

A Study of SDN-Agent Platform for Enterprise in Reverse Logistics

【作者】 廖瑞辉

【导师】 倪明;

【作者基本信息】 华东交通大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球经济的快速发展,人们对资源的循环再利用问题越来越重视,许多国家出台了针对逆向物流的相应政策和法规,以期加强资源的可循环再利用,由此也引起了众多企业对逆向物流领域的关注,很多企业开始了对逆向物流的建设。然而,不同层次的企业收到的效果各不相同,有的企业在构建逆向物流系统的时候,会出现建设资金投入多但效果并不理想的状况,其原因可能有两方面:一是在建设的初级阶段,缺乏对逆向物流的整体规划;二是企业在实施逆向物流系统的过程当中,缺乏与相关企业之间的合作,并没有从逆向物流的整体合作共赢角度进行构建。所以,本研究以逆向物流中所涉及的各参与企业为研究对象,对供需网企业之间的逆向物流合作平台如何构建进行了分析研究,主要的研究内容分为如下三个部分。第一部分:由第一、二章内容组成。分析了逆向物流的产生背景,从多个角度对国内外学者就企业在逆向物流中的相关合作研究文献进行了回顾和总结,给出了本文的研究意义和创新之处。同时,对我国逆向物流存在的问题进行了总结,概述了SDN理论、Multi-agent理论和SDN-Agent理论,并对SDN-Agent理论的创新点给予了分析。第二部分:由第三、四、五章内容组成。首先,对逆向物流SDN-Agent合作平台的需求进行了分析。从节点信息需求、市场信息需求和平台功能需求三个角度,并进一步细分层次,对逆向物流SDN-Agent合作平台的相关需求进行了深入剖析;其次,对逆向物流SDN-Agent平台的框架、节点、功能和协商模式进行了设计,并对逆向物流的各个节点SDN-Agent之间的协同过程进行了分析;最后,借助JACK仿真软件,对逆向物流SDN-Agent平台进行仿真实现,模拟了逆向物流协同合作相关功能。第三部分:总结与展望。对全文进行了总结,并对本文研究的不足之处进行了归纳。本文研究的创新之处,是对企业在实施逆向物流时的合作问题进行了研究,并从企业实施逆向物流时对合作平台的信息需求出发,基于AUML构建了合作平台的交互模型,以及对合作平台功能进行仿真等几个方面对逆向物流的相关问题进行了较为深入的分析,希望能为企业、学者对逆向物流领域的认识和研究提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of global economy, people now pay more and more attention to the recycling problems of resources. In order to reduce the waste of nonrenewable resource, many countries carry out corresponding policies and regulations to strengthen reverse logistics management, which also attracts many enterprises to concern the area of reverse logistics, and many of them have began to construct reverse logistics system at different levels. However, some enterprises may have problems that the result can not reach the expectation of investment when they implement the reverse logistics system. The reasons may have two aspects: one of the aspects is lacking of systematic planning in the early reverse logistics system building, another aspect is lacking of cooperation with relating enterprises in operating reverse logistics system, the enterprises didn’t implement the system in terms of whole win-win cooperation. Thus, this study tacks the enterprises which participate in the reverse logistics as research object, and takes account to the study of how to structure cooperation platform for SDN enterprises in reverse logistics. The main research contents are as follows.The first part includes chapter I and chapter II. Firstly, introduces the background of reverse logistics and reviews the relating research about the reverse logistics cooperation at domestic and abroad, the major significance and innovation. Secondly, summarizes the reverse logistics problems recently in China ,then gives introduction about SDN theory and Multi-agent theory, gives some analysis of innovation of SDN-Agent theory finally.The second part includes chapter III, chapter IV and chapter V. Firstly, analysis the requirement of SDN-Agent platform for reverses logistics, from three approaches: enterprises requirement, market requirement and functional requirement. Secondly, designs the function framework of main SDN-Agent, and takes research about the reverse logistics concerted process among in SDN-Agent nodes. Lastly, simulates the function of SDN-Agent platform by using JACK software programming, then achieves the simulation result of reverse logistics cooperation and correlating function.The third part includes Chapter VI, summary and outlook. The shortcomings of this paper have been pointed out on the basis of summary of the whole contain.The innovations of this paper are as follows: in-depth study on the cooperation problem of reverse logistics recently, the information requirement when enterprises carry out reverse logistics, the interaction model of SDN-Agent platform which makes up with AUML, simulation of SDN-Agent platform function, etc. We expect this paper could provide some reference for enterprises to implement reverse logistics system.


