

Study on Effect of Fertilization on Jujube Growth and Yield in Northern Shannxi under Different Water Management

【作者】 杨阳

【导师】 徐福利;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(教育部水土保持与生态环境研究中心) , 生态学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验采用田间试验,应用裂区设计,主处理设置了坡地滴灌、秸秆覆盖保墒和鱼鳞坑保墒三种节水措施,副处理采用三因素最优D饱和设计,设置了10个施肥处理,施肥因素包括N、P、K三种元素,研究三种不同节水措施下连续两年施肥对山地枣树生长,产量变化,施肥效果及土壤肥力的影响。得到主要研究结果如下:(1)分析三种不同保墒措施下枣树长势,得出单施钾肥更有利于枣树新枝生长,滴灌下新枝生长量值达到17.59cm;在秸秆覆盖下,新枝生长量达11.94cm,在鱼鳞坑保墒下,其值也可达9.87cm。不同措施下新枝生长量大小比较:滴灌>秸秆覆盖>鱼鳞坑保墒。与其它施肥处理相比,滴灌条件下N3P3K1处理枣树叶片相对叶绿素含量与地经增长量最大,分别为26.55mg/g和1.4cm,远高于秸秆覆盖和鱼鳞坑保墒条件下数值。(2)施肥有明显的增产效应,不同施肥处理枣树产量不同。2009年三种保墒措施下单施K肥枣树坐果率都明显提高,其中滴灌下坐果率提高最高可以达到12.8%,不同保墒措施下红枣坐果率大小顺序为:山地滴灌>秸秆覆盖>鱼鳞坑保墒。2010年,滴灌条件下N2P2处理枣树坐果率最高,为14.29%,而单施K肥坐果率同比2009年下降25.14%。连续两年三种保墒措施下N1P3K3处理产量最高,净收益最大,其中2010年山地滴灌条件下枣树产量为21026.8kg/hm2,净收入为415724元/hm2;秸秆覆盖条件下则为17984.8kg/hm2,净收入为350975.5元/hm2;鱼鳞坑条件枣果产量为1335.1kg/hm2,净收入为257981.5元/hm2,远低于山地滴灌和秸秆覆盖条件下枣树产量和净收益。(3)单施氮、磷、钾肥处理中,连续两年不同保墒措施下每公斤肥料增产量大小顺序一致,都是K>N>P,说明钾和氮是影响黄土高原山地枣树产量的重要因素,尤其应注意在山地枣园施用钾肥。NPK配施能够增加肥料的贡献率,不同保墒措施下肥料贡献率不同,不同降雨年型对肥料贡献率也有影响。2009年N1P3K3处理滴灌条件下肥料贡献率率为24.38%,秸秆覆盖条件下为55.69%,鱼鳞坑条件下则为47.56%。而2010年秸秆覆盖保墒下N1P3K3肥料贡献率最高,为59.36%,分别是同一处理滴灌和鱼鳞坑条件下的2.73倍和1.25倍,表明一定程度的干旱时,合理的使用肥料可以较好的调节土壤中的水分含量,维持增加枣果产量,真正起到以肥调水的作用。(4)施肥可以提高山地枣园土壤养分含量,培肥土壤。试验结果表明,单施氮、磷、钾处理中,P3处理有机质含量最高,0-20cm土层为8.03g/kg,单施N肥全氮和速效磷含量最高,分别为0.80g/kg和20.78mg/kg,单施K可以提高土壤速效钾含量,达到了398.35mg/kg。氮磷钾肥配施中,N1P3K3处理培肥效果最好,有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾含量分别15.16g/kg、0.93g/kg、45.02mg/kg和763.77mg/kg。连续施氮肥使土壤中硝态氮含量增加,并在土壤剖面出现20-60cm硝态氮富集,合理配施磷钾肥有利于减少硝态氮累积,提高肥料施用效果。不同施肥处理间土壤铵态氮含量变化差异不大,在土壤剖面0-60cm土层分布较均匀。(5)依据因素间交互作用可以得出在不同节水措施下缺素对产量的影响。山地滴灌模式下缺K产量最高,其次为缺N,最后为缺P。秸秆覆盖模式下,缺N产量最高,其次为缺P,最后为缺K。在鱼鳞坑模式下缺N产量最高,其次为缺P,最后为缺K。(6)建立了不同水分条件下施肥对山地红枣产量的数学回归模型。提出了不同水分条件下,红枣产量的N、P、K肥的最优施肥量和施肥方式。在山地滴灌模式下红枣目标产量在1800025000 kg/hm2之间的N、P、K优化施肥方案:施N肥用量为829.951367.85kg/hm2,施P2O5用量为1706.12859.45 kg/hm2,施K2O用量为447.15580.8 kg/hm2。在秸秆覆盖模式下红枣目标产量在1500018000 kg/hm2之间的N、P、K优化施肥方案:施N肥用量为131.341148.4kg/hm2,施P2O5用量为7593031.05 kg/hm2,施K2O用量为724.35805.2kg/hm2。在山地鱼鳞坑模式下红枣目标产量在1200015000 kg/hm2之间的N、P、K优化施肥方案:施N肥用量为679.81181.4kg/hm2,施P2O5用量为826.652222.55 kg/hm2,施K2O用量为333.3722.7kg/hm2

