

Design on 4SY-1.8 Rape Windrower

【作者】 曹震

【导师】 廖庆喜;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中国油菜常年种植面积超过1.1亿亩,约占世界油菜种植面积的1/3,位居世界第一。目前中国油菜机械化收获的水平不足10%,制约了油菜产业的发展。研发一种分段割晒机,以解决当前油菜分枝多、成熟度不一致等生产实际,是现阶段我国解决油菜机械化收获问题的研究重点之一。本文以实现油菜机械化分段收获为目标,研制一种油菜割晒机,开展其总体设计及其关键部件的理论分析和计算机模拟研究,主要开展以下研究工作:(1)在比较分析国内外油菜收获研究现状的基础上,开展了一种实现油菜分段收获的油菜割晒机的总体设计,分析确定了该机的工作原理、工作过程及其基本结构,提出了该机的总体性能指标,并分析计算得出了该机的基本结构参数和性能参数。(2)较系统地设计了适应分段收割的切割系统,应用动力学和运动学分析以及计算机模拟仿真得出切割特性能够满足切割油菜茎秆要求,并建立了油菜切割区面积数学计算模型和切割区内油菜茎秆的割茬高度模型,利用MATLAB软件通过编制的M文件便捷得出切割图和割茬高度三维图形,并在此基础上建立了切割面积比和割茬高度差异性模型,通过对模型优化求解,得出的参数组合使重割区面积与漏割区面积之和与总体切割面积的比值减小了6.47%,割茬高度整齐性明显提高。(3)开展了由立辊总成、伸缩拨指滚筒总成和输送带总成组成的输送系统的集成设计,改变较为单一的立式或卧式输送模式,结合油菜茎秆物料和种植特性研制的输送系统各个结构和运行参数经田间试验证明可实现油菜茎秆通畅输送。(4)基于Pro/E完成的油菜割晒机三维实体建模与仿真分析干涉检查,实现了对初始设计参数的修正;同时通过对油菜割晒机机架的有限元模态分析,所得出的机架前六阶固有频率数值和不同振型表现形式表明所设计的机架无共振激励现象,可保证油菜割晒机的平稳工作。(5)所研制的4SY-1.8型油菜割晒机试验表明,该机满足油菜茎秆的有效切割、输送通畅、铺放均匀的要求。

【Abstract】 Rapeseed is grown in China in an area of 110 million mu, almost the third of the world’s area, however the harvesting mechanization is still less than 10%, which dramatically impact the development in rapeseed industry. The research now is focused on the windrower to solve the problem. Recently it is considered to be an important part in studying the harvesting mechanization for rapeseed in China.To realize the goal of the harvesting mechanization for rapeseed, a windrower is developed in this study, the general design of the machine, theoretical analysis and computer simulation of the main components were investigated, and accordingly, the research was conducted as follow:(1) The rape windrower used in the study was designed based on the findings of the previous researches carried out in China and abroad, the working principles, working process and basic structure were then identified, the basic parameters, structure parameters and performance parameters were also calculated.(2) The sub sectional cutting system was designed using the dynamic and kinematic analysis and computer simulation considering the cutting characteristics and stem requirements, a match model was used to calculate the rape cutting area and the height of the cutting zone for the rape stalks. The cutting figure stubble height 3D graphics were built bye editing the M files through the drawing function of MATLAB software, accordingly, two models were established to demonstrate the differences between the cutting area and the stubble height. The results from the parameters combination exposed a reduction in the ratio of overlapping and leakage in relation to the cutting area which reduced by 6.47% whereas the stubble height was consistency improved.(3) The conveyor system was designed using a vertical rolling assemble, telescopic platen assemble and conveyor belt assemble, the single integrated design for the vertical and horizontal pattern was relatively changed. Combining the different conveying systems and the operational parameters with physical properties of the rape stem, the conveyor systems were proved to realize the conveying requirements for the rape stalks during the field experiments.(4) The Pro/E software was used for modeling the 3D graphics and interference simulation analysis, which had an effective guidance in determining and optimizing the initial parameters of the design. The analysis from the finite element method for the frame of the rape windrower was also very useful in obtaining the frontal six orders, natural frequency values and different strikeout forms for the frame which revealed the steadiness of the rape windrower due to the nonexistence of the echo phenomena.(5) The findings from experiments conducted for the 4SY-1.8 windrower highlighted that the design could fulfill the requirements of the rape stalks based on the best cutting, conveying and placement.

【关键词】 割晒机油菜分段收获设计
【Key words】 WindrowerRapeSubsection harvestDesign

