跟踪访谈,分析总结有关板头曲的传承及音乐本体特点。第三部分则重在分析研究板头曲演奏乐器古筝的演奏技巧及其特点。第四部分通过宋光生先生个案的调查,对板头曲音乐的发展进行一系列的思考。

【Abstract】 Henan Bantou tune, a kind of instrumental music performed by sanxian, lute and guzheng, is an essential part of string ensembles in Henan province. The Bantou tune, mainly spreads over Nanyang, Henan, is one of the rare fork arts in Henan or even the whole country, and it is one of the cultural gems in Central China. The Bantou tune was once very popular in Central China. However, with the rapid development of modern civilization and the growing multicultural prosperity, alternative means of recreation have greatly increased, plus lack of appropriate research and propaganda, the Bantou tune gradually lost its popularity and even was in danger of dying out. In 2006, the Bantou tune was listed in the first human oral and non-material cultural heritage lists, which aroused great attention in the academic circles.In 2008, Song Guangsheng was announced by the Ministry of Culture as representative successor of the Henan Bantou tune, the national non-material cultural heritage. So far, the research on the Henan Bantou tune has attained its definite authentication on a large scale. However, the fact that the Bantou tune has received national attention merely proves that the Bantou tune is now in its fading status. The previous studies on the Bantou tune are relatively objective, which primarily focus on musical substantialism or historical materials, this thesis is different in that it lunches a deep field research on the inheritor, aiming to make a deep and profound illustration of the inheritance context and artistic features of the Bantou tune with the analysis of guzheng. The thesis consists of four parts. The first part is an introduction, which introduces systematically the Bantou tune from three aspects, namely historical environment, current state of research and the relationship between the Bantou tune and Dadiao tune. The second part is to summarize the current situation of Henan Bantou tune’s inheritance and analyze the inheritance as well as the features of the Bantou tune through field research carried on Song Guangsheng, the inheritor of the Bantou tune. Part three focuses on guzheng performance, whereas in part four, some issues are put into consideration and constructive proposes are presented.

【关键词】 河南板头曲宋光生传承古筝
【Key words】 Henan Bantou tuneSong GuangshengInheritanceGuzhen

