

A Comprehensive Study on the Interest of Politics

【作者】 肖何

【导师】 黄仁国; 肖梦强;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是对如何增强高中思想政治课教学趣味性问题的阐释。在课堂教学中,增强教学趣味性,提高学生学习兴趣,是取得良好的教学效果,提高教学质量的重要手段。高中思想政治课主要是用马列主义、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论教育学生,对培养学生的世界观、人生观、价值观起着不可替代的作用,肩负着培养社会主义的建设者和接班人的重任。思想政治课是一门学科,既具有“学科”的各种特点和要素,又与其他学科有明显区别,是以德育为首位的学科,是将教书与育人融为一体的学科,高中阶段的思想政治课科学性和思想性比较突出,趣味性相对缺乏。所以,增强思想政治课的吸引力,就必须要增强思想政治课的趣味性,将科学性、思想性与趣味性相结合,从内容上、过程中、形式上改变目前高中思想政治课教学中存在的不足。现阶段学生成长的外部环境和心理特点都发生了很大的变化,随着新课程改革的深入发展,如何加强高中思想政治课的趣味性,提高学生的学习积极性,从而进一步加强思想政治教育的实效性,就成为政治教师必须关注的一个问题。对高中思想政治课教学趣味性的研究,本文主要采用如下的思路:首先,在调研的基础上,发现目前高中思想政治课教学仍然存在趣味性不足的问题,主要体现在内容、形式、过程三个方面的无趣;其次,从理论教学与实践教学的结合尚在探索、专业知识更新与教学技能提升难以兼顾、应试教育与兴趣培养视为平行三个方面重点分析高中思想政治课趣味性不足的原因;最后,提出加强高中思想政治课趣味性的有效途径:转变观念是前提,改革教师评价制度是加强高中思想政治课趣味性的有效办法,教师素质的培养是加强高中思想政治课趣味性的基本途径,创设趣味课堂的对策是加强高中思想政治课趣味性的必要途径,加强课堂以及课后师生间的交流也是增强思想政治课趣味性的一个重要手段。

【Abstract】 This thesis aims to make a complete interpretation concerning how to strengthen the interest in the Politics. As for classroom teaching, to strengthen the teaching interest and to raise the interest of students are essential methods, which contribute to achieving satisfactory teaching effect and improving teaching quality.Politics in the high school is aimed at educating the students mainly through Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and the theory of building socialism with Chinese Characteristics. It plays an irreplaceable role in cultivating students in respect to the world outlook, the outlook on life as well as the outlook on value. Meanwhile, this course concentrates on the mission of bringing up the builders and successors of socialism. Politics not only has features and elements of a subject, it also has some obvious differences compared with the others. It is the one which puts the moral education at the first place and integrates teaching and nurturing as a whole. This determines its content focuses on the scientificness and thoughtfulness while its interest is relatively insufficient. Therefore, in order to make it more attractive, it has become a must to strengthen its own interest, make a perfect combination of the three aspects mentioned above and correct its deficiencies from its content, teaching process as well as teaching approaches.At present, a big change has taken place in students’external environment and psychological characteristics. Along with the development of new curriculum reform, how to strengthen the interest of politics, raise their study enthusiasm, and intensify the effectiveness of the ideological and political education has become an issue that political teachers must pay close attention to.This thesis conducts the research about the interest of politics as follow: first, on the basis of investigation, it is found that the current ideology and politics teaching in high school is still lack of interest, mainly in the content, teaching approaches and teaching process; Secondly, it makes a comprehensive analysis on the reasons why ideology and politics education seems to be boring from the following three angles: the quality of teachers, the deviation of awareness, the features of politics in high school. Finally, it points out the effective methods to strengthen the interest of politics. It is demonstrated that the change of ideas is the premise and the reform of evaluation system is an important approach to strengthen the interest of politics. Moreover, the improvement of teachers’quality is the fundamental method to make the politics more interesting. At the same time, the design of teaching context is the necessary one and the mutual communication between teachers and students in or after class is another important method.

【关键词】 高中思想政治课趣味性
【Key words】 Senior high schoolPoliticsInterest
  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】272

