

Research on Online Inertia Identification and Controller of AC Servo System

【作者】 刘涛

【导师】 王毅;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 电气工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着永磁同步电机技术的高速发展,其应用也越来越广泛,中型永磁同步电机开始应用于电动汽车技术,小型及微型永磁同步电机在伺服系统中所占的份额正逐渐的扩大。在使用永磁同步电机的交流伺服系统中,往往对系统的动态响应性能要求较高,伺服系统对外界干扰信号比较敏感,转动惯量的变化会直接影响交流伺服系统的性能。辨识后的系统调整也有重要意义。本文提出了一种非线性改变自适应增益的模型参考自适应辨识算法。在基于常规模型参考自适应的转动惯量辨识中,一旦有外部负载转矩扰动的情况下,转动惯量的辨识会受到很大的干扰,出现比较大的误差,本文针对此情况提出改进算法,对自适应增益进行非线性调整,增强了辨识系统的抗干扰性。针对基于扩展卡尔曼转动惯量辨识参数矩阵对于转动惯量辨识的影响,提出了一种协方差矩阵参数自适应法,由一般EKF辨识的固定参数,改为以前一时刻正确辨识值为参考的变化参数,很好的提高了在转动惯量频繁变化的情况下EKF的辨识能力和速度。在正确辨识得到交流伺服系统转动惯量的基础上,分析了一种简单速度控制器PI参数自整定的算法,由辨识得到的转动惯量,进行比例的调节PI参数,能够使系统的性能不受转动惯量变化的影响。自抗扰控制器在近年来得到了大量的应用,本文将自抗扰控制器应用于伺服系统中作为速度控制器,在外部负载转矩扰动以及转动惯量变化的情况和传统的PID控制器进行了对比,取得了较好的控制效果。针对外部负载转矩有一定规律的情况下,设计了一种基于模型补偿的自寻最优ADRC,利用辨识得到的转动惯量和负载转矩对ADRC的扩展状态观测器进行补偿,减轻了观测器的负担,提高了观测其他内部和外部扰动的速度,改善了自抗扰控制器的控制性能。

【Abstract】 With the development of permanent magnet synchronous motor, middle-sized PMSM is used in electric vehicle technology, the portion of small type PMSM and microtype PMSM in servo system is increasing. The standard for the dynamic characteristic of AC servo is much higher. AC servo system is sensitive to the interference signal, the variation of system inertia will impact the performance of the system.This thesis proposes a method using model reference adaptive identification, which changes the adaptive gain nonlinearly. In the MRAI identification of inertia, when the system is interferenced by the load torque, the result is badly influenced and the error is significant. Specific to the problem, the thesis proposes a improvement of tuning the adaptive gain of MRAI and inhance the anti-interference of identification system.In order to reduce the influence of covariance matrix in extended kalman filter identification, the thesis proposes a method to adaptive tuning covariance matrix. The original covariance matrix is set to an invariant value, this improvement tuning the value in according to the previous stable value.When inertia changes frequently, this algorithm improves the identified speed and capabilty.Based on the result of indentification, the thesis analyzes a simple algrithm of tuning speed controller. Once the inertia changed, set the PI of speed controller propotionally to the identification value. That can keep the system characterisitic. The automatic disturbance rejection contoller(ADRC) is being used widely, it can also be used in ac servo system. The thesis applys ADRC in speed controller, analyzes and contrasts the effects with traditonal PID in situation of the inertia and load torque is diturbed.A model-based auto optimal ADRC is designed to work under the situation when the load torque is periodic variation. Compensating the reasult of identification into ESO of ADRC, alleviate the burden of ESO and improve the speed of observer, make the characteristic of ADRC controller better.

  • 【分类号】TM341
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】358

