

Study on Parameterized Design and Numerical Assembly of Dedicated Computers

【作者】 申兵兵

【导师】 李世杰;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 机械工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 不同类型的专用计算机中,所用到的绝大多数零部件是能够通用和互换的,而那些有所改变的零部件在结构和尺寸上也颇为相似。因此根据其功能不同,将专用计算机中的零件分为各种模块,把有所改变的零件进行参数化设计。建立零件库,在设计新机型的时候进行调用,可以缩短设计周期、减少工作量、提高设计效率。本文利用模块化设计的思想和基于特征建模的方法,通过Pro/E软件构建专用计算机的三维实体模型;并利用Pro/E系统开发工具包Pro/Toolkit和Visual C++ 6.0编程语言对Pro/E进行二次开发,编写Pro/Toolkit用户应用程序,创建用户自定义菜单和用户对话框,通过对零件模型的调用和参数的传递,实现专用计算机机箱零部件的参数化设计。Pro/E具有强大的装配功能。通过拆卸法求解装配顺序,并按照装配原则规划装配路径,将专用计算机机箱的零部件装配成机箱的整体模型。预装配完成之后,对机箱零部件进行装配干涉检测;最终通过装配仿真,在计算机上模拟产品的实际装配过程,检验装配顺序和装配路径是否合理,并将存在的问题反馈给设计人员,进行改进。专用计算机的使用环境比普通计算机的使用环境要更加恶劣,所以需要对专用计算机的温度场分布进行仿真,从而验证所设计的机箱能否满足设计要求。通过Pro/E和ANSYS的接口模块,将建立的Pro/E三维模型导入到ANSYS分析软件中;通过选择网格单元、设置材料特性参数、划分网格、施加载荷和边界条件、后处理等操作,得到机箱整体和关键部件的温度分布云图。通过与试验结果的比较,验证采用ANSYS软件进行热学仿真的可行性。

【Abstract】 In the different types of dedicated computers,most majority of the components are versatileand interchangeable, and those varying components are quite similar in structure and size.Therefore, parts of dedicated computers can be classified into various modules by their differentfunctions, and the varying components can be parameterized. Establish a unitstore, quote thecomponents when designing new type computers, which can shorten the design cycle, reduceworkload and improve design efficiency.By imposing modular design ideas and feature-based modeling method, thethree-dimensional solid models of dedicated computers are built with Pro/E software. Carry outthe secondary development of Pro/E with Pro/Toolkit(the development tool of Pro/E system)andVisual C++ 6.0 programming language. Compile the Pro/Toolkit user applications, createuser-defined menus and user dialogs, realize the parametric design of components of dedicatedcomputers chassis, through quoting the part models and of transferring the parameters.Pro/E possess a strong function of assembly. Find the assembly order by remove law, layoutthe assembly path in accordance with the assembly principles, and then assemble thecomponents of dedicated computer chassis into overall model. After completing the preassembly,check the interference of the chassis parts. Finally simulate the actual assembly process of theproduct on computer by assembly simulation, check the rationality of assembly sequence andassembly path, feedback the problems to the designers and correcte it.The operating environment of dedicated computers is more severe than that of regularcomputers, so we have to simulate the temperature field of dedicated computers, which verifieswhether the designed chassis can meet the design requirements. Importing the established Pro/Ethree-dimensional model into ANSYS analysis software Through the interface module betweenPro/E and ANSYS, by selecting the grid cell, setting the parameters of material properties,dividing grids, imposing load and boundary conditions, post-processing and other operations, getthe temperature contours of the holistic chassis and the key components. By comparison with theexperimental results, verify the feasibility of thermal simulation with ANSYS software.

  • 【分类号】TP391.72
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】35

