

The Empirical Research of Value Creation in China Vegetable Seed Industry Chain Base on the View of Industrial Chain

【作者】 冯思思

【导师】 李艳军;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,随着蔬菜生产产值增高,经济效益变好,种植蔬菜已成为广大农民的重要致富门路,蔬菜生产产值仅次于粮食作物,居第二位。蔬菜种子作为蔬菜生产最基本的生产资料和最重要的投入品,其重要性不言而喻,特别是随着人们生活水平的提高,对蔬菜产品的品质越来越关注,要求蔬菜产品不仅要外观好、口感好,还要求纯天然、无污染、营养价值高,这间接地对蔬菜种子企业的价值创造能力提出了更高的要求。此外,蔬菜种子企业所面临的竞争环境愈加激烈,不但国内蔬菜种子企业数目众多,国外蔬菜种子品牌企业也看好中国蔬菜种子市场巨大的利润空间和市场前景,借助政策优势和技术优势,纷纷抢占中国市场,这对国内蔬菜种子产业的发展提出了更高的挑战。本文以产业链、产业价值链、蔬菜种子产业链价值创造、农户购种行为以及顾客价值理论等为依据,构建了蔬菜种子价值构成的研究模型,并通过对山东、新疆、贵州、湖北四个番茄产量比较大的省份的364户国内品种种植农户和以山东为主体的80户国外品种种植农户的实地调查,对国内外番茄品种种子价值构成要素和各价值要素的重要性进行了实证分析,从而得出国内外番茄品种种子价值要素的构成模型,以此为基础来构建国内番茄种子产业价值创造的评价指标体系,通过设计问卷对育种环节、生产与开发环节、批发商环节以及零售商环节进行调查和对调查数据的分析,得出番茄种子各要素对总价值的贡献率、番茄种子产业链各环节对种子各价值要素的贡献率和各环节对番茄种子总价值的贡献度。通过研究,本文得出以下主要结论:(1)国内番茄种子的价值要素包括六个方面:“内在核心价值”、“内在一般价值”、“外观形象”、“品牌要素”、“广告宣传”以及“服务要素”;国外番茄种子的价值要素则由“核心价值”、“重要价值”、“一般价值”、“外观形象”“品牌及服务”和“广告促销”六个方面组成。国内番茄品种种植户看重的是种子价格、果实口感,产量、商品果率、出苗率和抗性,国外番茄品种种植户所看重的是果实的外观形象、耐储性、商品果率、抗性以及产量。(2)育种单位、生产环节、批发商以及零售商认为内在核心价值占国内番茄种子总价值的比例高达29.43%,其次是外观形象,占到17.65%,再次是内在一般价值,占到14.11%,最后,品牌、广告促销、服务贡献比例相差不大,分别为13.99%、12.21%、12.61%。(3)对于内在核心价值贡献最大的主要是育种环节以及生产与开发环节,贡献率分别达到56.42%、27.29%;对于内在一般价值贡献最大的主要是育种环节,生产与开发商环节,贡献率分别是59.09%、29.79%;对外观形象贡献最大的是育种环节以及生产与开发环节,其贡献比例分别为42.36%、38.82%;各环节对品牌的贡献度相差不大,即一个好的品牌的形成与保持,需要各环节共同来构建及维护;对广告促销、服务方面的贡献,生产与开发环节,批发商商环节和零售商环节起到的作用大致相同,相比之下,育种环节贡献较小(4)各环节对番茄种子总价值的贡献度为:育种环节最大,高达37.98%,其次是生产与开发环节,占到29.85%,批发商环节是18.39%,零售商环节对番茄种子总价值的贡献最小,只有13.78%。依据上述结论,本文提出了以下几点建议:(1)蔬菜种子企业应该加大对育种的投入,提高抗性、商品果率、出苗率,不断培育高产、高质的品种,以更好地满足农户的需求。(2)蔬菜种子企业应充分掌握农户选购国内外番茄品种种子时的着重点和区别,以寻找存在的差距,培育出具有国际竞争力的蔬菜品种。(3)蔬菜种子企业应结合农户的偏好和习惯,选择合适的技术服务方式,及时解决农户实际种植中出现的问题,保证农户种植收益。(4)蔬菜种子企业应该加大对品牌建设的力度,并引导农户树立品牌意识,用优良的品种、过硬的质量来保证农户的利益。(5)政府部门应引导蔬菜种子产业构建合理的利益分配体系,有效打破传统分配模式的格局。(6)政府部门应引导蔬菜种子产业投入充足的资金和动力到育种、生产等与国外番茄种子产业相比处于弱势地位的战略环节中,营造良好的竞争环境,从而提升整个种子产业链的价值创造能力,促进蔬菜种子产业链的健康、长远发展。

