

Study of Mining Technology on Thin Low Loss and High Efficiency for Steep Extra-narrow Veins in Banxi Antimony Ore

【作者】 郑剑洪

【导师】 谷新建;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 板溪锑矿原采用硐室取石充填采矿法回采矿石,采场生产能力小、采矿效率低、采矿贫化大、采矿成本高,且劳动强度大,需寻求适应板溪锑矿急倾斜极薄矿脉安全、高效、低成本、低贫损开采的新方法、新技术。论文针对板溪锑矿矿床地质和开采技术条件,结合“因矿生法、因矿创法”理念,运用理论分析、数值计算、现场工业试验等方法和手段,提出板溪锑矿急倾斜极薄矿脉低贫损高效采矿技术。(1)提出“上向倾斜分层似自流废石充填采矿法”、“横撑支柱电耙留矿采矿法”和“削壁充填采矿法”等方案,通过比较各方案工艺技术、经济效益等指标,结合模糊数学理论综合评判后,确定“上向倾斜分层似自流废石充填采矿法”为最优采矿方法。(2)结合板溪锑矿实际,在“上向倾斜分层似自流废石充填采矿法”的基础上,提出“分别回采法”和“替代法”相结合的急倾斜极薄矿脉开采技术,主要包括以下几点:矿岩分采,减少矿石贫化和损失;构筑人工假底,减少底柱矿石损失;钢溜井代替片石混凝土溜井,减少矿石贫化。(3)以薄板结构的人工假底力学模型为基础,运用古典杨森散体压力拓展模型求解理论均布压力,推导了均布载荷作用下人工假底的挠曲变形方程,并对人工假底的内力进行分析评价。利用假底模型计算混凝土人工假底设计强度等,并应用于现场试验,结果表明该模型在评价及预测人工假底稳定性方面有较强的实用性。运用FLAC3D软件模拟废石充填作用下人工假底及围岩的应力场和变形场。通过布置监测点绘制应力位移曲线,分析回采及充填过程中人工假底的稳定性。结果表明,人工假底对控制废石充填体下沉发挥了很好的作用。(4)选择板溪矿区1613和1615采场进行采矿方法工业试验,系统地阐述了板溪锑矿采用上向倾斜分层似自流废石充填采矿方法进行采矿试验研究的全过程,对试验采场的采准切割工程、回采工艺及废石充填工艺等都进行了较深入的研究,试验取得了良好的技术经济效果。

【Abstract】 Banxi antimony ore had originally adapted cave stone-removed cut-and-fill method, with small stope production capacity, low efficiency, great mining dilution rate,high mining cost and heavy labor intensity, which was demanded to seek new methods and technology that safety, high efficiency, low loss and low cost for Steep extra-narrow veins in Banxi antimony ore.Concerned with the above target, the thesis is opened up and the main completed are as follow:Firstly, based on the detailed analysis of the overall geological characteristics in Banxi antimony ore and the mechanical properties of the mine rock of mining section, hydrological and geological conditions, conbined with the actual production conditions, pertinently put forward such reasonable schemes as" upward inclined slicing cut-and-fill method ", "lateral brace pillar with electric rake shrinkage stoping method" and " resuing-and-backfilling method ". Comparatively analyzing technique and economic benefit indexes and comprehensive evaluation with the application of fuzzy mathematic theory, it is determined that " upward inclined slicing cut-and-fill method " is thr best method.Sencondly, Conbined with the actual production conditions and based on " upward inclined slicing cut-and-fill method " , the new mining Technique, integrating the separate extraction method with the substitute method for the steep extra-narrow veins,is put forward——The separate extraction of antimony ore and wall rock for reducing ore dilution ratio and mining loss rate; Building artificial bottom for reducing the loss of sill pillar; Steel ore pass instead of rubble concrete ore pass for reducing ore dilution ratio.Thirdly the artificial bottom mechanical model of plate structure as the foundation, using classical Jansen pressure theory solution theory, derives the theorial uniformed load, infers the equation of flexure and deformation of the artificial bottom under the uniformed load and makes the analysis and evaluation of the internal force of the artificial bottom.Based on this,the experimental research for mining Steep extra-narrow veins has been carried out,which shows that the analysis and design artificial bottom combined with theory is reasonable and effective.By FLAC3D to simulate the stress and deformation fields of the artificial bottom and surrounding rock under the action of waste rock filling. Through monitoring for drawing stress and displacement curve, it analyzed on the stability of artificial bottom in the process of the cut-and-fill. Numerical simulation results indicate that the artificial bottom plays a good role in controlling roof subsided.Fourthly,Choosing stope 1613 and 1615 to carry out industrial tests for mining methods, it systematically expounds the whole process of the Banxi antimony ore adapted upward inclined slicing cut-and-fill method to experimental study ,including the test stope’s cutting engineering, extraction technology and the waste rock filling process etc. All are further research and the tests make good technical and economic effects.


