

Analysis of Human Oriented Life Style and Its Establishing Route under Scientific Concept on Development

【作者】 朱莉

【导师】 王荣江; 李颖;

【作者基本信息】 徐州师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 人类生存方式是随着生产方式的变革而发展的一个动态的历史进程。总体上看,它经历了由原始社会以类似动物本能的采集和猎取的生存方式,到农业社会以耕作或养殖为主的自然经济的生存方式,到工业社会以机器代替手工劳动的工业化的生存方式,再到后工业社会以知识为基础的生存方式。当代中国人的生存方式,处于农业社会、工业社会、和后工业社会三种生存方式并存状态,存在着不可持续生存、生存心理失衡、人被物化和精神匮乏、生活质量下降等问题。中国共产党提出“坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,促进经济社会和人的全面发展”的科学发展观,赋予“以人为本”生存方式以新的内涵,即在生产方式上要转变生产经营方式,发展循环经济,使人在安全并富有尊严的生产环境中工作;在生活方式上要实现适度节约型、物质生活和精神生活均衡发展、人们的精神生活丰富多彩和有质量的生存。党的科学发展观和以人为本的思想,为人的生存方式描绘了美好的图景,说到底,就是要实现以人为本的生存方式转变和变革。为此,我们应该在思想观念转变、生产方式变革和生活方式更新等方面,实现中国人的合理生存。

【Abstract】 Human life style is a dynamic history progress which develops with the changes of production modes. On the whole, it experienced four periods. The first one is primitive society, the survival mode of which was collecting and hunting as animal instinct. The second one is agricultural society, which mainly focused on natural economy like husbandry and aquaculture. The third period is industrial society, in which machine labor replaced manual labor. Then industrial society switched to post-industrial society which is based on knowledge. Contemporary Chinese life style in agricultural society, industrial, social and industrial community lives that exist, and there is not sustainable survival, survival and psychological imbalance materialization and spiritual poverty, the quality of life. Our government addressed the scientific concept of development of adhering to human oriented policy, set comprehensive coordinated and sustainable development concept and promote the overall development of economy, society and human being. In fact these gave meanings to human oriented survival mode, that is to say, on production mode, human orientated should change the production and management modes,develop circular economy and provide safe and dignified production environment for human being. On life style, human orientated should achieve the modest saving ,balance material life and spiritual life and make human’s spiritual life and quality of life rich and colorful. The CPC’s scientific concept of development and human orientated policy draws a prosperous picture for human’s survival mode. In the final analysis, the purpose is to realize the change and reform of human orientated survival mode. Therefore, we should renew our ideas, transform mode of production and innovate life styles ,realizing Chinese people’s reasonable life .


