

The Research on the Sustainable Development of Medicine Industry in Yanbian Area

【作者】 王丽丽

【导师】 沈万根;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们生活水平的提高、人口的自然增长、老龄化程度不断加深、医疗改革的逐步推进、全民医保和基本医疗保障制度推行范围的进一步扩大,医药产业发展越来越受到人们的重视,也是关系到国计民生和促进社会和谐发展的重要产业之一。特别是在“十二五”规划阶段,医药产业这个被国家列入战略新兴产业的朝阳产业,目前汇集了资本、人才、技术和创新政策等各方期待的目光,在接下来的五年期间必将成为产业经济转型的关键,是经济发展中不可或缺的重要环节。延边地区地处长白山脚下,依靠得天独厚的长白山药用动植物资源优势和科技进步,现已形成以中成药生产为主,化学药品、生物药品、药用包装品、医疗器械产品为辅的医药产业体系。医药产业已成为当地经济发展的重要的支柱产业之一,也是延边地区未来最具发展潜力的产业之一。因此,延边医药产业的可持续发展意义重大,有计划、有步骤地发展医药产业,推动医药产业的可持续发展,是延边地区经济发展的一项重要任务。本文运用马克思主义经济理论中的可持续发展理论,引申出医药产业可持续发展相关理论,并运用该理论阐述了延边地区医药产业的发展历程、发展现状及在延边地区经济发展中的推动作用,分析了延边地区医药产业可持续发展中存在的主要问题,如:产业发展政策没有得到切实落实;企业产品层次低,缺乏竞争力;医药产业专门人才匮乏;资金有限、创新能力不够等,并在分析问题原因的基础上,阐述了延边地区医药产业可持续发展的思路和对策,保护生态环境、调整企业结构、形成规模经济、壮大医药品牌、推动产业集群化模式、发挥人力资源优势,推动医药产业优化升级。尤其是在国家实施新的医疗体制改革政策后,延边地区更要利用延边独有地理优势和政策优势,适应新形势,抓住新机遇,鼓励自主创新、提高研发能力,加大医药流通建设、强化市场营销、抓住中低档药品市场,促进延边医药产业可持续发展,进而推动延边地区经济的又好又快发展。

【Abstract】 As people’s living standards improving, the natural population growing, the degree of aging deepening, health’care reforming gradually,universal health care and the scope of basic medical insurance system expanding, it has becoming been paid more and more attention to the pharmaceutical industry, which is one of the most important industries related to people’s livelihood and the development of social harmony. Especially in the "second Five-Year-Planning" stage, the pharmaceutical industry, a sunrise industry which has been included in the national strategy of new industry, has been concerned by capital, talent, technology, innovation policies and other parties, and as an indispensable link in the economic development will become key to economic transformation in the next five years.Yanbian area is located in the foot of Changbai Mountain, relying on the unique medicinal plants and animals resources and technology in Changbai Mountain, it has been formed a pharmaceutical industry system including the mainly production of proprietary Chinese medicines and chemical, biological drugs, medical packaging, medical device products for the auxiliary. Pharmaceutical industry has become one of the most important pillar industries improving the local economic development, and also one of the most promising industries in Yanbian area. Therefore, the sustainable development of the pharmaceutical industry in Yanbian is significant, in a planned, systematic development of the pharmaceutical industry is an important task of economic development in Yanbian area.This paper started from the theory of sustainable development in the pharmaceutical industry, described the development process of the pharmaceutical industry, development status and role of improving economic development in Yanbian area. Analyze the main problems of the pharmaceutical industry in the sustainable development in Yanbian area, such as industrial development policy has not been effectively implemented; low level of enterprise products, lack of competitiveness; lack of expertise in the pharmaceutical industry; limited financial resources, innovation is not enough, etc. Based on the analysis of cause of the problem, clarify ideas and measures for sustainable development of the pharmaceutical industry in Yanbian area, such as protect the ecological environment,restructuring the enterprises, economies of scale, strengthen pharmaceutical brand, and promote industrial clusters model, play to human resources, to promote the optimization and upgrading of the pharmaceutical industry. Especially in the national implementation of the new health care reform policy, it should be used a unique geographical advantage and policy advantages of this area, adapt to the new situation, seize new opportunities, encourage innovation and improve R & D capabilities, increase the pharmaceutical distribution, strengthen marketing, seize the middle and low drug market, promote sustainable development of pharmaceutical industry in Yanbian, so as to promote sound and fast economic development in Yanbian area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F426.72
  • 【下载频次】121

