

Study on the Performance of Rural Land Internal Conversion and Its Impact Factors

【作者】 刘航

【导师】 李崇光;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 农地内部流转是指不改变农地农业用途前提下农地使用权在使用者之间的流转,根据农业部最新统计,目前中国已发生内部流转的农地占全部承包地面积比重超过12%,且呈现加速增长趋势。本文以“农地内部流转市场”为研究对象,运用生产函数理论和规模经济理论,通过文献资料法、比较分析法、问卷调查法和数理分析法,对中国农地内部流转市场的产生背景、发展特征、经济绩效和影响因素进行了全面系统的分析。通过分析,本文指出农地内部流转是快速城镇化和工业化背景下抑制农地撂荒行为和发挥农地规模效应的必然结果,目前农地内部流转市场呈现流转规模快速增加、地区发展差异明显、短期转包和出租比重高、受就业和比较利益支配以及流转供求缺口长期存在的特征。通过引入生产函数模型进行农地内部流转与粮食产量和农民收入的关系研究,本文阐述了农地内部流转对于促进粮食增产和农民增收具有显著的效果,粮食产量农地内部流转率的弹性系数为0.139,农民家庭经营纯收入农地内部流转率的弹性系数为0.259。通过引入乘幂函数模型进行农地流转率与其影响因素的关系分析,本文得出现阶段努力提升中国城镇化质量、提高农地粮食单位产出、加大农业财政补贴对于促进农地内部流转市场发展具有显著作用的结论。农地内部流转是快速城镇化和工业化背景下农村经济发展的大势所趋,但是农地内部流转对农村经济发展的贡献到底多大鲜有文献阐述。本文通过生产函数模型得出粮食产量和农民收入的农地流转率弹性系数,从数学上论证了农地内部流转对于粮食增产和农民增收具有显著贡献,为现阶段加快农地内部流转提供了决策参考。关于如何促进农地内部流转,学界多从影响农户流转行为和流转意愿的因素入手进行分析,其结论对于促进农户流转土地的政策制定具有一定的参考价值,但也存在着局限性。一方面部分因素对于农户转入土地还是转出土地的影响可能是反向的,另一方面农户是否愿意流转土地与流转多少土地是两回事。本文直接从农地内部流转的规模入手,通过建立乘幂函数模型从宏观视角对影响地区农地流转率的因素进行分析,研究结论对于如何促进农地内部流转市场发展具有更直接的启示意义。

【Abstract】 The internal circulation of rural farmland is the transfer of the framland contract right without land use change. According to the newest statistics data of national rural department, now the percentage of rural farmland being transferred is more than 12%, and it is accelerating increasing. In this essay the market of rural farmland internal transfer is analyzed as the study object. With Cobb-Douglas production function and Economies of Scale Theory, making use of documentation method, comparative method, questionnaire method and mathematical statistics method, this essay analyzed the birth background, basic development characters, economic effect and affecting factors of the whole rural land internal circulation market comprehensively. According to the analysis, the essay drew a conclusion that rural farmland internal transfer was a corollary to reduce wasteland and benefit scale economy under the accelerating urbanization and industrialization. Now the scale of rural farmland being transferred is increasing, there is a great defference among the rural land internal circulation markets in deffernt areas, much rural farmland is transferred through subcontracting and rental, the transfer is affected by rural labor employment and farmland comparative advantage, and the demand and supply gap in the transfer will exist in a long time. This essay also analyzed the relationship between rural farmland transfer and the increase of food and peasants’ income. It concluded that the transfer of rural farmaland was good to the increase of food and peasants’ income sifnificantly. The food production alasticity of farmaland transfer is 0.139 and the peasant’s household operations’ income alasticity of farmaland transfer is 0.259. At last the essay analyzed the relationship between farmaland transfer index and its effective factors through power function. It points out that now we need to improve the quality of urbanization, increase the planting area yields and financial subsidies so as to accelerate the development of the rural farmland transfer market.The rural land internal circulation market comes into being because of the fast urbanization and industrialization. But few documents studied the market’s dedication to the development of rural economy. This paper worked out the food production alasticity and the peasant’s household operations’ income alasticity of farmaland transfer with Cobb-Douglas production function. It proved that the rural land internal circulation market was a significant contribution to the increase of food production and peasants’ income. It provided a reference to decide whether we need to accelerate the development of rural land internal circulation market currently. Now many documents discussed the measures to accelerate the development of the market through the analysis on the factors which affected the farmers’ behavoiur and wills to transfer their farmland. All these documents’ conclusions are good reference to the policy making of rural land internal transfer. But they also had some limitations. Firstly facors’ effects to the lease and rental of rural land perhaps are opposite. Secondly whether the peasants want to transfer rural land and how much land they will transfer are two different things. This paper discussed the scale of rural land being transferred and its impact facters. With the power fuction it analyzed the impact factors which affected the rural land transfer ratio significantly from the macro perspective. The paper’s discussion had a more direct revelation to accelerate the development of the ural land internal circulation market.

【关键词】 农地流转绩效影响因素模型
【Key words】 FarmlandCirculationPerformanceImpact factorsMode
  • 【分类号】F321.1;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】230
  • 攻读期成果

