

Research on Low-Cost SINS/GPS Integrated Navigation System for Homing Submunition and DSP Realization

【作者】 李志斌

【导师】 凌明祥;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 精确制导炸弹因其射程远、精度高、成本低的特点具有巨大的军事利用价值。本课题研究的某型自寻的子弹是精确制导炸弹的一种,它采用低成本捷联惯导系统(SINS)与全球定位系统(GPS)组合导航实现精确制导。本文结合该型子弹研制过程,围绕惯性导航算法、初始对准算法、组合导航算法和工程实现几个方面进行分析与研究。主要工作总结如下:(1)详细介绍了捷联惯导系统的基本原理,得出了基于惯性器件输出为增量形式的姿态矩阵计算方法和导航参数计算方法。分析了圆锥运动误差、划桨效应误差和旋转效应误差的产生机理,并给出了补偿算法。(2)对捷联惯导系统微分方程组进行离散化处理,得出了能够方便工程设计人员编程的捷联惯导系统数字递推算法及其简化算法。仿真结果表明,该算法能够较好的完成载体姿态、速度、位置解算。但在使用精度较低的惯性器件时,纯惯性导航的误差较大。(3)推出了静基座下解析式粗对准、卡尔曼滤波精对准和捷联罗经精对准三种自对准算法。对卡尔曼滤波精对准系统方程可观测性做出了分析并进行降阶处理。推出了惯性仪表误差与初始自对准精度之间的关系。仿真结果表明,两种精对准算法均能够接近或者达到极限误差,捷联罗经精对准在水平方向的精度要强于卡尔曼滤波精对准,但在惯性器件精度较低时这几种自对准算法误差均较大。(4)对SINS/GPS速度、位置组合导航算法进行了研究。利用奇异值分解的方法对时变系统方程的可观测度做出了定量分析并对系统方程进行了降阶处理。针对工程实际中惯导数据与GPS数据不同步的问题采用了数据空间同步法和数据时间同步法。仿真结果表明,载体的机动能够提高航向角误差的可观测度,速度和位置精度利用组合导航算法都有较大提高。(5)介绍了该型子弹组合导航系统原理样机组成与结构,并根据硬件特点设计了软件结构和程序模块。利用集成开发环境CCS进行了DSP程序开发和调试。对原理样机进行了静态和三轴摇摆实验。结果表明原理样机在静态实验中的姿态、速度、位置误差以及在三轴摇摆动态实验中的姿态跟踪效果均良好。

【Abstract】 Because of its long range, high precision and low cost, precision guided bomb hasgreat value in military application. Homing submunition researched in this paper, whosenavigation system is build up by SINS and GPS with low cost and high precision, is oneof precision guided bomb. This paper analyzes and researches on inertial navigationalgorithm, alignment algorithm, integrated navigation algorithm and engineeringrealization based on the development process of homing submunition. Main work islisted below:(1) Introduce basic principle of SINS in detail, deduce computing method ofattitude matrix (increment is inertial components outputs) and navigation parameters.Analyze mechanism of coning motion errors, rowing effect error, rotation effect error,provide compensation algorithm.(2) Discretization SINS equation, provide the programmable SINS recursionalgorithm and its simplified version. Simulation result shows that this algorithm canresolve attitude, velocity and position of SINS precisely. However, error of pure inertialnavigation system is high while precision of inertial component is low.(3) Deduce analysis formula coarse alignment algorithm, Kalman filter accuratealignment algorithm and strapdown compass accurate alignment algorithm on staticbase. Analyze and reduce order of Kalman filter accurate alignment equation. Deducethe relationship between inertial component error and alignment precision. Simulationresult shows that both accurate alignment algorithms can be close to or reach limit error,and strapdown compass accurate alignment algorithm has higher precision. However,error of these alignment algorithms is high while precision of inertial component is low.(4) Research on SINS/GPS integrated navigation algorithm. Analyze time varyingsystem equation quantitatively by singular value decomposition(SVD) and reduce orderof system equation. Apply data space and time synchronization method dues toasynchronous data between SINS and GPS in engineering. Simulation result shows thatobservability of course angle error can be improved by maneuver of carrier, precision ofvelocity and position can also be improved by application of integrated navigationalgorithm.(5) Introduce composition and structure of bomb integrated navigation systemprototype, design structure and program module based on hardware characteristics.Develop and debug DSP program on integrated development environment CCS. Test the prototype statically and on three axis swing turntable. The result shows that both staticvelocity, position error and attitude tracking error on three axis swing turntable of theprototype perform identical, which shows research findings is applicable in engineering.

  • 【分类号】V249.328
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】220

