

Production Processes Optimization and Relevance Analysis of Ningbo Beilun International Container Terminal

【作者】 李学仕

【导师】 周尔民; 何鑫;

【作者基本信息】 华东交通大学 , 物流工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 09年经济危机影响范围波及全球,在世界经济发展速度普遍放慢的环境下,我国作为发展中国家,面对一体化经济带来的冲击与影响,积极求变,从基础行业与新兴行业两方面做起,制定了全面产业振兴规划。物流作为一个服务性生产行业,自进入本世纪以来,被越来越多的企业和人群了解及重视;港口物流在进出口行业快速带动我国经济发展的同时,也在功能和管理上发生日新月异的进步,海岸资源得到进一步的开发与利用,整体上将形成一个包括辽宁沿海经济带、天津滨海新区、长三角地区、海峡西岸经济区、珠三角地区、广西北部湾经济区在内的广阔的岸线构图。浙江省位于我国东部沿海,陆域面积较其他内陆省份相对狭小,但其拥有26万平方公里的海域,拥有的海岛数量占全国四分之一,海岸线全国最长;宁波港地处长江入海口与岸线形成的衔接处,处于其南侧台州等沿海城市与苏沪地区的连接带。本文即是以宁波港北仑国际集装箱码头(NBCT)作为研究对象,选取港口物流过程中具有代表性的环节,运用灰色与模糊理论、运筹学混合整数规划理作为研究方法对选取的过程进行分析,在此基础上结合灰色关联理论对北仑港建设和宁波经济发展内在关联进行分析,为港口结合内部条件与外部环境制定综合性生产与规划策略提供参考。本文的大致结构为:首先,对物流和港口的研究现状进行概述,对相关的理论方法进行一定的总结。其次,对NBCT的业务吞吐量做出预测,并结合生产中的各个环节,分析其正反因果关系,为提高环节管理和突破提升业务量的瓶颈所在提供依据;第三,建立运筹学规划模型,以提高船时效率和节省堆场资源为目的,对码头堆场过程进行抽象和优化;最后,结合宁波市经济发展的特点,选取具有代表性的指标,阐述了港口与城市两者间的相互作用关系,为港口在未来一段时期内的发展提出可行性的建议。

【Abstract】 The economic crisis in 2009 affected the whole world, In the general environment that the world economic growth slow down, China as a developing country, positively pursue changes when facing the impact and influence of economic integration, environment, From basic industries and new industries to start both, Developed a comprehensive industry revitalization plan. Logistics as a service production industry, has been understood and valued by more and more enterprise and people since the beginning of this century; Port logistics make daily progresses on function and management when import and export trade promoting economic development of our country, coastal resources further exploited and utilized, will form a vast coastline composition including Liaoning Coastal Economic Zone, Tianjin Binhai New Area, Yangtze River Delta region, West Straight Economic Zone, Pearl River Delta region, Guangxi North Gulf Economic Zone on the whole.Zhejiang Province is located at the eastern coastal of our country, its land area is relatively narrow compared to other inland provinces, But it has 26 million square kilometers of sea area, The number of its island accounting for a quarter of total and it has the longest coastline in the country; The Port of Ninbo is located at the conjunction of estuary of Yangtze River and the coastline, connecting Taizhou etc coastal cities at its southern side and Su-hu Region together. This paper takes Ningbo Port Beilun International Container Terminal (NBCT) as the research objects, selecting representative connections in the process of logistics, utilizing gray and fuzzy theory, operation research mixed integer programming theory to analyze selected processes, on this basis so analyze intrinsic relevance between Beilun Terminal construction and Ninbo economic development combined with gray relevant theory, supporting references for Port to establish integrated production and planning strategy under the internal conditions and external environment. the general structure of this paper is:About all, summarizing the current research on logistics and port ,also including relative theory and method; Next, made a prediction of NBCT’s business throughput, integrating every connection in production processes, analyze its positive and negative Causal relationship, supporting foundation for raising process management and breakthrough bottlenecks of raising portfolio; Third, build OR programming model, for the purpose of improving efficiency of shiptime and save the ship yard, make abstraction and optimization in stocking process on the container yard; Last, Combining the characteristics of economic development in Ningbo City and Selecting sample of indicators, describes the interactions between port and city, give feasible recommendations for port developing in the next period of time

【关键词】 港口预测评价优化关联
【Key words】 portforecastevaluationoptimizerelevance

