

Study on the Erosion Treatment Effectiveness and Implementation Model of Red Soils Developed from Two Parent Materials in Hilly Region

【作者】 欧阳春

【导师】 蔡崇法;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 南方红壤区是我国水土流失最严重的地区之一,区内地形起伏大,母质类型多样,人地矛盾严重,严重制约了区域的生态环境建设和经济的可持续发展。坡面人工林和残次林的林下侵蚀、缓坡旱地侵蚀和崩岗侵蚀是目前红壤区水土流失最突出的问题。研究水土流失调控措施,对保障区域植被稳定和快速发展具有十分重要的意义。本研究针对土壤侵蚀严重的两种母质红壤区,探讨水土流失防治的关键技术,通过治理措施和配置模式的比较分析,建立适宜于当地的土壤侵蚀防治模式,为优化区域经济和社会的发展提供技术支撑。本研究选取花岗岩红壤和第四纪红粘土进行野外观测,通过对径流泥沙量的测量和土壤理化性质的分析,选取有效的工程措施。对研究区进行野外调查,结合实验结果和资料分析,最终提出两个母质红壤区的水土保持配置模式。(1)径流调控因子及母质对土壤侵蚀的影响径流是土壤侵蚀的主要动力,控制水土流失就是要调控坡面径流。径流的不可控因子包括季节、降雨、土壤母质等,可控因子包括地形和植被。本研究依据母质的不同,分析了母质对水土保持治理措施的影响,主要从工程措施、耕作措施和植物措施三个方面加以分析。结果表明,同一种措施在不同母质红壤区的治理效果具有一定的差异,花岗岩红壤区超过3/4的丘陵区坡度大于25°,不适合修建梯田,鱼鳞坑适用于花岗岩发育的红壤,第四纪红粘土的透水性差,并不适合采用鱼鳞坑措施;在第四纪红粘土坡度6°的条件下,香根草篱能减少径流量和泥沙量66.8%和73.4%,在花岗岩红壤区坡度12°的条件下,香根草篱能减少径流量和泥沙量33.9%和95.9%。(2)母质对工程措施效果的影响在第四纪红粘土区和花岗岩红壤区选取较为平整的坡面,布置相应的工程措施进行观测。在第四纪红粘土区,水平沟比客土带具有更好的蓄水保土效果并且能在一定程度上提高土壤肥力,客土带在轻度侵蚀红粘土上具有一定的蓄水能力但是保土作用较差。在花岗岩发育的红壤区,鱼鳞坑能更好的防治土壤养分的流失改善土壤理化性质,增加土壤蓄水能力。布置鱼鳞坑的小区土壤容重为1.29g·cm-3,比对照小区减少了12.2%,有机质为7.18g/kg,速效P为39.21mg/kg。竹节沟的治理效果不如鱼鳞坑,但是也具有较为明显的治理效果。(3)不同母质红壤区优化配置模式的建立水土流失常发生的区域包括:果园林下、坡耕地、荒坡,这些区域侵蚀严重,危害性大。结合实验分析和资料总结得出治理模式包括:第四纪红粘土的果园林下侵蚀的治理和坡耕地侵蚀的治理。花岗岩红壤区的果园林下侵蚀的治理、崩岗侵蚀的治理、荒坡地侵蚀的治理、坡耕地侵蚀的治理。这些模式充分结合了当地的立地条件和侵蚀类型,具有一定的可行性。

【Abstract】 The soil erosion has been very serious in the red soil region of South China, The large terrain area, Various types of parent material and serious contradiction between people and land, which has severely restricted the regional ecological environment construction and sustainable economic development. Slope plantation and defective forest erosion、dry slope erosion and hill collapse are the most prominent problem in red soil erosion region. Study the soil erosion control measures, which is important to the protection of regional stability and rapid development of vegetation.This study aim at serious soil erosion for the two parent material red zone, discussion the key technologies of soil erosion, through control measures and comparative analysis of configuration mode, establish an appropriate soil erosion control in local mode to optimize the regional economic and social development to provide technical support. This study selected granite and Quaternary red clay soil, choose effective engineering measures through measurement of runoff and sediment and analysis of soil properties. Field survey of the study area, combined with the experimental results and data analysis, and ultimately proposed the soil and water conservation configuration mode of two parent material red soil region.(1) runoff control factors and parent material on the impact of control measuresRunoff is the main driver of soil erosion, erosion control is to control runoff. Uncontrollable factors including runoff season, rainfall, soil parent material, etc., controllable factors Including topography and vegetation. In this paper, we analysis the different parent materials impact on soil and water conservation control measures, mainly from the engineering measures, tillage measures and plant measures. The results show that the same measures has different treatment effect between the two soil parent material. Granite red zone more than 3/4 of the hilly area with slopes greater than 25°, not suitable for the construction of terraces, fish-scale pit is suitable for granite red soil, but the quaternary red clay is not suitable for fish-scale pit measures; in the conditions of quaternary red clay in the 6°slope, vetiver hedge can reduce the amount of runoff and sediment to 66.8% and 73.4%, in the conditions of granite red zone in the 6°slope, vetiver hedge can reduce the amount of runoff and sediment to 33.9% and 95.9%.(2) soil parent material effect on the engineering measures Quaternary red clay and Granite in the red zone select flat slope, which setting the corresponding engineering measures were observed. Quaternary red clay region, the level trench has better than the foreign soil methods in water and soil conservation effect and can improve soil fertility in some extent. The foreign soil methods with soil C layer in the Compared with the control plot, the soil bulk density with fish-scale pit area reach to 1.29 g·cm-3, reduced 12.2%, organic matter and available P reach to 7.18g/kg and 39.21 mg/kg. Quaternary red clay region has a certain water storage capacity and poor capacity in soil conservation. In the red granite area, bamboo Gullies’ treatment has worse effect than fish-scale pits in controlling the loss of soil nutrients and increasing soil water storage capacity, but there are obvious effects.(3) Establishment of optimal allocation model in different red soil regionSoil erosion often occurs in these area:orchard forest, farmland, wasteland, accompanied by severe erosion and damage. Combination of experimental analysis and data summary obtained governance include:Quaternary red clay, governance to erosion of sloping land and orchard understory. Granite Red Zone, governance to erosion of sloping land, orchard understory, collapse post, wasteland. These models is feasible because of combining with the local site conditions and erosion type.

  • 【分类号】S157
  • 【下载频次】80

