

The Design and Implementation of University Student Dormitory Managemant System

【作者】 李勇

【导师】 马培军; 杨新禹;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 学生公寓管理在高校信息化管理中起到重要作用,并对高校学生的日常学习和生活有着重要影响。随着网络信息化在当今社会的普及,信息化管理与信息处理应当在高校学生管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。传统的公寓管理基本上停留在信息管理的层面上,而且效率不高,已经不能完全适应当前高校公寓的管理。本文对现有高校公寓管理系统进行分析,并结合实际情况,对高校公寓管理系统进行了较为详细的需求分析。并根据系统需求,对高校公寓管理中的住宿管理、人事管理、数据管理等实现看信息化的管理。并实现了学生批量入住、批量退住等功能,提升了公寓管理的效率。本文提出在完善现有公寓管理系统的需求上增加了数据提取分析管理功能,通过数据分析处理得到相应的理论依据,用来指导宿舍安排等公寓管理工作。并对学生寝室分配等管理进行合理化的改善,得出更好的寝室分配方案等,从而提高学生公寓的管理水平。本系统采用三层架构实现,运用SSH框架对系统设计,以面向对象的方式进行系统分析、系统设计,使整个系统的脉络更加清晰。在系统实现中使用了JavaScript、AJAX、DWR等技术,使系统的用户界面更加人性化和合理化。在学生信息分析中使用了Apriori算法,对影响学生成长和寝室分配的多种因素进行了分析,对学生的原始信息进行关联规则的分析,得到了相应的理论指导意见,使公寓管理更加科学化。在员工信息分析功能中,本文选取K-Means聚类算对员工进行分类,从而根据员工的类别对员工提供相应的培训。本系统在对学生信息分析的基础上,实现了高校学生公寓的信息化管理,使公寓管理更具科学性。系统已成功运行,整个系统稳定性较好,有良好的可扩展性和可移植性,可以广泛的应用到其他高校的公寓管理中。

【Abstract】 The management of students’dormitory plays an important role in network information management system of universities and colleges, and also exerts significant impact on students’daily life and study. With the popularization of network informatization in the modern society, information management and information processing are playing more and more important roles in the management of college students. Traditional dormitory management basically rests on the level of information management and the efficiency is not high enough to adapt to the current management of colleges and universities.This article makes a quite detailed demand analysis for college dormitory management system through the analysis of the present one and combines with the reality. According to the system requirements, it can achieve the information management to accommodation, staff, related data and others in dormitory management of universities and colleges. Such functions as arranging students to move into and out of dormitories in batch are realized and meanwhile the dormitory management efficiency is elevated. This article put forward to add a function of data extraction and analysis management on the demand of perfecting the present dormitory management system. It can extract and analyze the information of the students living in the dormitory and makes a qualitative analysis for the influence of the arrangement staffs made for students and finally gain a certain theoretical basis to direct the dormitory arrangements and dormitory management which provide support to the college students’work and a more suitable dormitory living environment.The system adopts a three-layer framework to implement. It uses SSH frame design and a completely Object-Oriented way to do the system analysis and system design which makes the context of the whole system more clearly. We have put JavaScript, AJAX, DWR and more into use to achieve the system to make the User Interface more humanized and rationalized. We also use Apriori in the analysis of students’information to make analysis for the factors which influence students’growing and dormitory allocating and make a relevant rules’analysis on the original information for students which receives some suggestions on theoretical directions and achieves the scientific dormitory management. In the function of staffs’information analysis, this article shows a clustering calculation called K-Means to divide the staffs therefore offers corresponding trainings according to their needs.On the basis of the analysis to students’information, the system achieves the information management to students’dormitory in universities and colleges, and makes the dormitory management more scientific. The system has already been put into use successfully. The whole system has preferable stability and perfect scalability and portability. It can be widely applied to the dormitory management of other colleges and universities.

【关键词】 公寓管理数据分析AprioriK-Means
【Key words】 dormitory managementdata analysisapriorik-means
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】492

