

Removal of Microcystis Aeruginosa-Synthetic Organic Compounds Pollution by Pre-Oxidtion and Coagulation-Precipitation

【作者】 侯振灵

【导师】 崔福义;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 城市水资源, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 水体中的复合污染是一种普遍存在的现象,污染物之间可能由于联合作用、交互作用、过程耦合效应等复杂的相互作用而产生复合污染。本文针对铜绿微囊藻-硝基苯复合污染和铜绿微囊藻-多氯联苯复合污染,进行了铜绿微囊藻与人工合成有机物之间的相互作用与影响、混凝-沉淀对复合污染的去除、预氧化-混凝-沉淀对混凝去除复合污染的影响等几项研究。铜绿微囊藻与人工合成有机物相互作用的研究结果表明,微囊藻对硝基苯具有降解和富集作用,但以降解作用为主。在接触的短时间内,微囊藻对硝基苯的富集能力最强,富集系数为103.28;但随着接触时间的延长,富集能力减弱,在接触7天后,富集系数为102.45。微囊藻降解的硝基苯浓度随接触时间的延长而增加,并且硝基苯的浓度越大,降解率越高。当硝基苯浓度为314.24μg/L时,接触1天和7天,降解率分别为7.23%、30.72%。微囊藻细胞外有机物质对多氯联苯(PCBs)具有增溶的作用,可使PCBs在微囊藻溶液中的表观浓度增大。微囊藻对PCBs具有很强的富集作用,并且富集作用具有随联苯的氯代程度的增大而增强的趋势,在接触24小时后,微囊藻对PCB28的富集系数为104.36,而对PCB138的富集系数为104.59。混凝-沉淀试验结果表明,混凝对复合污染的浊度和微囊藻具有很好的去除效果,去除率在98%以上。因为三氯甲烷前体物(THMFP)总量主要由微囊藻细胞构成,在微囊藻得到很好去除的情况下,THMFP总量的去除效果也很好。混凝-沉淀对复合污染水样中THMFP总量的去除率高于藻污染水样,在90%左右。由于硝基苯能够促使微囊藻产生大量的可溶性胞外有机物质,使复合污染水样中的胞外THMFP的含量升高,而混凝-沉淀对溶解性的有机物质去除能力不强,导致混凝-沉淀对胞外THMFP的去除率低于对藻污染中胞外THMFP的去除率,约为60%。混凝-沉淀对胞内微囊藻毒素具有非常好的去除效果,但对胞外藻毒素的去除率很低。混凝-沉淀对人工合成有机物的去除能力有较大差异,对硝基苯的去除率最高为9.68%;而对PCBs有很强的去除能力,总体来说,PCBs的去除率随联苯的氯代程度增加而增大,去除率为33.83%到87.17%。预氧化-混凝-沉淀的试验结果表明,预氧化强化混凝可以提高对THMFP和有机物的去除率。与混凝-沉淀相比,预氧化-混凝-沉淀对复合污染水样中的THMFP总量和胞外THMFP去除率分别提高了约8、16.8个百分点;对硝基苯的去除率提高了约16个百分点;对多氯联苯去除率也有提高,增加1.67到13.74个百分点。

【Abstract】 The combined pollution is a common phenomenon in water bodies, Because of joint effect or interaction effect or process coupling effect, the combined pollution could occurred between pollutants.In this study, a series of experiments for combined pollution of Microcystis aeruginosa- nitrobenzene (M.aeruginosa-NB) and Microcystis aeruginosa-polychlorinated biphenyls (M.aeruginosa -PCBs). The mutual effect between M.aeruginosa and NB or PCBs (synthetic organic compounds ,SOC); the removal effect of the combined pollution by coagulation- precipitation and Pre-oxidation- coagulation- precipitation was carried out.Results showed that M.aeruginosa presented enrichment ability and excellent degradability for NB. In a short time after M.aeruginosa and NB contacted, M.aeruginosa achieved the strongest enrichment ability for NB, the bioconcentration factors(BCF) was 103.28;however, the enrichment ability for NB declined subsequently, 7 days after M.aeruginosa and NB contacted, the BCF was 103.28. The concentration of NB that degraded by M.aeruginosa increased successively after they contacted, and the higher initial concentration of NB, the higher degradation rate by M.aeruginosa. For example, when the concentration was 314.24μg/L of NB, after 1 day and 7 days, the degradation rate was 7.23%、30.72%, respectively. Extracellular organic materials (EOM) of M.aeruginosa can increase solubility of PCBs. M.aeruginosa can enrich PCBs too, but the enrichment ability was related to the chlorinated extent of diphenyl, the higher chlorinated extent, the stronger enrichment ability. After 24 hours that M.aeruginosa and PCBs contacted, the BCF was 104.36 for PCB28, and 104.59 for PCB138.Removal effect of M.aeruginosa and turbidity by coagulation- precipitation was very well, the removal rate was morn than 98%. The removal rate of total Trihalomathanes Formation Potential (THMFP) of M.aeruginosa-NB pollution by coagulation- precipitation was about 90%, morn than M.aeruginosa pollution. Because the majority total THMFP was constituted by M.aeruginosa, so total THMFP was removed well when M.aeruginosa removed by coagulation- precipitation. Owing to the NB, M.aeruginosa generated and secreted even more soluble organic materials and caused the concentration of extracellular THMFP to increase; and the removal effect of coagulation- precipitation for soluble organic materials was weaker. So the removal rate of extracellular THMFP of M.aeruginosa-NB pollution was about 60%, lower than M.aeruginosa pollution. The removal rate of NB and PCBs by coagulation- precipitation were different. The removal rate of NB was 9.68%;and the removal rate of PCBs increased constantly with the chlorinated extent of diphenyl increased, the removal rate was between 33.83%~87.17%.Pre-oxidation could enhance coagulation effect. The removal rate of total THMFP and extracellular THMFP of M.aeruginosa-NB pollution raised 8 and 16.8 percentage points, respectively. The removal rate of NB raised 16 percentage points and that of PCBs raised 1.67~13.74 percentage points.

  • 【分类号】TU991.2
  • 【下载频次】114

