

Legal Issue on Water Resources Protection in Rural Areas of Hubei Province

【作者】 干静

【导师】 李长健;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 经济法学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,水危机事件的频繁发生及其带来的严重后果,促使世界各国和地区日益加强对水资源保护工作的关注程度。随着全球经济社会的发展和世界总人口的不断增长,未来世界水资源危机将不断加剧,水资源供需矛盾将更加激化。面对这一严峻现实,水资源保护工作必须不断改进保护方式和管理措施以适应新的发展形势需要。我国有着悠久的农耕文明,农业占据着国民经济中重要的基础性地位,2011年中央一号文件明确提出将加大对农村水资源保护力度作为当前农村工作的重要内容进行开展。湖北省是我国农业大省,也是水利大省,然而由于长久以来城市倾斜等政策导向作用影响,以及在现实中农村水资源保护建设面临政策执行及资源缺乏等方面的困境,湖北省农村水资源开发利用现状令人担忧。因此,加强湖北省农村水资源保护法律研究,具有重要现实意义。论文系统梳理了我国水资源保护现有的基础理论,在法学基础理论方面,主要从可持续发展理论、生存权与发展权理论、利益与利益机制理论、社区发展权理论以及国家职能理论来展开论述;在经济学理论方面,主要从资源配置理论、准公共物品理论、外部性理论、市场失灵与政府失灵理论等方面展开论述。在多重理论分析基础上,充分借鉴美国、英国、法国和日本等发达国家水资源保护的成功经验以及国内甘肃、浙江地区水资源保护现状,共同指导湖北省农村水资源保护法律制度体系及对策建议的具体完善。论文以湖北省农村水资源保护的现状为例,在相关文献资料和实地调查实践的借鉴下,全面分析了湖北省农村水资源保护工作中存在的问题及成因分析,进而有针对性的结合湖北省地方发展实情和农村社区现状,从利益协调、保护主体、保护规划、保护责任、保护监管、保护救济等法律制度问协调互动来加强湖北省农村水资源保护的法律制度体系完善。最后,基于湖北省农村水资源保护法律制度体系的设计提出水资源保护具体对策建议。在具体对策建议中,树立两型社会发展和农民权益保护的基本理念及和谐发展、区域协调的指导原则,最终从湖北省农村水资源保护的多元主体互动、具体管理体系建设和外部环境建设三个方面进行切入,提出具体的水资源保护对策建设。本研究创新地运用利益与利益机制、社区发展权及国家职能等理论,在强调利益协调的基础上提出结合湖北省两型社会建设和农民权益保护的农村水资源保护法律制度体系的完善,进而在重视农村社区力量培育的保护思路指引下提出涵盖范围广、可操作性强的以多元主体互动、管理体系建设及外部环境建设为内容的具体对策建议,以期对湖北省农村水问题进行及时有效解决,同时对我国其他地区水资源保护提供有利借鉴。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the occurrence of the water crisis and its serious consequences have become very frequent. Consequently, all countries and regions in this world have increasingly aroused their concern on the protection of water resources. With the global economic and social development and the growing world population, the world water crisis will continue to exacerbate in the future, the water supply and demand contradiction will become even more acute. Facing this grim reality, we must continue to improve the measures on water conservation and management to adapt to the new needs. China has a long history on agricultural civilization, and agriculture plays a fundamental role in national economy, so we must pay more attention to the role of water resources in agricultural production and the lives of farmers. Hubei is a major agricultural province in China as well as a major water province, but because of the " tilt to the city " policy in history, and the lack of the implementation of rural water protection in reality, water use in rural areas of Hubei Province is worrying. Therefore, improving legal protection of water resources in rural areas of Hubei Province has practical significance.This paper systematicly generalized the current theories on water protection in China, using the theory of sustainable development, the theory of survival and development, the theory of interests and Interest mechanism, and the theory of community development rights in law, as well as the resource allocation theory, the quasi-public goods theory, externality theory, market failure and government failure theory in economics. From these Joint theoretical perspective and the successful experience of developed countries such as United States, Britain, France and Japan, and domestic Gansu, Zhejiang, I hope my paper can contribute to the perfection of the legal system and guidance system of water resources conservation in rural Hubei Province.This paper took the current situation of water protection in Hubei rural areas as an example, and took the relevant surveys as a reference, made a comprehensive analysis on the causes of water resources protection in rural Hubei Province. Then posed a multi-factor interactive legal system to improve the protection of water resources in rural areas of Hubei province, which included institutions of coordination of interests, planning, responsibility, supervision, and relieve. Finally, I gave my personal advice on the protection of water resources, basing on the legal system of the water protection in rural Hubei Province. In this sector, I set the basic concept of" two types society development", the protection of farmers’ rights, and the guideline of harmonious development and regional coordination. Ultimately, found the protection of water resources from rural Hubei Province, Interaction of Multiple, specific management system and the external environment were cut into three areas, with specific recommendations for construction of water conservation measures to promote water conservation work in rural Hubei Province smoothly. Finally, the water resources protection in rural of Hubei can be established in three areas:the multi-body interaction, the specific management system and the external environment. The author is to provide some specific countermeasures to guide, regulate and guarantee the water resources protection, to promote the water protection work smoothly.

  • 【分类号】X52;D922.66;D927
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】205
  • 攻读期成果

