

Research on the Aesthetical Features in Digital Simulation System of Hanshan Temple

【作者】 任兴华

【导师】 王建一;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当今时代,文化已经作为一种软实力,越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉,越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素。随着物质上的极大丰富,人们对丰富精神文化生活的需求也日益提高。寒山寺建筑不但蕴涵着极高的艺术价值和历史价值,而且承载着独特的寒山寺文化。弘扬寒山寺文化对于丰富人们的精神需求,提高文化素养,净化社会风气具有现实意义。随着技术手段的进步,寒山寺文化迎来了新的传播契机。数字化技术能够很好的整合在空间和时间上分布的文化资源,不但能够实现文物的保存与保护,对文化遗产的传播也能够带来很多有利的作用。应用虚拟现实技术能够实现人机交互的传播方式,使用户身临其境,沉浸其中。一方面,建立数字化寒山寺有其必要性和现实意义。另一方面,数字化寒山寺具有独特的审美价值和文化价值。数字化寒山寺的审美活动不仅仅是对现实的模拟,而且是对内涵的挖掘和放大,强化感官体验,启发受众的认知,使受众能够在某些事物上产生自然的接受和深刻的印象。本文研究目标是:以寒山寺核心的物质文化及精神文化为背景,以技术美学为理论指导,研究数字化寒山寺的审美要素及审美重构。从寒山寺的文化,联系到数字虚拟艺术,在虚拟艺术的层面上对寒山寺这个特定的实体对象建立认识本文分四个部分对数字化寒山寺的建立和审美特征进行分析和研究。通过运用文献研究法,比较法,分析考察法,归纳概括法等方法,分析了建立数字化寒山寺的可行性和必要性,提出了建立数字化寒山寺的设计方案和技术方法。在研究现实寒山寺文化价值和审美价值的基础上,对数字化寒山寺进行美学重构,分析数字化寒山寺作为虚拟艺术的特征,挖掘其审美本质。

【Abstract】 In nowadays, the culture has been a kind of soft power, more and more been the important source of national cohesion and creativity, more and more been the important factor of comprehensive national competition. With the material of richness, people want to increase spiritual needs. The ancient buildings of Hanshan Temple not only imply great values of art and history, but also distinctive the culture of Hanshan Temple. Promoting the culture of Hanshan Temple has practical significance on enriching people’s spiritual needs, improving cultural awareness, purifying social atmosphere.With advances in techniques, the culture of Hanshan Temple ushers in the new communication opportunities. Digital technology can integrate the cultural resource, not only enables the preservation and protection of heritage, but also helps the spread culture. Using virtual reality technology, we can achieve better mode of transmission of human-computer interaction, so that the users are immersive in it. On the one hand, establishing digital Hanshan Temple is necessary and meaningful. On the other hand, digital Hanshan Temple has unique aesthetical and cultural value.The aesthetic of digital Hanshan Temple is not the imitation of reality. It enlarges the content, strengthens the experience, inspire the cognitive, deepens the impression. In the basic of the culture of Hanshan Temple and aesthetics, research the aesthetical factors and reconstruction of digital Hanshan Temple, From the culture of Hanshan Temple to virtual art, establish the understanding of digital Hanshan Temple, instruct the works of digital simulationg system design.This thesis consists of four chapters: Using the methods of literature research, compare, analysis study, induction general method and other methods, Analysis the feasibility and necessity of the establishment of digital Hanshan Temple, proposes design and technical methods in establishing digital Hanshan Temple. in based on learning in the cultural value and aesthetical value of Hanshan Temple, study the reconstruction of aesthetics in digital Hanshan Temple, analysis the aesthetical features of digital Hanshan Temple as a virtual art, excavate its aesthetical essence.


