

Multi-Objective Planning of Urban Forest Ecological Network in Wuhan

【作者】 林丽清

【导师】 周志翔;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 城市化的快速发展,造成了资源紧张、生态环境破坏等诸多城市问题,尤其是森林景观的破碎化严重制约了区域的可持续发展。结构功能完善的城市森林生态网络能够发挥生态、环境、社会等多种功能,在土地资源十分有限的城市实现生态保护与经济开发之间的平衡,促进人与自然的可持续发展。如何构建多功能整合的城市森林生态网络成为亟待解决的重要问题。本研究以武汉市为例,应用景观生态学理论方法及RS、GIS技术,对武汉市城市森林生态网络的多目标整合规划展开了探索研究。通过武汉市的主要功能需求分析,确定生物多样性保护、水环境保护、城市森林游憩服务为规划目标。以功能目标为导向构建了单一目标的生态网络,并将单一目标的网络规划方案进行叠加整合,形成武汉市综合多功能的城市森林生态网络规划方案。主要研究结果如下:(1)以黄鼬、白冠长尾雉和乌鸫为代理目标物种,集成应用多标准生境分析、最小费用路径分析构建了单一目标物种的理想保护网络。并进一步应用核密度分析规划了整体生物多样性保护的优先网络。理想网络构型中黄鼬的生境斑块共195个、面积560.66 km2,潜在廊道数量为3125条,总长达4021.58km;白冠长尾雉的生境斑块250个、面积560.65 km2,潜在廊道3970条,长度总计4711.5km;乌鸫的生境斑块627个、面积632.96 km2,共有9287条潜在廊道,总长度为7403.58km。在现有的城市森林斑块中,有将近一半面积的城市森林需要作为生境斑块予以保护。三个物种的生境均集中分布于北部、东北部的山区、南部的山岗丘陵一带以及武汉市各森林公园等地,但在主城区基本没有分布,在近郊也只有零星分布。三者的廊道分布状况也相似,基本分布在郊区,以北部、东南部、西南部的潜在廊道密度较大。最终经核密度分析,整合构建整体生物多样性保护的优先网络。整体网络表现为环形与树枝状结合的形态,在外环线附近形成一个大的环形,而在环形外部则主要是树枝状的廊道连接生境斑块。大环形的潜在利用率较高,是生物多样性保护网络建设的重中之重。(2)通过缓冲区分析结合土地利用类型规划了武汉市主要水资源的保护廊道。规划后水环境保护廊道的总体建设情况得到了较大改善。>10 km2的水资源的保护廊道面积达10617.98 hm2,占理想构型的面积比例达45.91%;1-10 km2的水资源保护廊道面积达5870.15 hm2,面积建设比例为57.87%;0.2-1 km2的水资源保护廊道建设面积达831.94 hm2,占理想构型面积的29.83%;总体水环境保护廊道建设面积比例达48.03%,以林地作为廊道的主要构成类型。其中对河流保护廊道进行了重点规划建设,长江和汉江的保护廊道建设率达60%以上,其余的滠水、倒水、举水、金水、东荆河、通顺河、沙河等主要河流的廊道建设率达80%以上。(3)基于城市森林游憩过程的源、汇分析,构建最小费用路径模型,规划了武汉市城市森林自驾游网络。廊道总长度达888.91km,其布局以外环线和中环线形成两个明显的环形,与放射状的对外公路、城市主干道一起形成有效连通城区内外的绿色通道网络。通过游憩资源及其环境背景分析确定了自行车游憩廊道的选线。规划建设4条自行车游憩廊道,总计110.78km。即常青——柏泉农场,全长23.56km:沌口——九真山森林公园,全长31.44kmm;光谷——龙泉山风景旅游区,全长25.04km:环东湖风景区自行车道,全长30.74km。(4)将单一目标网络规划方案进行叠加整合,形成复杂强壮网络构型,实现多功能目标的集成。生物多样性保护和水环境保护网络可以相互促进,而游憩网络则需采取积极措施降低人类干扰,与其他功能取得协调。通过武汉市的实例研究,探索了生态网络单目标规划及网络多功能整合的实现途径,为武汉市的生态建设提供了科学决策依据,也为其他城市的森林生态网络规划建设提供了实例参考。

