

Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Wind Turbine Tower Structure

【作者】 李立岗

【导师】 刘红军;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 风电作为现今国家大力发展的一种清洁能源,其装备制造及基础结构建设是重要的一个方面。垂直轴风力机相对于水平轴风力机有其独特的优势和发展前景,但是学界和工程界对垂直轴风力机结构的研究相对较少。尤其是当今一些风电设备制造行业的发展迫切需要能从理论上解决垂直轴风力机结构的一些实际存在的结构强度问题、动力学问题等等。这些问题的解决能有效的促进垂直轴风力机产业化的开展。本课题主要采用有限元对垂直轴风力机结构进行合理的,通过结合风力机的实际运行中出现的技术问题,设定不同的工况,研究结构在不同工况条件下受力特性和破坏形式,同时通过对比分析来对垂直轴风力机的动力学特性进行深入的研究。本文主要以风轮结构转动对载荷的影响为主线,分析了风轮结构在风荷载作用下,风轮结构的转动对风荷载的影响及受到影响的风荷载对风机整体结构的作用。此外,文章还对风轮结构在重力和离心力的联合作用下的受力特性进行了分析。最后,本文分析了垂直轴风机结构整体在极端情况下的破坏形式。通过本课题的研究,本文得出了如下方面的结论:1)风轮结构的转动对风荷载的影响较大,对风荷载产生较大的扰动,从而改变风荷载对结构的作用模式,对结构的受力和形变产生较大影响;2)风轮结构在重力和离心力的作用下,动频受转速的影响较大,此外风轮结构的应力和位移随着风轮转速的增加有增大的趋势;3)风轮结构在某叶片脱落的极端情况下,受到的风荷载会发生突变,应力和位移会在风荷载的作用下有所增大,风轮结构有发生整体脱落破坏的风险。

【Abstract】 Wind power is a kind of clean energy, which is supported by the government. And wind-power structures and infrastructions are very important. Vertical Axis Wind turbine stuructures are different from Horizontal Axis Wind turbine structures because of special advantages and prospection, while many scholars and institutions spend less attention on this field. It is very urgent for many companies to solve problems such as structural strength problem and dynamic problems. When the mentioned problems are solved, it will be good for the Horizontal Axis Wind turbine industry. The program mainly made use of FEM to model Horizontal Axis Wind turbine structures reasonably, analyzing the mechanical characters and destruction forms under different conditions. The further research is brought out through comparisons among the results under different conditions.The paper’s main point lies on the rotation of the wind wheel structures, analyzing the affection of the structural rotation on the wind loads and the effect of the changing wind loads on the whole structures under the steady winds. Besids, the mechenical characters of the wind wheel structures are analyzed under the combination of the gravity and the centerfugal force. Finally, the destruction forms under extrme conditions are also researched. Through the whole research, there are some meanningful conclusions: 1) the rotation of the wind wheel structures have a significant influence on the wind loads, because of which the steady wind loads will be changed to periodical loads, and affecting the dynamic response of the structures; 2) the mechenical characters and the modes of the wind wheel structures are deeply affected by the rotaiton of itself; 3) under the extreme conditions such as one of the blades is lost, excentricity will cause the destruction of the whole wind wheel structures.

  • 【分类号】TK83
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】259

