

Study on the Land Potential and Use Pattern in Shallow Mountain Area of Beijing

【作者】 柯敏

【导师】 尹稚;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 建筑学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 城市周边临近的山体对于维持区域整体生态安全的意义重大,但也制约了城市空间的进一步拓展。当前,我国正处于城市化进程的提速阶段,短期内城市用地迅速扩张已是不可回避的现实。如何保护和利用好城市周边生态敏感的山区用地,成为空间发展战略研究的重要课题。北京地处我国地貌第二级阶梯的前缘,自西南向东北延伸的太行山、燕山构成了西北天然生态屏障,合抱形成东南“小北京湾”平原地区。浅山区作为山区与平原之间的过渡地带,一方面,作为深山生态功能保育的重要缓冲地区;另一方面,由于靠近城市中心,区位可达性较好,未来有可能替代受耕保限制的平原地区,成为城市空间拓展的延伸地带。因此,浅山区往往成为保护与开发矛盾冲突最为显著的地区:在研究层面,既有的山区发展导向主要从生态保育出发,侧重其限建控制;而在实际操作层面,这种“大保护”方式忽视了山区发展的内在需求,反而由于规划引导缺位、导致地方政府土地管控薄弱,开发项目遍地开花,以致造成了低效保护问题。在《北京限建区规划》的研究基础上,本文期望转向更为积极的视角,探讨山区承接未来城市拓展的可能性。在宏观尺度上,确立浅山区用地保护开发原则,初步计算山区土地的存量,厘定重点开发地区。在中观尺度上,通过用地承载力和开发吸引力的分析,归纳各类地貌的土地利用模式。最后,反思山区开发的生态影响,进一步深化开发用地的约束限制内容。正如麦克哈格所言,“识别区域将来土地利用的内在适合度,寻找最好的使用可能性,以最少的成本获得最大的利益”。挖掘可以利用的土地,是为了保护更为关键的地区,希望本文的研究能为北京浅山区的保护和发展提供一点粗浅的参考。

【Abstract】 As natural blocks, mountains located near city are taking the important place of maitaining the whole regional ecological security,while they are resistjing the city from sprawling. Now that we are stepping into a city expansion period, demanding for so much new land to be unbanized. So it becomes a vital task to work out how to proctcet and make use of the shallow mountain area near the central city.Beijing is a tipical example, which located at the foot of the Yan and Taihang-Mountain .As the transition- area between mountain and plain, the shallow mountain area becomes a conflict place whether to be protected or developped. Anyhow, most of the existing study approved to limit this whole area from built-up space, but it ignored the local inner demand of developping and finally has made low-efficiency-protection result.On the base of Beijing none built-up space research, this paper takes the positive view of making use of the area, in order to protect the more important space. From macro-scale view, on the base of the principles of Landscape Ecology theory, it uses GIS space analysis tool to calculate the land potential in this area and select the key lands; From middle scale view, by analyzing the capacity and attractiveness of each micro-terriens, it generalized several land us pattern . Thirdly, it studys the development ecological impact and delimits some restraints for the land use pattern.As McHarg said,“find the inner situablity of each regional landuse, and try to make full use of it by the lowest costs.”Finding the usable lands in order to protect the more important ones. Wish this paper could provide some superficial ideas for the protection and development of the shallow mountain area in Beijing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