【Abstract】 In recent years, economic benefits changed for the better with the increased value of vegetable production, more and more farmers has made growing vegetables as an important enrichment opportunity, and then the output value of vegetable production after the food crops, ranking second. Vegetable seeds are the most basic and important inputs of vegetable production, the importance is self-evident, especially with the people’s living standards improved, more and more human concerned about the quality of vegetable products, it requires not only look good, taste good, also called natural, non-polluting, high nutritional value and so on. This put forward higher requirements for vegetable seed business indirectly.In addition, the vegetable seed companies face increasingly intense competitive environment, not only the large number of domestic vegetable seed companies,but also foreign brands look to further increase of huge profits and market prospects of China’s vegetable seed market, with the policy and technology advantages, have to seize the Chinese market, which is a higher challenge to the development of the domestic vegetable seed industry.This article make the industry chain, industry value chain, value creation chain of vegetable seed industry, farmers purchase behavior and customer value species as the theoretical basis,and then Value consisting research model of vegetable seed was constructed. It analyses the composition and importance of the value elements of tomato seeds at home and abroad according to the data of over 364 rape of domestic tomato varieties growers in major rape-producing areas,Shandong, Xinqiang, Guizhou, Hubei province and over 80 rape of foreign tomato varieties growers in Shandong province,and then forming the value elements composition model of tomato seed. We make this model as a basis to build the the evaluation index system of value creation about the domestic tomato seed industry value creation. Through the design of the questionnaire,we survey breeding link,production and development link,wholesalers and retailers and then the data were processed. We conclude the contribution rate of each seeds element to total value of tomato seeds, each link to each seeds elemen and each link to total value of tomato seeds. Through research, we draw the following conclusions:1. The value of the domestic tomato seeds mainly make up of ’internal core value", "internal general value", "brand’,"advertising’, "appearance’ and "service elements". And the value of the foreign tomato seeds consists of core value, significant value, general values, appearance, brand and services. Domestic tomato growers take the seed price, fruit taste, yield, fruit commodity rate, emergence rate and resistance as the important elements, but foreign tomato growers think the appearance of the fruit, storage property, commodity fruit rate, resistance and yield are important value elements.2. Breeding units, production processes, wholesalers and retailers think that the internal core value accounted for the total value of the domestic tomato seed rates were 29.43%, appearance were 17.65%, and internal general value, brand,advertising and service elements were 14.11%,13.99%,12.21%,12.61%.3. The main contribution to internal core value is breeding link and Production and Development links, whose contribution rate reached 56.42%,27.29%; The main contribution to internal general value is also breeding link and Production and Development links, the contribution rate reached 59.09%,29.79%; And then the main contribution to appearance is breeding link and Production and Development linkswhose contribution rate reached 42.36%,38.82%; And the contributions of each link to brand are consistent, that means the formation of a good brand and maintain, all sectors need to work together to build and maintain; The main contribution of Production and Development linkswholesalers and retailers to advertising and service are relatively average except breeding link.4. The contributions of each section to the total value of tomato seed:breeding link is 37.98%,29.85% of Production and Development linkswholesalers link is 18.39%, 13.78% for the retail link.We propose the following suggestions based on the above conclusions and combined with the specific situation of tomato seed industry chain:(1)Vegetable seed companies should increase investment in breeding link to improve resistance, commodity fruit rate and emergence rate, continue to cultivate high-yield, high quality varieties to meet the needs of farmers better. (2) Vegetable seed companies should grasp the difference and focus fully when farmers buy tomato seeds form home and abroad to find the gaps, and then foster vegetable varieties which of international competitiveness. (3)Vegetable seed companies should select the appropriate technical service approach combined with preferences and habits of farmers to solution the problems which is arising in the actual planting, to ensure the grow revenue of farmeis. (4) Vegetable seed companies should increase brand-building efforts, and then using correct and effective way to guide the farmers to establish brand awareness,meanwhile, ensure the interests of farmers with good variety, excellent quality and high quality services. (5) Government departments should guide the Vegetable Seed Industry construct a reasonable benefits distribution system to break the traditional pattern effectively. (6) Government departments should guide the Vegetable Seed Industry put enough money and power to breeding and production link which are in a weak position compared to the foreign tomato seeds industry,and creating a good environment for competition,so as to enhance the value creation of the seed industry chain, and then promote vegetable seed industry chain for a health and long-term development.

  • 【分类号】F324.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】338
  • 攻读期成果

