

Study on Fertilization Effect and Nutrients Accumulation of Crop and Changing Charaterisitcs of Soil Nutrients in Rapeseed-Rice Rotation System in Hubei Province

【作者】 段庆波

【导师】 赵竹青;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 油-稻轮作是湖北省主要耕作制度之一。近年来,由于优质品种选育、改良、推广应用使得油菜和水稻产量不断提高,原有的施肥体系已经不能满足当前生产发展水平的需求,因此探讨当前生产力发展水平下作物高效施肥技术模式对于促进油菜和水稻持续增产、维持地力和改良土壤具有重要意义。本文以油菜-水稻轮作为研究对象,通过田间试验系统地研究了氮、磷、钾、硼、锌肥对于油菜和水稻产量和经济效益的影响及施氮对于作物养分积累分配、土壤肥力状况、农田养分平衡的影响,在此基础上对油菜和水稻的养分吸收规律及轮作中土壤养分变化特征进行了研究;通过田间和盆栽试验相结合的方式研究了氮、磷、锌及其配合施用对水稻产量和品质的影响,以此为基础探讨了水稻产量效应产生的生理机制。主要得出以下结果:1.试验区氮、磷、钾、硼、锌肥的产量效应本试验条件下,油菜季施用氮、磷、钾、硼肥显著的增加了油菜产量,施N 90-360 kg/hm2、P2O590 kg/hm2、K2O 120 kg/hm2、硼砂15 kg/hm2油菜籽分别增产875-2051 kg/hm2、788~1288 kg/hm2、250~612 kg/hm2、475~650 kg/hm2,而施用锌肥却降低了油菜籽产量,施ZnSO4·7H2O 30 kg/hm2,油菜籽减产51-347 kg/hm2;水稻季施用氮、磷、钾、锌肥明显增加了水稻产量,施N 90~360 kg/hm2、P2O5 45 kg/hm2、K2O 60 kg/hm2、ZnSO4·7H2O 45~90 kg/hm2、水稻分别增产1000~2251kg/hm2、1376 kg/hm2、1626 kg/hm2、376~1376 kg/hm2。2.油菜和水稻单位产量养分需求量本试验条件下,油-稻轮作中,油菜以每公顷施N 180 kg、P2O5 90 kg、K2O 120 kg、硼砂15kg,水稻以每公顷施N 180 kg、P2O5 45 kg、K2O 60 kg、ZnSO4·7H2O 45 kg产量最高,与农民习惯施肥相比,油菜和水稻每公顷分别平均增产413kg、1125kg。此时每生产100 kg油菜籽粒,养分需求量平均为:N 4.73 kg、P2O5 2.29 kg、K2O 12.68 kg、CaO 4.82 kg、MgO 0.87 kg、Fe 35.55 g、Mn 7.78 g、Cu 2.87 g、Zn 6.86 g;每生产100 kg稻谷,养分需求量平均为:N 1.17 kg、P2O5 0.77kg、K2O 3.85kg、CaO 0.42 kg、MgO 0.41 kg、Fe 19.48 g、Mn 68.57 g、Cu4.24g、Zn9.27g。3.油-稻轮作不同施氮量条件下油菜和水稻干物质及养分积累动态变化本研究结果表明,施氮处理的油菜氮、磷、钾含量在越冬期和蕾薹期呈波动上升趋势,蕾薹期以后其含量急剧下降至角果成熟期达到最小值。水稻氮、磷、钾含量在整个生育期内呈波动降低趋势。植株干物质及养分积累量随生育期的进行总体呈增加趋势。苗期油菜干物质及养分积累比较平缓,抽薹后积累迅速上升,氮、钾、钙、镁、铁、锰积累量花期至成熟期有降低趋势,而干物质及磷、铜、锌积累量则继续保持上升趋势。油菜干物质及氮、磷、钾积累主要集中在薹花期,该时期干物质量、氮、磷、钾积累量分别占各积累总量的41.17%~46.01%、42.19%~77.18%、48.22%~74.39%、60.15%~87.32%;施氮处理水稻干物质及养分积累量在苗期至抽穗期呈上升趋势,灌浆结实期氮、钙、镁、铁积累量有降低趋势,而干物质量、磷、钾、铜、锌积累量则继续保持上升趋势。水稻干物质及氮、磷积累主要集中在拔节抽穗期,该时期干物质、氮、磷积累量分别占各总量的50.99%~61.75%、53.73%~61.73%、50.40%~69.29%,而水稻钾积累主要集中在苗期和分蘖期,该时期钾积累量占总量的43.51%~55.51%。施氮处理的植株干物质及养分积累量在整个生育期内均显著高于不施氮处理。4.油-稻轮作下作物成熟后养分的分配状况油菜氮41%~76%,磷59.87%-73.05,水稻氮67.93%-76.07%、磷78.00%~93.31%主要分配在籽粒中,油菜钾49.49%-53.99%,水稻钾80.13%~84.47%主要分配在茎秆中,此外油菜镁、锰、锌及水稻铜积累量主要分配在籽粒中,油菜铁及水稻钙、镁、铁、锰、锌积累量主要分配在茎秆中,而油菜钙、铜积累量则主要分配在荚壳中。施氮增加了油菜和水稻各部分养分含量和积累量,对植物体内养分分配产生了一定影响。5.油-稻轮作下土壤养分变化特征及土壤养分平衡状况在油-稻轮作期中,无论施氮与否,土壤养分含量均表现为一个波动变化的过程,油菜季结束后,与基础土样相比,各处理土壤全氮、碱解氮含量分别增加16.96%~34.74%、17.53%~47.63%,速效钾含量降低17.57%~33.97%,此外土壤有效钙,有效镁,有效锌含量有所增加,而有效锰、有效铜含量有所降低。与不施氮相比,施氮增加了土壤全氮含量12.79%、碱解氮含量68.35%,降低速效钾含量7.57%,此外施氮还增加了土壤有效铁、有效锰含量,降低了有效铜、有效锌含量。水稻季结束后,与基础土样相比,施氮处理土壤全氮、碱解氮含量分别增加7.86%-17.54%、4.81%-16.84%,速效钾含量降低12.30%~24.60%,此外各处理有效铜、有效铁、有效锌含量有所增加,而有效锰有所降低。施氮增加了土壤碱解氮、全氮、有效铁、有效铜含量,但却降低了土壤速效钾、有效锰、有效锌含量。从整个油-稻轮作土壤养分平衡状况看,施氮处理农田土壤氮盈余,其盈余量随着施氮量增加而增加,施氮0~180 kg/hm2土壤磷素盈余,施氮270-360 kg/hm2土壤磷素出现亏缺,所有处理土壤钾素亏缺,其亏缺量随着施氮量增加而增加。总体而言,适量增施氮肥可使土壤氮素盈余,磷素基本平衡,但钾素亏缺。6.田间试验下,氮磷锌配合施用对油-稻轮作下水稻产量和品质的影响本研究结果表明,氮、磷、锌任意两者或三者配合施用均增加了水稻产量,稻米中蛋白质和直链淀粉含量。在肥料3因素中,氮磷锌对于水稻产量、稻米中蛋白质和直链淀粉含量影响大小为:氮素>锌素>磷素。适量施用氮、磷肥及增施锌肥提高了水稻产量,改善了稻米品质,本试验地力条件下,每公顷施N 180~270 kg,P2O5 60 kg, ZnSO4.7H2O 120 kg,可以明显提高水稻产量及稻米中蛋白质和直链淀粉含量。7.盆栽试验下,氮磷锌配施对油-稻轮作下水稻生理生化指标的影响本研究结果表明,水稻根系活力(R2=0.7683**)、叶片硝酸还原酶活性(R2=0.8178**)、叶绿素含量(R2=0.7658**)、碳酸酐酶活性(R2=0.8685**)与水稻产量呈极显著正相关关系,而叶片SOD活性(R2=0.6935*)与水稻产量呈显著负相关关系。氮、锌、锌合理配施不仅提高了水稻CA活性、根系活力,而且从某种程度上促进了水稻早熟,使水稻形成较高的产量。

