

Effects of Mulching Mode on the Growth and Micro-environmental of Greenhouse Capsicum (Capsicum Anmuum L.)

【作者】 吴兴

【导师】 梁银丽;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 设施农业作为由传统农业向现代化农业发展的重要转折,是解决“三农”问题、发展农村经济和推动生态环境建设的集约、高效生产模式,随着西部大开发政策的实施,设施农业显得尤为重要。以设施蔬菜栽培为主的蔬菜生产在我国北方地区发展迅速,由于种植辣椒经济效益好,现已成为西北地区的重要蔬菜作物,辣椒在西北地区以露地种植为主,近年来保护地栽培面积在不断扩大。目前,国内外研究者多集中于单一覆草或单一覆膜对蔬菜作物生长及其环境的影响进行研究,在日光温室条件下的研究报道较少。为此,研究覆盖方式下对温室辣椒生长及微环境的影响,对于提高辣椒产量和水分利用效率具有重要的理论和现实意义,也为发展设施生态农业奠定理论基础并提供技术支持。本试验以辣椒为供试作物,在陕西杨凌西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所试验场日光温室中进行。共设4个覆盖处理:地膜覆盖(薄膜厚为0.01mm,覆于植株行间,周围用土压实,T1)、秸秆覆盖(半腐熟小麦秸秆,长度3 cm,用量1kg·m-2,T2)、地膜加秸秆覆盖(地膜覆于植株行间,周围用半腐熟小麦秸秆铺满,秸秆长度3cm,用量0.5kg·m-2,T3)、对照(未覆盖,CK),每处理3次重复,以期从中筛选出有利于辣椒生长发育及其微环境的较佳覆盖模式。主要研究结果如下:1.与地膜或秸秆单一覆盖方式及对照相比,地膜加秸秆覆盖在温室辣椒生产中具有比较明显的优势。在整个辣椒结果期,地膜加秸秆覆盖能有效促进植株生长发育,营养生长方面为植株高度、主茎茎粗、冠幅,生殖生长方面表现为果实长度、果径均增长较快,增加了结果期辣椒叶片叶绿素相对含量和植株总干重及各部分干重,并显著提高辣椒产量,减少耗水量。地膜加秸秆覆盖、地膜覆盖及秸秆覆盖处理下的水分利用效率分别是对照的2.15倍、2.05倍、1.64倍。地膜加秸秆覆盖处理还有效地增加了辣椒果实维生素C含量、游离氨基酸含量,从而提高了辣椒果实的品质。因此,覆盖处理能够获得较高的经济收入、优良品质和节水效果。综上所述,地膜加秸秆覆盖方式是有利于温室辣椒生长发育的较佳覆盖模式。2.在整个辣椒结果期中,地膜加秸秆覆盖能保持相对稳定的光照强度,有效减少了由于光照过强带来的伤害与其他不利因素,在低温时提高冠层温度,高温时降低冠层温度,保障了植物在适应温度下的正常生长发育。覆盖改变了近地气层的热量,蒸发强度发生了改变,从而影响空气湿度的变化,空气湿度状况反过来又影响蒸发强度。在地膜加秸秆覆盖处理下,结果初期土壤温度升温幅度大于秸秆覆盖,结果盛期和末期土壤温度降温趋势小于地膜覆盖。在土壤理化特性方面,地膜加秸秆覆盖处理显著增加土壤中的有机质含量和水解性氮含量,减少土壤中的速效磷含量,增加作物对土壤中磷素的吸收和磷肥利用率,降低土壤容重并增加土壤孔隙度,改善土壤结构,使得土壤通气性、透水性和持水能力更加协调,稳水保肥性能增加,促进植物生长发育,并显著提高了辣椒产量和水分利用效率,减少了耗水量,达到了获得较高的经济收入和节水效果的目的。由此可得,地膜加秸秆覆盖方式是有利于辣椒生长微环境的较佳覆盖模式。

【Abstract】 Agricultural facilities as a development of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture an important turning point,is to solve the“Three Rural”issue,the development of rural economy and promote the ecological environment of intensive,highly efficient mode of production.With the western development policy, agricultural facilities is particularly important.Facilities-based vegetables and vegetable production in northern China has developed rapidly, due to growing peppers, good economic returns, which has become an important vegetable crops in Northwest China, peppers in the northwest region dominated by open field cultivation in recent years, the area of protected cultivation expanding.This study tested the pepper crop, in the Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shaanxi Institute of Soil and Water conservation in the greenhouse test site. Covering a total of 4 treatment: plastic film mulching (film thickness of 0.01mm, cover the plants between the lines, surrounded by soil compaction, T1), straw mulch (wheat straw decomposition half, length 3 cm, the amount of 1kg ? m? 2,T2 ), plus straw mulch plastic film (plastic film cover on the plant between the lines, surrounded by half-covered with wheat straw decomposition, straw length of 3cm, the amount 0.5kg ? m ? 2,T3), control (no cover, CK), 3 times for each treatment Repeat, in order to benefit from screening and pepper growth and development of better coverage of micro-environment mode. The main results are as follows:1. Single cover with plastic film or straw method and compared to the control, add straw mulch film production in the greenhouse pepper has obvious advantages. The results of the whole pepper, add straw mulch plastic film can effectively promote plant growth and development, vegetative growth area for the plant height, stem diameter, crown width, the growth aspects of reproductive performance of fruit length, fruit diameter were growing faster, increasing the results Pepper relative of chlorophyll content and plant dry weight and the total dry weight, and significantly increased pepper production, reduce water consumption. Plus straw mulch plastic film, plastic film mulch and straw mulch treatment were under the control of water use efficiency of 2.15 times, 2.05 times and 1.64 times. Plus straw mulching film is also effective in increasing the vitamin C content, free amino acid content, thus improving the quality of pepper fruits. Therefore, the coverage of treatment can obtain a higher income, good quality and water effects. In summary, the film plus straw mulch is beneficial way of growth and development of greenhouse pepper better coverage model.2. The results in the whole period pepper, plastic straw mulch can increase the light intensity remained relatively stable, effectively reducing the harm caused by excessive light and other adverse factors, raise the canopy at low temperatures, high temperatures reduce the canopy temperature, security The plants to adapt to the normal growth temperature. Cover changed to gas heat near the evaporation intensity is changed, thus affecting the changes in air humidity, air humidity conditions in turn affect the evaporation. Plus straw mulching in the film, the result is greater than the initial soil temperature warming to mulching, the results of peak and late cooling trend in soil temperature is less than mulching. In terms of physical and chemical properties of soil, straw mulching film plus a significant increase in soil organic matter content and hydrolysis of the nitrogen content, reducing the available phosphorus content in soil, increased crop uptake of soil phosphorus and phosphorus utilization, reduce soil bulk density and Increase soil porosity, improve soil structure, making the soil aeration, water permeability and water holding capacity of more coordinated, steady performance increase water and fertilizer to promote plant growth and development, and significantly increased pepper yield and water use efficiency, reducing water consumption To achieve access to higher income and the purpose of water-saving effect. Thus available, plus straw mulch plastic film method is the growth of micro-environment conducive to a better chili cover model.

  • 【分类号】S641.3;S626
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】141
  • 攻读期成果

