

Evasion and Strategies to the Sports Safety Issues in Primary Schools

【作者】 龚静

【导师】 申伟华;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本研究旨在培养学生的安全责任感,使学生逐步形成“珍爱生命,安全第一,遵纪守法,和谐共处”的安全意识,掌握必要的安全行为的知识和技能,具备自救自护的素养和能力,并养成对日常生活和突发安全事件的正确应对的习惯,最大限度地预防和减少学校体育安全问题,从而保障中小学生健康成长。本研究以益阳市小学体育安全问题为研究对象,就益阳市的10所小学的200名学生与10名体育教师作为调查样本,每所学校发放学生问卷20份,教师问卷1份。根据本研究的实际需要分别设计制定了《益阳市小学体育安全问题的研究与应对策略--体育教师问卷调查表》、《益阳市小学体育安全问题的研究与应对策略--学生问卷调查表》。问卷调查表的思路是按照小学体育安全问题发生的时间顺序来进行设计的。主要分为发生小学体育安全事故前、发生小学体育安全事故中以及发生小学体育安全事故后。运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,对小学体育的安全问题过程中的人、物和事进行了全面的研究。研究发现,小学体育安全问题研究在我国存在着研究热情不高、对研究的重要性缺乏应有的认识;研究范畴不清晰,本质与涵义不明确;研究方法单一,缺乏科学性等问题。本研究通过对问卷调查得知:在走访的十所学校中,90%的体育教师认为,家长和教师的体育安全意识越来越强,但具体的法规政策与处理办法方面都还存在很多漏洞与不足。针对这一现状,深入探讨了促进小学体育安全,健康发展的基本对策,具体包括发生小学体育安全问题的事前防范、发生小学体育安全问题中的应急处理、发生小学体育安全问题后的处理方法。为更好的开展学校体育,可提供参考

【Abstract】 This study aims to develop students’ responsibility of safety, in order for students to: gradually form the safety consciousness of "Cherish life, safety first, law-abiding, harmonious coexistence”in mind; to have necessary knowledge and skills of safety behavior; to be qualified and capable of self-aiding and self-protecting; to form the habit of correctly responding to daily-life issues and safety emergencies; to maximize the prevention and reduction of school safety issues; thus to guarantee primary and secondary school students growing healthily.The object of the research is the sports safety issues in primary schools. 200 students and 10 P.E. teachers were chosen from 10 primary schools in Yiyang City as survey examples, each school having 20 questionnaires for students and 1 for teachers. According to the actual needs of the study we have designed the questionnaires: Research and Strategies to the Sports Safety Issues in Primary Schools - Questionnaires for P.E. Teachers, and Research and Strategies to the Sports Safety Issues in Primary Schools - Questionnaires for Students. The questionnaires were designed in consider of the chronological order of sports safety issues happening in primary schools. It was mainly divided into three parts - before, during and after sports safety issues happen in primary schools.The comprehensive study was done with the methods of literature referring, surveys, mathematical statistics and other research methods, especially to the people, stuff and things that are involved in safety issues that happen in sports activities among primary schools. It is found in the study that there were many problems in the research to sports safety issues in primary schools. Such as lack of researching enthusiasm and importance recognition to the research, unclearly defined research scope, unclearly defined essence implications, and inadequate of science.Through the questionnaires in the study, it is learned that, among the schools that were visited, 90% of the P.E. teachers believed that parents and teachers were becoming more and more conscious of sports safety, but there are still many loopholes and deficiencies in specific laws, policies and treatment. In response to this situation, we have a further discussion about the basic strategies to promote the healthy development of primary school sports safety, specifically including prior prevention before sports safety issues in primary schools happen, emergency response to sports safety issues in primary schools happening, and treatment methods after sports safety issues in primary schools happened, carrying out further reference for better physical education in primary schools.


