

The Research of the Influence of Migrant Workers Circulation about Rural Economic Development

【作者】 赵英霞

【导师】 陈秉谱;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 甘肃省干旱缺雨,农业受自然条件的影响严重,属于比较落后的传统农业区。长期以来,农业收入是农民收入的主要来源,经济发展较迟缓。家庭联产承包责任制的实施,解放了农村生产力,农业生产率得到了极大提高,农村出现了大量的富余劳动力,农业比较效益越来越低。在有限的土地上,农民难以脱贫致富。在城乡收入比较利益驱动下,甘肃省大量农村富余劳动力涌向城市就业,外出务工成为解决农村富余劳动力和增加家庭收入的主要途径。分割的城乡二元制度,使进城务工的农村劳动力未能实现职业和身份的同步转化,形成我国特有的“农民工”群体。农民工流转,一方面缓解了甘肃人地矛盾;另一方面增加了农民收入,成为甘肃省经济发展的支柱产业之一。因此,农民工流转对加快甘肃经济社会全面发展具有非常重大的现实意义。农民工的出现,对甘肃农村经济社会产生了广泛而深刻的影响,既有积极影响又有消极影响。劳动力非农收入增加了农户对农业的资本投入,特别是农业机械在一定范围内的使用以及农村劳动力外出引起的土地流转集中对我国现代农业发展具有十分重要的意义。但农民工多为农村中有知识的男性青壮年,这使得农村人口结构发生变化,留守农村的多为老人、妇女和儿童,致使农村出现粗放经营甚至土地撂荒的现象。随越来越多的年轻农村劳动力进入城市非农就业和现在农业生产者的老龄化,传统的以农户为农村经营主体的经济体制正在接受挑战,谁将成为下一代农业经营主体?是社会各界特别是政府应该普遍关注并给予政策引导的问题。随着社会经济改革的深入和农民工队伍的不断壮大,与农民工相关的一系列问题逐渐呈现,并有加剧之势。如何处理供求总量矛盾和供求结构矛盾,如何保障农民工群体的权益,如何实现农民工顺利转型,促进城乡统筹发展等等,已经成为社会各界高度关注的问题。农村劳动力转移是世界经济发展的规律,借鉴美国、英国、日本等发达国家农村劳动力转移的经验,结合甘肃省实际情况,我们认为应从农民工自身、用人单位和政府三方面着手促进农民工健康、快速流转和顺利转型。同时针对甘肃土地利用率低、农户经营主体缺失现象,提出了创新农地制度改革机制,引导农户经营主体转型的对策建议,推进农村经济健康快速发展。

【Abstract】 Gansu province is lack of rain. It’s agriculture is severely influenced by the natural condition, so it belongs to less developed traditional agriculture area. Long-term since, agricultural income is the farmer’s main source of income. Economic development is slow in Gansu province. The implementation of the household contract responsibility system, which liberated rural productivity, agricultural productivity has been greatly improved, a large number of rural surplus labor appeared. As agricultural comparative benefit is getting lower and lower, it is hard for farmers to get rid of poverty by the limited land. Driven by the comparative advantage between urban and rural income, a large number of rural surplus labor of Gansu province pour into the city. Working out becomes a main way to solve the rural surplus labor force and to increase family income. The division urban-rural binary system, makes the rural migrant workers labor failed to transformation in occupation and synchronization at the same time, that forming the synchronization of endemic "peasant workers" groups. Migrant workers circulation in Gansu province, on the one hand, alleviates the contradiction between human and land, on the other hand increases farmer income, has become a pillar industry of economic development in Gansu province. Therefore, migrant workers circulation has very important practical significance in accelerating economic and social development of Gansu provinceThe emergence of migrant workers has a broad and profound influence to the rural economy society, both positive and negative influences are existed. Labor farmers on non-agricultural income increased investment in agricultural, especially the Land circulation concentration has very important significance on the development of modern agriculture in our country. But for male youths with knowledge are main parts of rural migrant workers, which changes the country’s population structure, staying in the country are the elderly, women and children, led the countryside appear the phenomenon of extensive management and even the land abandoned. With more and more young rural labor pouring into the city’s non-farm payrolls and agricultural producers aging, the traditional operating subject for the rural peasant economic system is facing challenges, who will become the next generation agricultural management subject? It is our society especially our government should pay attention to and give the policy guidance.Along with the social economy reform deeply and migrant workers team expands unceasingly, a series of problems related with migrant workers are presented, and gradually worse. How to handle the amount of supply and demand contradiction and supply and demand structure contradiction, how to guarantee the peasant-workers rights, how to realize the migrant workers transition smoothly and how to promote urban and rural development overall, and so on, which have become social circles highly concerning.Rural labor transfer is the discipline of the world economy development, referring to the rural labor transfer experience of the United States, Britain, Japan and other developed countries, combining the actual situation of Gansu, we should promote migrant workers to circulation healthy and rapidly, and transition smoothly through three aspects as follows: Migrant workers themselves, employers and governments. Considering the phenomenon of the land utilization rate is low, farmers operating subject is deficiency in Gansu, we put forward some countermeasures in reformming mechanism innovation in the farmland system, guiding farmers operators transformation etc, to promote the rural economic development healthy and rapidly.

  • 【分类号】D412.6;F320
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】260
  • 攻读期成果

