

Research on Lean Logistics in the Photovoltaic Solar Industry in Jiangxi Province

【作者】 孔晶

【导师】 甘卫华;

【作者基本信息】 华东交通大学 , 交通运输工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 太阳能资源特有的可再生性和全球性分布,具有无污染、安全环保等优点。“高效、低碳、环保”已经成为全球经济发展的新潮流,发展光伏产业,不但能够有效的缓解能源危机带来的发展压力,同时可以大大的减少二氧化碳的排放量,降低温室效应,对环境保护将起到积极的推动作用。丰富的太阳能资源和硅矿储备,为江西光伏产业的发展提供了良好的条件。江西光伏产业取得了突出成绩,2005年开始实现了从无到有的跨越式发展,形成了以新余为主生产地、以赛维LDK为核心的较强生产能力。到2010年底,全省规模以上已投产(含试产)企业达60多家,在建项目50多个;龙头企业表现突出,江西赛维LDK、江西晶科能源有限公司、江西旭阳雷迪高科技股份有限公司、江西瑞晶太阳能科技有限公司四大光伏企业产值收入占到全行业六成之多。2010年,江西赛维LDK太阳能高科技有限公司主营业务收入突破200亿元,硅片产能达到3000兆瓦,位列中国民营500强企业第136位;江西晶科能源有限公司2010年主营业务收入突破80亿元,实际产能达到硅片700兆瓦、组件800兆瓦,并于2009年5月成功上市,成为江西第二家、全国第十家在美国上市的光伏企业;江西旭阳雷迪高科技股份有限公司、江西瑞晶太阳能科技有限公司2010年主营业务收入也突破20亿元,利税超3亿。光伏产业涉及到的物流活动大体包括原材料的供应物流、生产内部物流、外在销售物流与回收物流。光伏产业有着与其他产业的不同之处,物流特点:重量轻、体积小、价值高、时效性高,物流成本相对比较高,产品需求受世界市场影响比较大。目前形势下,中西部经济欠发达地区的制造企业与发达地区制造企业在生产技术上的差异逐步缩小,而物流成本、土地成本、劳动力成本日趋重要。在理论研究方面本文是一个新的探索;在实际应用方面,正如迈克尔?波特说的:“没有低技术产业,只有低技术生产的产业”,不仅能帮助降低物流成本,改善江西光伏产业效益,也能为第三方物流企业提供更为广阔的市场,创造更多就业机会。论文首先介绍国内外光伏产业发展情况,认真分析光伏产业发展现状;然后,根据收集到的江西光伏产业有关资料,客观分析江西光伏产业的发展;最后,在微观层面上针对江西光伏产业物流瓶颈严重这一现实问题,遵从精益物流理论基础上,探求精益物流在江西光伏产业的构建思路,对提高江西省光伏产业的可持续发展能力具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Solar energy resources have many advantages such as unique renewability, global distribution safe and no pollution, etc.“High efficiency, low carbon, environmental protection”has become the new trend of global economic development. Photovoltaic industry development can not only effectively relieve the pressure that energy crisis brings, but also greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and the greenhouse effect. It will play a positive role in promoting environmental protection. Being rich in solar energy resources and silicon mineral reserves provides good conditions for the development of Jiangxi PV industryJiangxi PV industry has made outstanding achievements, realizing the great-leap-forward development beginning from 2005, has formed Xinyu city as primarily producer, and LDK Solar as core business. By the end of 2010, the province has been put into operation more than 60 scale above enterprises (contain trial-produce), and more than 50 construction projects. Bibcock enterprise stand out, LDK Solar, JKS, Jiangxi Sornid Hi-Tech, and Jiangxi Risun Solar four photovoltaic enterprises’value, wafer into the whole industry accounted for more than 60% of 2010, LDK Solar advocate business five income exceed 20 billion yuan, silicon capacity reached 3,000 megawatts, ranked China private 500 first 136; JKS limited 2010 advocate business five income breakthrough 80 billion yuan, the actual production capacity can reach wafers 700 mw, component 800 megawatts, and in May 2009, become successful in listing of Jiangxi second enterprise and the national tenth in the United States, Jiangxi Sornid Hi-Tech, Jiangxi Risun 2010 advocate business five income also break through 20 million yuan, tax turnover, super 3 billion.PV industry involves logistics activities in general raw material supply logistics, production internal logistics and external marketing logistics and recycling logistics. Photovoltaic industry logistics has many differences with other industries, such as light weight, small in size, high value, timeliness high, and high costs. Products demand by the world market influence is bigger.The current situation, the Midwest undeveloped areas with the developed areas in manufacturing enterprise manufacturing enterprise in production technology differences, and gradually reduce logistics cost, land cost, labor costs are becoming more and more important. In the aspect of theory in this paper is a new exploration; In practical applications, as Michael potter says: "no low technology industries, only low technology production industry", can not only help reduce logistics costs, improve the Jiangxi PV industry benefit, but also for the third party logistics enterprise provide broader market and create more jobs. It firstly introduces the PV industry development situation, careful analysis PV industry development situation. Then, according to the collection of Jiangxi PV industry related material, objectively analyses the development of Jiangxi PV industry. Finally, in micro on Jiangxi PV industry logistics bottleneck serious this problem, based on logistics theory compliance to lean lean logistics in Jiangxi, and to explore the photovoltaic industry of Jiangxi province, to improve the construct the ability of sustainable development in photovoltaic industry has important significance.

  • 【分类号】F426.6;F252
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】198
  • 攻读期成果

