

The Role of Player’s Body Movements in the Process of Spatial Cognition

【作者】 仲伟

【导师】 薛永增;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的主要研究对象是体感游戏空间中玩家的肢体动作与空间认知的关系。空间是物质存在的形式之一,客观空间在人类诞生以前就已经存在,是物质和人类赖以生存的基础;思维空间和虚拟空间都出现在人类诞生以后,虚拟空间是人类文明发展到一定阶段的产物。我们平时之所以能够自由地进行我们的活动是基于平时对空间的认知,每天去上学、上班等活动都涉及到对周围环境的认知;空间认知包含空间特征感知、空间对象认知和空间格局认知三个层次,并且空间特征和空间对象是空间认知的两个基本单位。肢体动作泛指我们头部、上肢和下肢三部分的动作,我们人类从幼儿时期就开始通过肢体的动作去感知空间,婴儿通过抓取物体、触碰物体,在大脑中形成了各个物体之间的空间位置关系,通过头部的旋转来辨别方向;到了成年阶段以盲人这一特殊群体来看,盲人认知空间的主要来源是肢体的触碰,或者间接的“触摸”,也正是这种认知方式让盲人认知的空间要比我们常人来得真实。接下来本文从生理学的角度出发研究了人类能够进行空间认知的生理学基础。全息图是指能够记录物体相位信息的图,相关研究表明量子理论中光子的纠缠态和人类大脑中的存储机制极为相似,所以人脑空间全息图就和全息图联系起来了,人脑全息图是指我们人脑中存在着能够存储我们空间认知信息的“全息图”,我们平时的活动都依赖于它。镜像神经元的理论把现实空间和体感游戏空间联系了起来,镜像神经元是它们共同的基础。体感游戏是近几年发展起来的游戏新形式,最早的体感游戏出现在任天堂公司推出的Wii游戏平台,通过手持动作感应器进行游戏。体感游戏相对于传统游戏来说是革命性地,主要体现在它的输入方式上面,极大地调动了玩家的身体,既起到娱乐的效果又能锻炼身体。分析表明,玩家对PC平台上面的游戏的空间认知是通过平时的空间经验和对操作的熟练程度完成的,在Wii和XBOX平台上则是通过空间经验和肢体动作进行认知的,并且肢体动作占大部分比例。实验数据证明在体感环境下肢体动作能够帮助玩家更好地认知空间,并且对于玩家来说肢体动作对于距离的判断的作用要比对角度的判断大。

【Abstract】 This paper studies on the relationship between users’body actions and spatial cognition in somatic games. Space is one of substance’s existing forms in objective space; objective space had already existed before human beings came into being, and is the base of objects and human beings. Thinking space and virtual space come into being after human beings appeared, and it’s the product of human civilization. Why we can do whatever we want to is due to the space we cognize every day, things like going to school, working are related to the familiar cognitive space we are living. Spatial cognition contains perception of spatial features, spatial object cognition and spatial pattern cognition, and spatial features and spatial objects are two basic units in the process of spatial cognition. Body movement contains head movement, up-body movement and down-body movement. Then I analyze the way how body actions help baby form their sense of space, baby forms the space information between objects through grasping and touching objects, and this is the early process human beings form our sense of space. It’s true that most of blind people’s space information is got through touching, and this is the reason why blind people can percept more real space.Next, I research physiologic basis why we can carry out spatial cognition. As we all know, holograph can record object’s 3D information; Some relevant research has shown the similarity between quantum theory and memory mechanism in our brains, so brain space hologram and hologram are connected. Brain space hologram is the map which can storage space information and direct our everyday work. Mirror-neuron theory connects real space and somatic game space, and it’s the base of two spaces.Somatic game is the new game form which developed in recent years. The first somatic game was created by Nintendo on the Wii platform, using motion sensor to match the actions in objective world and somatic game space. somatic game is revolutionary compared with traditional games, considering its controlling terminal, which mobilizes user’s body, and it brings fun together with healthy lifestyle. Next, I analyze use’s cognitive ways in PC, Wii and XBOX platforms, and it indicates that user’s cognitive way in PC games is got through spatial experience and grasping the controlling points in games, and the ways in Wii and XBOX games are gained through spatial experience and body actions, and most of information is gained through body movement. Experiment data has proved body movement can help users cognize space in somatic games, and body movement can help in larger extent in space distance than rotation.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41;G206.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】437
  • 攻读期成果

