

Grey Relational Analysis on Logistics Industry and Related Industries about Hami

【作者】 马虹霞

【导师】 严奉宪;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 市场营销, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 加入WTO给我国的物流业发展带来了前所未有的巨大机遇,哈密市的物流业也将从中得到新的发展机遇。一方面,进出口贸易的增长为物流业的发展提供了新的市场空间;另一方面,物流业的发展又将降低企业的仓储和运输成本,使得资源得到有效配置,效率提高,增强了市场竞争力,加速了企业经济的发展进程。本文正是基于这样的背景,首先对物流的相关理论进行了介绍,包括物流的概念、分类、基本功能等,随后对哈密市物流业的基本情况、物流业的成本、现状以及特点进行了阐述,接着详细介绍了灰色关联分析方法,并以哈密市为例进行了实证分析。在进行实证分析时,以物流业的国民生产总值的增加额为灰灰色关联分析的参考序列,以农业、工业、建筑业、批发零售及餐饮业、交通运输及邮电业、社会服务业和文教卫生业为比较序列,通过灰色关联度分析,得出:工业、建筑业、批发和零售业、住宿和餐饮业、其他服务业、农业与物流业的关联度分别为:0.43,0.94,0.94,0.44,0.56,0.88。其中,建筑业、批发和零售业与物流业的关联度最高,农业次之,工业与物流业的关联度最低。针对求解的结果,提出了适合哈密发展的相应的政策及建议。

【Abstract】 WTO has brought unprecedented opportunities on China’s logistics industry. Hami will also benefit from new opportunities. On the one hand, the growth of import and export trade, the development of the logistics industry has provided a new market space; On the other hand, the logistics industry in turn reduce the cost of enterprise storage and transport.This makes the efficient allocation of resources,increased efficiency, enhanced market competitiveness, accelerating the process of economic development of the enterprise.Based on the background, firstly,we introduce the related theories of logistics, including the logistics concept, classification, basic functions. Then we analysis the basic situation of the logistics industry, logistics costs, status and characteristics about Hami. Followed by details of the Grey relational analysis,we take Hami as a model to discuss. Conducting empirical analysis, we take the logistics industry’s GDP growth as a value of grey relational analysis of the reference sequence, take agriculture, industry, construction, wholesale and retail and restaurants,transport and post and telecommunications, social services and cultural and educational industry to compare the sequences of grey correlation analysis. After that, we obtain that:all the index values are 0.43,0.94,0.94, 0.44,0.56,0.88. Construction, wholesale and retail trade and logistics industry has the highest correlation, followed by agriculture, industry and logistics industry has the lowest correlation. The results for the solution proposed corresponding policies and proposals for the development of Hami.

【关键词】 物流关联度灰色关联分析
【Key words】 LogisticsCorrelationGrey relational analysis
  • 【分类号】F224;F259.27
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】111