【Abstract】 Rapeseed-rice rotation is one of the dominant cropping systems in the Hubei province. In recent years, as the breeding, the ameliorating and the applicating of quality varieties making the yields of rapeseed and rice increase, the original fertilization system could not meet the needs of the development of the current production level, therefore, the research of hign fertilization model of crops under the current level of productivity will be of great significance to increase the continued yield of rapeseed and rice, maintain soil fertility and ameliorat soil. This paper studied the effects of application of N, P, K, B, Zn fertilizer on the yield and economic profit of rapeseed and rice, and the effects of N application on the nutrient accumulation and distribution, soil fertility and nutrient balance in rapeseed-rice rotation by the way of field experiment. On this basis, we had studied the nutrient accumulation regularity of rapeseed and rice and the Changing Charateristics of soil nutrient. By the way of combination of field and pot experiments, the research investigated the effects of combined application of N, P, Zn on rice yield and quality, and the physiological mechanisms which were closely related to yield effect. The main results were as follows:1. Effects of N, P, K, B, Zn on crop yield in experiment areaIn this experiment, in rape growth reason, the application of N, P, K, B significantly increased rapeseed yield, when fertilizing N 90~360 kg/hm, P2O5 90 kg/hm2, K2O 120 kg /hm2, Borax 15 kg/hm2, rapeseed yield would increase as 875~2051 kg/hm2,788~1288 kg/hm2,250~612 kg/hm2,475~650 kg/hm2 respectively, while the application of Zn reduced rapeseed yield, when fertilizing ZnSO4·7H2O 30 kg/hm2, the rapeseed yield would decrease as 51~347 kg/hm2. In rice growth reason, the application of N, P, K, Zn significantly increased rice yield, when appling N 90~360 kg/hm2, P2O5 45 kg/hm2, K2O 60 kg/hm2, ZnSO4·7H2O 45~90 kg/hm2, rice yield would increase as 1000~2251 kg/hm2,1376 kg/hm2,1626 kg/hm2,376~1376 kg/hm2 respectively.2. The average nutrient requirements of production of rapeseed and rice per 100kgIn this experiment, the rapeseed yield with fertilizing N 180 kg, P2O5 90 kg, K2O 120 kg, Borax 15 kg per hectare and the rice yield with N 180 kg, P2O5 90 kg, K2O 120 kg, ZnSO4·7H2O 45 kg per hectare were the highest among all treatments in rapeseed-rice rotation, compared with the FFP fertilizing treatments, the rapeseed and rice yield averagely increased 413 kg/hm2,1125 kg/hm2 respectively. At this time, the average nutrient requirement of production of rapeseed per 100 kg:N 4.73 kg, P2O5 2.29 kg, K2O 12.68 kg, CaO 4.82 kg, MgO 0.87 kg, Fe 35.55 g, Mn 7.78 g, Cu 2.87 g, Zn 6.86 g; rice per 100 kg:N 1.17 kg, P2O5 0.77 kg, K2O 3.85 kg, CaO 0.42 kg, MgO 0.41 kg, Fe 19.48 g, Mn 68.57 g, Cu 4.24 g, Zn 9.27 g.3. The dynamic changes of dry matter