

Study on the Automatic Production Line of Angle-inserting Resistance Spot Welding

【作者】 胡伟

【导师】 关玉明;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 机械工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界性能源危机的爆发,各国政府对能源的利用越来越重视,墙体节能做为建筑节能的重要组成部分也受到了广泛的关注。钢丝网架聚苯板外墙保温材料具有保温性能好、易装修、施工简单快捷、周期短、节能效果显著等优点,是目前被广泛推广的建筑墙体保温材料之一。由于其生产设备存在工艺落后、控制单一、设备结构不合理、生产效率低下、漏焊率高等问题,导致产品难以满足市场需求。本课题以钢丝网架聚苯板的生产设备——斜插阻焊机为研究对象,在对国内外同类产品调研的基础上对生产工艺进行了细分,运用系统化设计法,把整体功能划分为牵引机构,矫直机构、斜插丝机构、断丝机构、焊接机构等几个相互耦合关系的功能模块,各个模块都有独立的驱动系统,使得各功能模块之间能按排定的工艺流程有序的工作,协同完成预定的功能,大大简化了机械结构的设计。然后在此基础上结合各个功能模块的功能进行了必要的数学分析和相关的结构设计。其次,本论文对电阻点焊熔核形成过程的温度场进行模拟,通过提供必要的控制方程和边界条件,对焊接周期的不同阶段的温度分布进行了模拟。为了得到不同材料的焊接参数,可通过修改模型中焊接参数模拟获得,而不需要进行大量的物理实验,大大节约了成本,并为以后的焊接标准的制定提供参考。最后,本论文就如何对产品的质量进行控制做了介绍。从生产工艺、原材料、生产设备等方面分析了产生质量问题的原因,在这些分析基础上提出了产品质量控制方案。

【Abstract】 Along with the global energy crisis,more and more attention have given to the energy utilization. As an important part of building energy saving,energy saving walls received extensive attention. Polystyrene steel wire mesh frame of exterior insulation materials which have good insulation performance,easy to decorate, simple and quick construction ,remarkable energy-saving,is widely promoted as one of the building wall insulation materials. Because the present equipment existing backward technology, single control, unreasonable equipment structure, low production efficiency, high leakage welding rate problems, which lead to the products can not meet market demand.Based on the extansive investigation and research,this thesis analyzed and studied the current resistance spot welding machine for polystyrene steel wire mesh frame.New automatic angle-inserting resistance spot welding machinc which is made up of pull unit,straightening uint, sheets-feeder unit,sheet cutting unit and welding unit is researched and designed. The equipment is developed by using the modular design method. Each modules have gotten independent drive system, so every function modules can work as prescribed technics procedure, then cooperate and accomplish the predetermined function.The structure of mechanical is greatly simplified.Secondly,an invremental and coupled thermal-electro-mechanical finite element model is presented for predicting temperture distribution.By providing the necessary information and boundary conditions,simulations were preformed for different stages of welding cycle.The results provide information on the development of the weld nugget and thus predict the welding quality prior to the actual welding process.The input parameters to the model can bu adjusted to give differert size of the weld nugget.As a result ,optimum setting of the welding parameters for the desired quality and different materials of the workpiece can be obtanined through simulations,without performing large number of physical experiments.Finally, the necessity of the product quality control is discussed in this paper.The reasons of quality problem have been researed and analyed from the production technology, raw material, production equipment ,then a scheme of controlling quality is propounded.


