

Mine Water Hazard Monitoring and Warning Technology and Its Applications

【作者】 李凯

【导师】 黄采伦;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 矿区水害是矿产资源开采中常见的一种灾害,在地方小矿这类事故较多,危害很大,一旦发生事故,往往具有突发性和极大的危害性,不仅影响生产,造成经济损失,而且易发生重大伤亡事故;因此,煤矿开采中最重要的地质任务是探测采区内小构造的分布及其含(导)水性。对煤矿水害的监测预警工作,目前主要的勘测方法有两种:物探、钻探。钻探是用机械的方法对地下进行钻孔,这种方法在以前的勘测中普遍使用,它的成本很高,而且受地质条件的限制,部分情况下对技术的要求很高。物探是地球物理勘探的简称。主要通过物理的原理来进行勘探,主要研究岩石的不同密度、磁性等物理差异来进行研究,通过分析这些差异获取相应的物探资料,推断出探测区域内的地质构造情况。它较钻探而言比较经济,而且时间周期相对较短,它的使用前景越来越受到关注。论文应用地下磁流体探测技术实现对煤矿水害监测,在地表通过探针接收来至地球内部的地下磁流体的电磁波信号,经探测电缆到地下磁流体探测仪,由探测仪提取特征信息并送上位机综合分析得出探测结果。实际应用表明:地下磁流体探测技术是一种有效的矿区水害防治新方法。论文的主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:(1)介绍了煤矿水害的分类及特点,分析并研究了煤矿水害形成的模式和机理,在此基础上提出煤矿涌水量的预测预算方法。(2)在分析传统煤矿水害监测方法局限性的基础上,针对煤矿水害的形成机理和特点,结合地下磁流体探测方法的基本原理,研究并提出了基于地下磁流体探测技术的矿区导水断层、老空水、地下岩溶裂隙或巷道等的定性、定量探测方法。(3)实验论证。通过在贵州省水城矿业(集团)有限责任公司的多个煤矿、其他矿区的煤矿或非煤矿进行了实际试验和应用,验证论文提出探测方法的可靠性和可行性。

【Abstract】 The water disaster is a common form of mining disasters in the mining of mineral resources,,and more common in the small local mines.The water disaster causing great harm in the event of accidents, often with sudden and great harm not only affect production and also resulting in economic losses and prone to heavy casualties. Therefore, the most important coal mining geology mining task is to detect the distribution of small geology structures and water in the mining’s region. The monitoring of coal mine water disaster early warning, the main investigation in two ways: geophysical and drilling. Drilling is the method of mechanical underground drilling, this method commonly used in the previous survey, it is costly, but also by the geological conditions, some cases are very demanding of technology. Is short for geophysical exploration geophysics. Primarily through the exploration of physical principles to the main study rocks of different densities, magnetic and other physical differences to study these differences by analyzing the corresponding geophysical data obtained, it concluded that detection of geological conditions within the region. It is more economical in terms of more drilling, and the relatively short period of time, prospects for its use more and more attention.In this paper the magnetic fluid detection technology has been applyied to the coal mine’s undergroundwater hazards monitoring.Through the probe installed on the surface to the earth, the electromagnetic signal generated by the underground magnetic fluid inside the mining has been received. The signal transferred to the detection instrument from the detection cable. Through the analysis sofeware,we can extract the feature information from the detection signal. And the detection result was comprehensive alalysised and been concluded. The application shows that: underground magnetic fluid detection technology is an effective new method of mine water hazard control. The main research contents include the following:(1) Describes the classification of coal mines and features water hazards, analyze and study the formation of coal mine water disaster mode and mechanism of coal on the basis proposed method of prediction of water inflow budget.(2) Analysis of the traditional coal mine water disaster monitoring methods limitations, based on the coal mine water damage formation mechanism and characteristics, combined with underground magnetic fluid detection method of the basic principles of research and put forward the underground magnetic fluid detection in Mining conductivity fault. The old empty water tunnel and other underground karst fissures or the qualitative and quantitative detection method was been concluded.(3) Experimental demonstration. Watertown by Guizhou Province Mining (Group) Co., Ltd. of multiple coal mines, coal or other coal mining carried out practical experiments and applications, verify the reliability of the method proposed and the feasibility of detection.


