

The Philosophy Revelations about Source and Successive of Ancient Greek Science Technology and Culture

【作者】 李桃

【导师】 郭风平;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 科学理性和人文精神,是贯穿希腊文明的优良传统,也是希腊文明的充沛文化活力所在。不到两百年的时间里,古典时代的希腊人创造了人类历史上最为灿烂的文明之一,在文学、艺术、哲学、史学和科学技术等各方面都取得了丰硕的成果,在创造性和对美与和谐的追求上,古希腊人远远地走到了历史的前面。希腊文明被公认为西方文明的源头,近代自然科学追本溯源也起自希腊人。当古埃及、古巴比伦、古印度文明消逝于历史长河,古希腊的很多优秀文化得以保存,尤其是文化精髓——科学理性的光辉爝火不息。认识古希腊理性精神,对于理解现代文明极具意义。本文以历史发展时间为顺序,以科学技术发展为线索,重点考察古希腊的科学理性精神的传承与古希腊科学技术文化在各时代的发展成果。涉及古代希腊雅典、马其顿王国、托勒密埃及、古罗马帝国、阿拉伯世界以及中世纪欧洲的科学技术成就,并结合本校特色,关注了各个时代的农业成就。希望运用马克思主义唯物史观评析古希腊科技文化渊源替嬗,探究其中的历史哲学启示。立足于小农与独立手工业经济、商品生产发达的希腊城邦奴隶制,是希腊古典文明的民主制政治和富有科学理性与人文精神的思想文化的深实的经济基础。古希腊民族喜好独立思索的唯理主义传统,使得科学和科学理性精神在古希腊诞生成为必然,并使古希腊在哲学和科学上取得一系列辉煌的成就。希腊化时代,古希腊科技文化在近东传播和发展。这个时代继承了希腊古典时代的科学理性精神,并将科学理论与实践相结合,取得了极高的自然科学成就。罗马帝国时代,希腊文化继续扩扩散,科学向实用性更加倾斜,科学理论的研究遭到忽略,随着宗教的兴起,希腊的科学哲学传统在西欧衰落。罗马帝国分崩离析后,希腊文化在拜占庭帝国和阿拉伯世界的保存,并继续发展。中世纪的阿拉伯人在科学上取得的成就成为世界性的学术成果。中世纪在经济复苏后,农业、技术和哲学恢复发展,重新恢复了对古希腊科学哲学精神的认知,文艺复兴带来古希腊科技文化复兴,成为近代科学的肇始。

【Abstract】 Less than two centuries of time, the classical era of the Greeks built a history of the most splendid civilization of literature, art, philosophy, science of history and science and technology were achieved great success, and in creative and for beauty and harmony of the ancient Greeks were far to the history of civilization. Greek was recognized as the source of western civilization and modern science after this etymologies up from the Greeks.When the ancient Egypt, Babylon and India had gone to the ancient civilization of ancient Greek history, many cultures, especially the cultural essence of scientific reason on ancient Greece. to know the reason for modern civilization, and understand the meaning.This in historical development of science and technology in order to the development of information and key study of ancient Greece scientific spirit of the ancient Greek cultural heritage and science and technology in the era of the fruits of development. Of ancient Athens, Macedonia, Egypt of Ptolemy and, Roman, the Arab world, Medieval Europe, and with the university of science and technology, attention of every time. agricultural achievements.Wish to apply Marxism materialistic conception of history critique ancient Greek cultural involvement of science and technology , explore the philosophy of history lessons.Ancient Greece natural, cultural, social conditions, science and scientific spirit in ancient Greece was the inevitability. Describing ancient Greece in philosophy and science has made a series of achievements. The hellenistic age,the Greek culture, science and technology in the Near East of communication and development. in the city of Alexandria, for example, cite this time the brilliant achievements of science. and Roman times, the greek culture continues to spread and the decline of Greek philosophy and science. The crumbling into ruin, the Greek culture preservation and developmentin the Byzantine empire ,the Arab world and agriculture, science and philosophy of success. The fourth part, by the agriculture, technology and philosophy, science and culture with the Greek revival, the ancient Greek cultural spirit of science and modern science.


