

Research on Soil Nutrient Evaluation Ganjiahu Degraded Wetland Edge

【作者】 胡慧赟

【导师】 李艳红;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆甘家湖湿地地处甘家湖梭梭林国家级自然保护区,地处艾比湖的东段,是我国荒漠生态系统的重要基地。本研究选择了湿地荒漠交错的边缘地带,按土地利用状况将边缘带划分为盐化草甸、胡杨林、梭梭灌木林、芦苇湿地、耕地五种类型,每种类型的土地设置3个采样点。分别于2008年10月、2009年8月、2009年11月、2010年6月采取四批土样,利用GPS精确定位,每次在原位置采样。利用Excel2003和SPSS13.0等软件对土壤养分指标的数据进行统计分析。分别对土壤的全量养分、速效养分进行分析,研究气候和水文等自然因素的影响以及人为活动,放牧、开垦、鼠害等对甘家湖湿地资源的过度利用导致的湿地退化程度与规律,揭示了甘家湖湿地边缘带土地变化的驱动机制,补充完善了我国湿地研究的类型,为干旱区湿地生态系统的恢复提供理论依据。研究结论如下:(1)利用变异系数分别对五种类型的土地在四个采样时间的土壤的PH、总盐、全磷、有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾进行分析,结果表明:各类型土壤的PH值在四个采样时间的变异都属于弱性变异。盐化草甸土2009年8月总盐的变异系数最大;2010年6月全氮的变异系数最小,属于若性变异。梭梭灌木林土2008年10月各养分含量均属于弱性变异;2010年6月速效磷的变异系数最大,属于中等变异。胡杨林土、芦苇湿地、耕地2008年10月各养分含量均属于弱性变异;2009年11月速效磷的变异系数均最大,属于中等变异。(2)利用土壤养分退化评价指标体系以及土壤退化强度综合评价指数,分别对五种类型的土地在四个采样时间的土壤养分退化程度进行评价,结果表明:盐化草甸土2009年8月土壤的养分退化程度最严重,2008年10月土壤的养分退化程度最轻。梭梭灌木林土2008年10月土壤的养分退化程度最严重,2009年8月土壤养分的退化程度最小。胡杨林土2008年10月2010年6月土壤的养分退化程度最严重,2008年10月土壤养分退化程度最轻。芦苇湿地2008年10月土壤养分退化程度最严重,2009年8月土壤的养分退化最轻。耕地2009年8月土壤养分退化最严重,2008年10月土壤的养分退化程度最轻。(3)甘家湖湿地边缘带不同利用类型的土壤养分随着时间的变化而变化,并且出现不同程度的退化,这是自然和人为活动干预的造成的。甘家湖湿地特殊的荒漠生态系统为湿地的退化提供了背景,但人为活动的强烈影响才是甘家湖湿地退化的主要因素。垦殖、放牧、鼠害等人类活动的强烈干预使得自然因素提供的可能性成为现实,加剧了甘家湖湿地土壤养分的退化。

【Abstract】 This study selected the wetland edge with different types of land use, extraction of various types of soil characteristics as research reference and information respectively and October, 2008, August, 2009, November, 2009, June, 2010, four batches of soil samples taken using GPS accurate location, each in the original position sampling. In the research area based on the land use type is divided into five types of soil samples5,Oliv land、Reed wetland, Arable land, Salt meadow, Ammodendron.Use of Excel2003 andSPSS13.0 software analysis such as soil and the fertility index for statistical data. The total content of soil respectively nutrient, available nutrient analysis, to study climate and hydrological effects of natural factors and human activities such as grazing and rat hole. GanJiaHu wetland resources on the result of excessive use of wetland degradation degree and regular, objective reveals GanJiaHu wetland edge of driving mechanism with soil changes in China, supplement and perfect the type of wetland research of wetland ecosystem, as arid provides the theory basis for the recovery. Research conclusions are as follows:(1) Using the variation coefficient were to five types of land in four sampling time soil PH, total salt, total phosphorus, organic matter, total nitrogen, alkali-hydro nitrogen, phosphorus and phosphorus, rapidly-available potassium analysis, and the results show that:Various types of soil PH value in four sampling time the variation of all belong to weak variation.Salt meadow in October, 2008 the variation coefficient of total salt is greatest; 2010 June total nitrogen variation coefficient of variation is the smallest, belong to if. Ammodendron October, 2008 shrubbery soil nutrient content all belong to the weak variation; in June, 2010rapidly-available phosphorus biggest, variation coefficient belong to medium variations.Oliv land ,Arable land, Reed wetland in October, 2008 all belong to each nutrient content weak variation; in August, 2009, the variation coefficient of variation were the biggest belong to medium.(2) Use degradation of soil nutrient and soil degradation evaluation index system of integrated assessment index is strength respectively, the five types of land in four sampling time soil nutrient evaluation of degradation degree, the results show that: Salt meadow in August, 2009 soil degradation degree of soil nutrient is the most serious, October ,2008 degradation degree of soil nutrients most light.Ammodendron in October, 2008 degradation degree of soil nutrient is the most serious, in August, 2009, soil nutrient and minimum of degradation degree.Oliv land October, 2008 in June, 2010 degradation degree of soil nutrient is the most serious, soil nutrient October 2008 the lightest of degradation degree.Reed wetland soil nutrient in October, 2008, the most serious degradation degree in August, 2009 lightest soil nutrient degradation.Arable land in August, 2009, cultivated land degradation of soil nutrient is the most serious, October, 2008 degradation degree of soil nutrients most light.(3) GanJiaHu wetlands with different use kind of edge of soil nutrient as time changes, and in different degree of degradation, this is natural and human activity intervention creates. GanjiauHu wetland special desert ecosystem wetland degradation for provides background, but human activity is strongly influenced by the main factors GanjiaHu wetland degradation. Reclamationherding, mouse human activities of natural factors provide strong interference, makes the possibility to become a reality, sharpened GanjiaHu wetland soil nutrient degradation.


