

Study on Processing Tomato Mulched with Plastic Film Under Regulated Deficit Drip Irrigation

【作者】 颉君丽

【导师】 张恒嘉;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究设计了9种不同程度土壤水分亏缺处理,探索调亏灌溉对膜下滴灌加工番茄土壤含水率、耗水规律、生长指标、产量及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:1.加工番茄耗水量在整个生育期总体表现为先减小,后增大,然后再减小的变化趋势。在水分调亏阶段耗水量均低于对照处理,复水后其耗水量迅速增大,甚至超过对照处理;在水分调亏阶段加工番茄耗水强度较对照均有所下降,且调亏程度越重下降越明显;水分调亏减缓了加工番茄叶片在生长后期的衰老速度,导致加工番茄在生育后期耗水强度大于对照;在水分调亏阶段的耗水模数较其它处理低,且重度调亏处理的耗水模数低于其他处理及该处理的其余阶段。2.加工番茄株高、茎粗和叶面积指数在开花结果期增长速度最快,结果盛期后趋于稳定,叶面积指数在结果盛期后呈现下降趋势。.加工番茄干物质积累量在苗期很小,进入开花结果期后迅速增加,随生育期推进呈现持续增加趋势,至结果后期达最大值。3.不同水分调亏处理下,各土层土壤温度总体上表现为5cm>10cm>15cm>20cm >25cm,并且具有明显的日变化特征,5-15cm的日变化幅度较大,而20-25cm处变化趋势平缓。各处理间亦存在时段性差异。4.膜下滴灌调亏条件下,苗期施加水分胁迫处理F2、F1灌溉水利用效率达到最大值,分别为61.46kg/m~3和51.77kg/m~3,其次为结果后期施加水分胁迫的处理F8、F7,分别为49.30kg/m~3和45.43kg/m~3,开花结果期施加水分胁迫的处理F4、F3灌溉水利用效率最低,分别为30.41 kg/m~3和31.10kg/m~3。水分利用效率以苗期水分胁迫的处理F2最大(35.48kg/m~3),充分供水处理CK次之(30.71 kg/m~3),而开花结果期水分胁迫的处理F3最低(23.74 kg/m~3)5.充分供水对照CK灌水量最大但产量并非最高,而苗期轻度调亏处理F2灌水量少但产量却最高,分别为2025m~3/hm~2和124458.31kg/hm~2,与对照相比节水35.71%,同时处理F2净收入最高,为30729.99元/hm~2,总体而言,苗期轻度调亏效果最好。6.利用加法模型(Blank model)和乘法模型(Jensen model)均得出加工番茄在开花结果期和结果盛期敏感指数最大,即开花结果期和结果盛期受旱时,缺水对产量影响最大,而苗期和结果后期敏感指数最小,缺水对产量影响不显著。

【Abstract】 In this research, 9 treatments of soil water deficit were designed to explore the effect of regulated deficit irrigation on the soil moisture, water consumption, the indicators of growth, yield and water use efficiency of processing tomato with drip irrigation. The results showed that:1. During the whole growth period ,The trends performance of water consumption of processing tomato showed decreases at first, then increases and decreases at last. the treatments with water deficit showed the water consumption was lower than the control, and increased rapidly after recovering water, even more than the control. The rate of Water consumption of processing tomato declined compared with the control at the water deficit stage, and declined more obvious with more degree of deficit. the leaves of aging rate of processing tomato was declined by water deficit at later growth stage, which led to water consumption rate of processing tomato was higher than the control at the later growth stage, and water consumption modulus was lower at the water deficit stage than other treatments, and water consumption modulus of severe deficit treatments was lower than the rest phases of this treatments and other treatments.2. Plant height, stem diameter and leaf area index of processing tomato grew fast at the flowering and fruiting period, and tended to be stable after fruiting flourishing period, leaf area index showed a decreased trend after fruiting flourishing period. Dry matter accumulation of processing tomato was few at the seedling period, which increased rapidly at the flowering and fruiting period, then tended to be sustained increase with the pressing of growth period, and reached maximum at the last fruiting period.3. With different water deficit treatments, the overall performance of the soil temperature of each layer was 5cm> 10cm> 15cm> 20cm> 25cm, which has a distinct feature of diurnal variation. Diurnal variation rate was greatly between 5cm to 15cm, which changed slowly from 20cm to 25cm.stage differences occurred for each treatments.4. Under the condition of drip irrigation with regulated deficit, the exerted of water stress in the seeding stage of F2 and F1 treatments, of which the irrigation water use efficiency reached maximum, was 61.46kg/m~3 and 51.77kg/m~3 respectively. Followed were F8 and F7 treatments with being exerted water stress in later fruiting period, was 49.30kg/m~3 and 45.43kg/m~3 respectively. treatments F4 and F3 with being exerted water stress in the flowering and fruiting period, of which the water use efficiency was lowest, was 30.41kg/m~3 and 31.10kg/m~3 respectively. Water use efficiency of treatments F2 with being exerted water stress at seedling stage was the highest(35.48kg/m~3), the followed was CK treatments with plenty water supply(30.71 kg/m~3), and treatments F3 with being exerted water stress in the flowering and fruiting period was the lowest(23.74 kg/m~3).5. The irrigation amount of the treatments CK (with plenty water supply ) was the largest but the yield was not the highest. While the treatments F2 with slight water deficit at seedling stage,the irrigation amount was low but yield was the highest, reached 2025m~3/hm~2 and 124458.31kg/hm~2 respectively, the proportion of water conservation was 35.71% compare with the control treatments. Meanwhile, the treatments of F2 have the highest net income, reached 30729.99 RMB per hectare. Overall, the efficiency of slight water deficit at seedling stage was the best.6. By using the Blank model and the Jensen model, that the maximum sensitivity index of processing tomato was the flowering and fruiting stage, which means the effect of water shortage on yield was most critical at the stage of flowering and fruiting, While the sensitivity index was the minimal at the seedling and later fruiting stage, which showed that the effect of water shortage on yield was not significantly.


