

Comparative Study on the Technical and Tactical Characteristics of Men’s Professional Tennis Singles on Three Different Venues

【作者】 米宏伟

【导师】 姜富生;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对男子职业网球选手在三种不同场地(硬地、草地、红土地)网球单打比赛技战术特点进行了对比研究。研究目的:本文对比赛录像的分析找出男子职业网球选手在三种不同场地网球单打比赛中的得失分现状与技术、战术选择规律,探讨在三种不同场地网球单打比赛中,做好哪些环节、采用不同的技战术能帮助选手获得胜利。研究方法:运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法对12位男子职业网球选手在三种不同场地的24场大满贯决赛和部分半决赛进行研究分析。研究结果: 1在结束频率方面第2拍出现最高,第3、4、5拍硬地和草地的结束频率也要高于红土地,红土地比赛第7拍到第14拍的争夺比硬地和草地更为激烈。2发球阶段得失分草地数据要高于硬地和红土地,相持阶段红土和硬地要高于草地;技战术方面草地场地更多采用发球和发球后抢攻,红土和硬地相持阶段技战术运用更多。建议:1男子职业网球选手在参加不同场地上举办的比赛之前,要提前一周左右去适应场地。2以参加草地比赛为主的运动员,在平时的训练中应加强前三拍的训练,加强发球的速度力量,大力发展运动员的进攻能力。3以参加硬地比赛为主的运动员在加强发球和前三拍的基础上也应注意相持阶段。4参加红土地比赛为主的运动员,在平时的训练中应增加第一发球的旋转和角度增加发球的稳定性为发球后的抢攻和相持阶段奠定基础,提高运动员的相持和防守能力。5在接发球局里应该保证接发稳定性的基础上提高接发球质量。

【Abstract】 Research objectives: The thesis makes a comparative study on the technical and tactical characteristics of men’s professional tennis singles on hard, grassland and clay court. Through the analysis of the competition video, the thesis finds out the situation of gaining and losing points in men’s professional tennis singles competition on hard, grassland and clay court and the regular pattern of selecting techniques and tactics, discusses the ways and tactics to help athletes to win in the competition.Research methods: By using the methods of documentation, video observation and statistics, the thesis analyzes 12 Players in 24 Grand Slam finals and some semi-finals on hard, grassland and clay court.Research results: First, in end frequency second clap appears the highest, third, fourth and fifth clap on hard court and on grass court appears higher than on clay court, Article seventh where competition took fourteenth for filme than hard court and on grass court even more fierce. Second, in serve stage the situation of gaining and losing points on grass court is higher than that of on hard court and clay court, while in locked stage on hard court and clay court is higher than that of on grass court; in selecting techniques and tactics, on grass court players mostly uses the tactics of serving and attacking after service, while in locked stage players uses more tactics on hard and clay court.Suggestions: First, men’s tennis professionals should adapt to the court of the competition one week ahead of the competition schedule. Second, players mainly participating in grass court competitions should strengthen the training of the first three claps, the speed of serving, and the attacking ability in the usual training. Third, players mainly participating in hard court competitions should pay attention to the locked stage in addition to strengthening the training of serving and the first three claps. Fourth, players mainly participating in clay court competitions should pay attention to the stability of serving by adding spinning and serving angle in order to lay a foundation for attacking and the locked stage, improving players’ defending ability. Fifth, in receiving situation, players should improve the receiving quality on the basis of ensuring the stability of the receiving.