and nutrient accumulation under different N fertilization in rapeseed-rice rotation systemThe result showed that the concentration of rapeseed N, P, K with N application appeared rising trend from overwintering to bud period, then showed sharply decreased trend after bud period until the end of maturing period in which the content of N, P, K reach minimum value. The concentration of rice N, P, K showed fluctuant descend trend in the whole rice growing period. The accumulation amount of dry matter and nutrient increased with the crop growing. The rapeseed dry matter and nutrient in seeding stage accumulated quite gently, which accumulated rising rapidly after bolting, the accumulation amount of N, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn presented downward trend after fiower period, while the dry matter and P, Cu, Zn showed rising trend until the end of maturing period. The accumulation of rapeseed dry matter and N, P, K mainly concentrated in peduncle growing- flowering preiod, in which the accumulation amount of dry matter, N, P and K accounted for 41.17%~46.01%,42.19%~77.18%,48.22%~74.39%,60. 15%~87.32% of total accumulation amount respectively. The dry matter and nutrient accumulation amount of rice presented rising trend from seeding stage to heading stage, in the grouting strong period, the N, Ca, Mg, Fe accumulation amount had downward trend, while dry matter, P, K, Cu, Zn accumulation amount kept rising trend until the end of maturing period. The accumulation of rice dry matter and N, P mainly concentrated in jointing-heading preiod, in which the accumulation amount of dry matter, N, P accounted for 50.99%~61.75%,53.73%~61.73%,50.40%~69.29% of total accumulation amount respectively, while K concentrated in seeding stage and tillering stage, in which the K accumulation amount accounted for 43.51%~55.51% of total. In the whole growth period, the accumulation amounts of dry matter and nutrient with N application were more than the control.4. The distribution of crop nutrient after maturity under situation of rapeseed-rice rotationN 41%~76% and P 59.87%~73.05% of rapeseed, N 67.93%~76.07%, P 78. 00%~93.31% of rice mainly distributed in the seed, K 49.49%~53.99% of rapeseed and K 80.13%~84.47% of rice mainly distributed in the stems, in addition, the accumulation amounts of rapeseed Mg, Mn, Zn and Cu of rice mainly distributed in the seed, Fe accumulation of rapeseed and Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn of rice mainly distributed in the stem, while Ca, Mg accumulation of rice mainly distributed in the pod. The results in maturity showed N application enhanced the content and accumulation of every part of rapeseed and rice and influenced the distribution of nutrients.5. The changing characteristics and balance of soil nutrients in rapeseed-rice rotationIn the whole rapeseed-rice rotation, whether appling nitrogen or not, the contents of soil nutrient showed a fluctuating change process. After rapeseed season, compared with the foundation soil, the contents