

Research on Shared Control Method of Virtual Guide Oriented to Teleoperation

【作者】 陆庆超

【导师】 赵杰;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 利用机器人遥操作技术代替人类在太空、深海、有毒及核辐射环境下工作,可以避免人类在恶劣环境下受到伤害,降低作业成本,提高操作效率。由于工作环境未知及工作任务复杂多变,同时受传感器、控制、计算机信息技术和人工智能等关键支撑技术的制约,研制出高智能、全自主工作的机器人很难实现。目前切实可行的解决方案是将人的智能和机器人的局部自主功能有机的结合起来,即共享控制的思想,利用人的智能参与完成机器人任务规划。本文建立基于虚拟环境的人机共享控制系统,不仅可以解决机器人遥操作系统中的时延问题,而且借助于虚拟向导提供的力觉反馈实现了人的控制与机器人系统自主决策的有机融合。首先建立了基于虚拟环境的人机共享控制系统平台。设计了虚拟环境的总体框架结构,利用Java/Java3D面向对象技术构造出虚拟场景的基本类结构,进行了虚拟环境建模。利用JNI方法设计了力反馈式主手设备与虚拟环境的交互接口,操作者可以操纵力觉反馈主手对虚拟机器人进行关节驱动,实现了本地人机交互控制。建立了遥操作移动机器人-虚拟向导系统的模型。建模主要包括两个部分:几何模型和运动学模型。建立系统几何模型时,本文采用Pro/E建模,再利用Java3D中objLoder接口导入进行组装。对于系统的运动学模型,本文分析了机器人的正逆运动学模型以及机器人-虚拟向导相对运动学模型。运动学建模详细分析了机器人与虚拟向导之间的交互状态,是进行力觉反馈的基础。根据机器人末端与虚拟向导交互状态,判定机器人末端位姿与虚拟向导设定位姿的偏差,提出了基于弹簧力的位置校正、姿态校正和车体移动控制(包括路径向导和避障)的力觉反馈计算模型。建立虚拟向导力反馈系统基于二端口网络的动力学模型,进行Simulink仿真,结果表明系统能够保持时延条件下的稳定性和透明性,操作者能够对机器人末端进行力和位置的跟踪,获得稳定的力觉反馈。最后,进行了基于虚拟向导的人机交互仿真实验研究,并对实验过程中测得的数据进行分析,验证了虚拟向导的有效性。

【Abstract】 Using teleoperation robot instead of human in space, deep sea, toxic environment and nuclear radiation not only the operators can avoid harm in harsh environment, but also can reduce operating costs, make improvement in operation efficiency. Due to changeable operation environment, complex and dynamic operational tasks and the restriction of the key supporting techniques such as sensor technology, computer and information science and artifical intelligence, the development of high intelligent and completely autonomous robot is very hard to achieve. At present time the proper solution is the combination of part autonomy and network teleoperation of the robots to realize the integration of artificial intelligence , named shared control, which use human intelligence to complete operational task planning. In this dissertation , a human-teleoperation robot shared control system based on virtual environment has been established, not only solving problem of time delay with teleoperation robot system, but also with the help of force feedback induced by virtual fixture achieving combination of human control and autonomous decision of teleoperation robot system.A human-teleoperation robot interactive system based on virtual environment platform was established. With overall frame structure of virtual environment constructed and basic classes of virtual scene constructed by object-oriented language Java/Java3D , virtual environment model was established. Utilized JNI(Java Native Interface) method to develop an interactive software interface between haptic master device and virtual environment and operators can manipulate joints of mobile robot with manipulating master device, achieved local human-teleoperation interactive control.Mobile teleoperation robot/virtual guide system model has been established. Modeling includes two sides: the geometric model and kinematics model. In the geometry model, this paper has used Pro/E modeling, used Java/Java3D’s objectLoder interface for introduction and assembling the model. For the kinematics model , this paper has analyzed forward and inverse kinematics model of robot and relative kinematics model for teleoperation robot/virtual guide system. Kinematics model has analyzed interactive state between teleoperation robot and virtual guide in detail and constructs the basis of force feedback.According to interactions and position and posture’s deviation between robot end-effector and virtual guide, computational algorithm modeled as spring of force feedback based on position control , posture control and moving of vehicle control(including path virtual fixture and obstacle avoidance)respectively was proposed. Developed a dynamic model of virtual guide force feedback system based on two-port network and used MATLAB Simulink to simulate. The results showed that the system maintained ensuring its stability while improving transparency in time delay. Operators could achieve force tracing and position tracing effectively and obtain steady force feedback.Finally, virtual fixture was applied to simulation experiments of teleoperation and analysis of test data during experiments proved the effectiveness of virtual guide.