【Abstract】 Adopt three elements of optimality D saturation design, moisture in the ranking areais set up 3 modes, which are drop irrigation in mountain region; soil moisturepreservation by covering with straw and the mountain soil moisture preserved infish-scale pit. Three nutritional elements are included in handling fertilizing, namely N, Pand K. After two years studying the relationship of the fertilizer efficiency, the growthand yield change of jujube and soil nutrient content under different modes of dropirrigation in mountain region, soil moisture covered by straw and mountain preservingsoil moisture in fish-scale pit, we can see the result shows:(1) Under different soil moisture in different growing period of jujube in mountainregions, K3 treatment is berrer for the growth rate of new shoots.It reached 17.59cm,11.94cm and 9.87cm respectively in drop irrigation ,straw mulching and fish-scale pitconditions.The order of three soil moisture on new branch growth is:dropirrigation>straw mulching>fish-scale pit.Comparing with other treatments,thechlorophyll content and diameter expanding of N3P3K1 treatment is the biggest underdrop irrigation condition far above the numeric value under strae mulching and fish-scalepit condtions witch reached 26.55mg/g and 1.4cm.(2)Fertilization significantly increased the jujube yield and the effect is differentwith different fertilizer. In the year 2009,K3 treatment is better for the fruit-bearing rate inthe three saving water measures and the highest fruit-bearing rate reached 12.8% onmountain drop irrigation.The order of different soil moisture on fruit-bearing rate is :dropirrigation>straw mulching>fish-scale pit. In the year 2010,the highest fruit-bearing ratewas obtained by N2P2 treatment while that of K3 decreased by 25.14% compared to thefruit-bearing rate of 2009 under the condition of mountain drop irrigation. After twoyears fertilization ,the yield of jujube in N1P3K3 treatment is the highest among the threewater saving measures. In the year of 2010, , the yield of jujube can reached21026.8kg/hm2 under mountain drop irrigation and net income is 415724yuan/hm2;Under mountain straw much condition,the yield of jujube reached 17984.8kg/hm2 and netincome is 350975.5yuan/hm2;The yield of jujube under fish-scale pit is lower than thetwo other conditions which reached 1335.1kg/hm2 and the net income is257981.5yuan/hm2.(3) After two years fertilization treatment with the single use of N,P,K,the output ofyield per unit fertilizer has the same trend under three soil moisture:K>N>P. The resultsobtained indicated that N and K are the major factors affecting the jujube yield on loessplateau,especially the application of K fertilizer on hillside jujube farm.The combinationof NPK can increase the fertilizer contribution rate significantly and the effect ofdifferent soil moisture and years also has a difference. In the year 2009,the contributionrate of N1P3K3 treatment reached 24.38%,55.69% and 47.56% respectively under dropirrigation,straw mulching and fish-scale pit condtions.While in the year 2010,the highestcontribution rate is 59.36%.It was obtained by N1P3K3 treatment under straw mulchingcondion which is 2.73 and 1.25 times than that under drop irrigation and fish-scale pitcondition. The results showed that the conservative use of fertilizer can improve thejujube yild by regulating the water content of soil in a certain degree of drought.(4) Fertilization can improve soil nutrient content and soil fertility.The resultsshowed that with the single use of N,P,K fertilizers,soil organic matter of P3 treatment isthe highest and reached 8.03g/kg in 0-20 cm layer;N3 treatment achieved goog results ontotal N and available P content by reaching 0.80g/kg and 20.78mg/kg respectively;Soilabailable K content was obtained to 398.35mg/kg by using single K fertilizer. The effectof NPK fertilizer combination was the most obvious.Soil organic matter,total Ncontent,available P and avalibale K in N1P3K3 treatment reached15.16g/kg.0.93g/kg.45.02mg/kg and 763.77mg/kg respectively compared to CKtreatment.After two years,the NO3-N accumulation content increased significantly andmainly stroed in the layer of 20-60cm.Applying with P and K fertilizer can reduce theaccumulation of NO3-N.There is no difference of NH4-N content between differentfertilized treatment and it was equally disreibuted from 0-60cm layer.(5) Based on the factors interaction ,we can find the effects of poor nourishment insoil on jujube yield under different soil moisture.Under the drop irrigationcondition,lacking of K has the biggest jujube yield. Lacking of N is on the second placeand lacking of P is the third.On the condition of straw mulching,the jujube yield oflacking N is the greatest and secondly is lacking of P.Lacking of K is the nect.Thesituation under fish-scale pit has the same trend as that in straw mulching condition. (6) Established mathematical regression model of different fertilization applying forjujube yield under different moisture conditon, and received the optimum N、P、Kfertilization for jujube yield under different moisture condition. Under the mountain dropirrigation,the optimum rates of N,P,K fertilizer for realizing the yield goat of1800025000kg/hm2isN :829.951367.85kg/hm2,P2O5:1706.12859.45kg/hm2,K2O:447.15480.8kg/hm2; Under the straw mulch condition, the optimum rates of N,P,K fertilizerfor realizing the yield goat of 1500018000kg/hm2 is N:131.341148.4kg/hm2,P2O5:7593031.05kg/hm2, K2O:724.35805.24kg/hm2; Under the mountain fish-scale pit,the optimum rates of N,P,K fertilizer for realizing the yield goat of 1200015000kg/hm2is N: 679.81181.4 kg/hm2, P2O5: 826.652222.55 kg/hm2, K2O: 333.3722.7 kg/hm2.

【关键词】 土壤肥力保墒产量施肥模式红枣
【Key words】 soil fertilitypreserve soil moistureyieldfertilizing modeljujube

