

The Research and Application of Embedded Interface Design

【作者】 高捷

【导师】 甘岚;

【作者基本信息】 华东交通大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 人机交互界面的大量应用与普及使得界面设计技术迅速发展,并且越来越人性化。嵌入式人机界面设计作为界面设计的分支,既要满足一般界面设计要求,又要满足嵌入式环境对界面的特殊需求。随着微电子技术的发展和超大规模集成电路技术的成熟,嵌入式系统也在迅速发展,功能越来越强大。嵌入式系统凭借其体积小、功耗低、性价比高、便于携带等独特的优势在通讯、管理、医学、地震、气象、航空航天以及教育等领域发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。嵌入式图像处理系统是在嵌入式设备上实现的图像处理平台。其界面设计需要友好简洁,同时要考虑到图像处理程序功能的复杂性,比如要实现图像读取、移动、缩放和画图等功能。因此在操作系统上必须扩展文件系统模块,使之支持图像信息的存储,方便应用与开发。另外还要考虑硬件对交互界面的支持问题。随着嵌入式处理器性能的提升及专用图形加速芯片的出现,在嵌入式平台上实现快速且高质量的图像处理成为可能。根据界面设计的需要,合理选用处理器和相关芯片,可以让图像处理功能的实现变得越来越简单、程序运行速度越来越快。本文针对嵌入式图像处理系统界面设计做了如下工作:1)比较了Linux操作系统下MiniGUI、Qt/Embedded两种界面设计的差异,并与Windows CE操作系统下的界面设计做了比较。着重介绍了Windows CE、MiniGUI、Qt/Embedded系统下界面设计的配置、安装以及设计,完成界面设计要素的编程;2)将图像处理程序植入到界面设计的功能项中,使其具有可应用和可操作性;3)将图像处理程序移植到这三种不同操作系统环境下的硬件平台上,并比较了这几种系统所需要的硬件配置以及在移植时的难易程度的同时尽量优化和移植。4)比较不同界面设计方案对于图像处理程序运行速度和感官上的影响,并在原始系统上针对界面设计进行优化,提高图形处理速度。

【Abstract】 When the human-computer interface design appears massively, the technique of its interface design is also unceasing enhancement and popularization, and also more and more user-friendly. The embedded human-machine interface design was a branch of interface design. It not only may satisfy the interface design request, but also the special request of embedded environment.With the development of microelectronics technology and ultra large scale integrated circuit technologies mature, embedded system is growing rapidly and becoming more powerful. With its small size, low power consumption, cost-effective, easy to carry, and other unique advantages ,the embedded system is playing an increasingly important role in communication, management, medicine, seismology, meteorology, aerospace and education sectors.Embedded image processing system is implemented on the embedded device platform for image processing. It needs friendly and simple interface design, and should take into account the complexity of image processing, such as reading, moving, zoom and drawing functions. Therefore, the file system module should be extended on operating system .We should also consider supporting issue on the hardware interface. With the embedded processor performance increasing and the emergence of dedicated graphics acceleration chip, the embedded platform is possible for fast and high quality image processing. According to the needs of interface design, the realization of the image processing is becoming increasingly easier and runing faster.In this thesis, , we have done the following work 1) Comparing the differences between the two interface design of MiniGUI and Qt / Embedded in the Linux operating system. The main content is to introduce the installment and the design of interface design under Windows CE, MiniGUI, Qt/Embedded and complete the programming of interface design. 2) The application procedure of picture showing and loading is joined to the interface design to make it applicable and feasible; 3) The image processing program in three different environments is ported to the hardware platform, as this several interface designs need different hardware configurations, there is a need to optimize and transplant in comparing these types of system hardware configuration.4) Comparing different interface design for image processing speed and sensory effects ,as the original system is optimized for interface design to improve the graphics processing speed.


