

Research and Application of Videoanalasis on Bus Passenger Flow Counting

【作者】 王伟东

【导师】 顾军华;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 客流量的自动统计是智能公共交通系统的重要组成部分,通过实时获得各个站点的上下车人数,可以分析得出客流在线路、方向、数量等方面的分布规律,为公共交通工具的所有者和管理者提供可靠的数据支持,从而提高系统的运行效率,有效缓解日益沉重的交通负担。针对国内公共交通环境,总结了现有的几种客流量自动统计的实现方法,对比了几种方法的优缺点,考虑到客流信息的完整性是获得高准确率的前提,选择视频分析法作为研究内容。以“俯视”角度录制的乘客上下车视频作为实验数据,针对每一帧图像,首先进行平滑、去噪等预处理,然后针对目标在不同方面的特征,尝试采用改进的Hough变换、区域生长法、背景减除法三种方法分别进行乘客目标的分割,之后再对相邻两帧图像的目标进行匹配、识别,从而实现各个乘客的跟踪、统计。为简化情况验证算法的优劣,以自行录制的行人进出视频来模拟公交客流的上下车、目标拥挤、静止等情况,通过大量的实验结果表明视频分析法相对其他的几种统计方法能达到更高的准确率,尤其在人多拥挤的情况下,其他几种方法往往因为遮挡不能获得足够完整的目标信息。同时可以看出目标的有效分割是提高视频统计准确率的关键,其中的Hough变换对目标形状有“近似圆形”的要求,区域生长法要求目标的灰度值集中在较小的范围,而背景减除法对目标的要求很少,并且通过改进混合高斯背景模型取得了较好的效果。

【Abstract】 Auto passenger count system is an important part of APTS(Advanced Public Transportation Systems), which can in real time get the count of people getting on or getting off at every bus stop, and then conclude the passenger flow’s distributing rules for lines, directions, amount etc. It provides reliable data support for the owner and manager of public transports, so they can improve the efficiency of system, effectively lower the burden of public traffic.In view of the conditions of civil public transport, summarized the existing ways of auto passenger counting, contrasted their advantages and disadvantages. Considering the integrity of passenger flow information is premise of improving accuracy, chose video analysis as study subject. Videos recorded by a vertical camera are experimental data. Every frame was first pretreated by smoothing noise, then according to the different characteristics of objects, tried to segment the objects using Hough-transform, region-growing, and background-subtraction respectively, next, matched and recognized every object in two adjacent frames, finally implemented the tacking and statistics of every passenger.In order to contrast different methods, simplified the conditions by recording videos of walker follow to simulate getting-on, getting-off, crowd and stillness of the bus passenger flow. Many experiments showed that video analysis provides passenger flow counting with higher accuracy, especially in the rush-hour, other ways often can not get complete information. On the other hand, effective segmentation of objects is crucial to improve accuracy of counting. Hough-transform is used to detect objects like a circle; region-growing needs objects’gray value to be in narrow limits; background-subtraction is not strict with objects and achieved good results by improving Gauss background model.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】129