【Abstract】 The rapid urbanization triggers various urban problems, such as resources shortage and ecological environment deterioration. Especially, the fragmentation of forest landscape severely restricts the regional sustainable development. Urban forest ecological network with optimized structure and function can play ecological, environmental, social and other functions. It can achieve a balance between ecological protection and economic development in cities with very limited land resources, and promote the sustainable development of man and nature. Thus how to construct a multi-functional integrated urban forest ecological network has become an important issue to be solved.Took Wuhan as a case study, with the application of the theory and method of landscape ecology and the technology of remote sensing and geographical information systems, we explored the multi-objective integrated planning of urban forest ecological network in Wuhan. By analyzing the needs of Wuhan, we determined the biodiversity conservation, water environment protection and urban forest recreation services as the planning targets. Firstly, we constructed the single target-oriented ecological network, and then overlaid and integrated these planning schemes, finally we obtained the multi-functional integrated planning scheme of urban forest ecological network in Wuhan. The main results are as follows:(1) Took the Mustela sibirica, Syrmaticus reevesii, Turdus merula as surrogate-target species, integrated multi-criteria analysis of habitats and least-cost path model, we constructed an ideal conservation network for single target species. Furthermore, we applied kernel density estimate to plan a priority network for overall biodiversity conservation. The ideal network configuration of Mustela sibirica contains 195 habitat patches with an area of 560.66 km2 and 3125 potential corridors with a total length of 4021.58km. The ideal network of Syrmaticus reevesii consists of 250 habitat patches and 3970 potential corridors. The total area of habitat patches reaches to 560.65 km2, and the corridor length is 4711.5km. While for Turdus merula, the ideal network is composed of 627 habitat patches and 9287 potential corridors, its habitat area is 632.96 km2 and the total corridor length reaches to 7403.58km. Approximately half of the area of the existing urban forest patches need to be protected as habitat. The habitats of three target species are all concentrated in the north, northeast and southern hills and forest parks of Wuhan, but there is little distribution in the main urban areas, only scattered in the suburbs. Also their corridors distribution are similar, mostly distribute in the suburbs, and in the north, southeast, southwest the corridor density is higher. Finally, based on kernel density estimating, we generated a priority network for overall biodiversity conservation. The form is a combination of ring structure and dendritic morphology. Near the Out Ring Road forms a big ring, beyond which is the dendritic corridors connecting habitats patches. The potential utilization of this ring is the most highest, so it has the top priority for biodiversity conservation network construction.(2) Combined the buffer analysis and land use types, we planned protection corridors for main water resources in Wuhan. Then the overall construction of water environment protection corridors has been greatly improved. For water resources with an area bigger than 10 km2, its corridor area reaches 10617.98 hm2, accounting for 45.91% of the ideal configuration area. For water resources with an area between 1 and 10km2, the corridor area is 5870.15 hm2, the construction proportion is 57.87%. While for those with an area between 0.2 and 1 km2, the corridor area is up to 831.94 hm2, taking up 29.83% of the ideal configuration area. The construction ratio of overall water environment protection corridors is up to 48.03%, and the main components are forests. And we mainly constructed the river protection corridors. The construction proportion of Yangtze River and Han River are both more than 60%, others such as the Sheshui River, Daoshui River, Jushui River, Jinshui River, Dongjing River, Tongshun River, Sha River and other major rivers are more than 80%.(3) Based on the source and sink analysis of urban forest recreation process, we constructed the least-cost path model and then planned the urban forest recreation network by self-driving in Wuhan. The total length of corridors is 888.91km. The Out Ring and Middle Ring Road form two obvious rings, combined with the radial highways and urban main roads form a green network connecting inside and outside the city effectively. Through recreational resources and environment background analysis, we determined the bicycle recreation corridors. We planned four bicycle recreation corridors with a total length of 110.78km. They are Changqing-Boquan Farm, length of 23.56km; Zhuankou-Nine really Forest Park, length of 31.44km; Optical Valley - Longquan Mountain Scenic Area, length of 25.04km; bicycle ring road of East Lake Scenic, length of 30.74km.(4) Overlaid and integrated the single target-oriented ecological network and then generated a strong and complex network configuration, we expected to achieve multi-functional objectives. Biodiversity conservation and water protection networks will have bilateral promotion; while for recreational network, we need to take proactive measures to reduce human disturbances, and then coordinate with other functions.Through case study in Wuhan, we explored the approach to achieve the target-oriented planning of urban forest ecological network and multi-functional network integration. We expect to provide a scientific basis for decision making of ecological construction in Wuhan, in addition, to provide an example for other cities in the planning and construction of urban forest ecological network.

  • 【分类号】S731.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】173