of total nitrogen(TN) and alkali-hydro nitrogen(AN) increased 16.96%~34.74%,17.53%~47.63% respectively, the available potassium (Ak) content decreased 17.57%~33.97%, in addition, the contents of soil available Ca, Mg, Zn increased, while the available Mn, Cu decreased. Compared with the control, N application increased the content of soil TN 12.79%, AN 68.35%, reduced AK 7.57%, which also increased the contents of available Fe, Mn, but reduced the contents of available Cu, Zn. After rice season, compared with foundation soil, the contents of soil TN, AN with N application increased 7.86%~17.54%,4.81%~16.84% respectively, AK reduced 12.30%~24.60%, moreover, the contents of available Cu, Fe, Zn of all treatments increased, while available Mn reduced. N application increased the contents of soil AN, TN and available Mn, available Fe, available Cu, but reduced the contents of soil available K, available Mn, available Zn.From the balance of soil nutrients in the whole rapeseed-rice rotation perspectives, the farmland soil N elements with N application were in the surplus state, which the surplus quantities increased with the increases of N fertilizer application. The soil P elements with fertilizing N 0~180 kg/hm2 were in the surplus state, but with fertilizing N 270~360 kg/hm2 were in the deficit state, The soil K elements of all treatments were in the deficit state, which the deficit quantities were increasing with the increases of N fertilizer application. In all, reasonably increasing nitrogen application could make the soil N surplus, P basic balance, K deficiency.6. Effects of combined application of N, P, Zn on rice yield and quality under field trial in rapeseed-rice rotationThe result indicated that combining application of any two or three of N, P, Zn could increase the yield, the contents of protein and amylose in some extent. Among the three fertilizers of N, P, Zn, the effects on the yield, the contents of protein and amylase could be in the order of N>Zn>P. Appling N, P feitilizers properly and improving the zinc fertilizer increased rice yield and improved grain quality. In this experiment, fertilizing N 180~270 kg, P2O5 60 kg, ZnSO4·7H2O 120 kg per hectare can significantly improve rice yield, increase the contents of rice protein and amylase.7. In post experiment, effects of combined application of N, P, Zn on rice physiological and biochemical index in rapeseed-rice rotationThe results indicated NR activity (R2=0.8178**), CA activity (R2=0.8685**), the content of chlorophyⅡ(R2=0.7658**) of rice leaves, the root acyivity (R2=0.7683**) and the rice yields of different treatments showed a well significantly positive correlation, but the SOD activity (R2=0.6935*) showed a significantly negative correlation. Combining application of N, P, Z fertilizer properly not only improve the rice CA activity, root activity, but also promote rice to mature early to some extent, which make rice product higher yield.

  • 【分类号】S565.4;S511
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】203

