

An Analysis of Economic Benefit of Nanmulin County to Forestland Tibet

【作者】 郑翠苓

【导师】 孟全省;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林业经济管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 退耕还林工程实施的主要目的是改善生态环境,减少自然灾害,达到人与社会的可持续发展。2002年西藏退耕还林工程在西藏昌都地区开始试点实施,2003年在西藏自治区全面展开。工程实施几年来的效益如何,是广大农牧民退耕农户关注的焦点。所以对退耕还林工程所产生的效益进行分析具有重要的现实意义。本文选择西藏自治区南木林县作为研究对象,以公共物品理论和经济增长理论为指导,在查阅大量文献和实地调查的基础上,设立评价指标体系,运用效益监测的基本方法,对该地区退耕还林工程的效益进行分析,并根据可持续发展理论提出了适合西藏可持续发展的建议。本文首先,根据评价指标体系设立原则,借鉴已有的研究成果,运用理论分析和实地调查的方法确立了生态效益、经济效益和社会效益评价指标体系;其次,根据确立的评价指标,采用影子工程法和统计分析方法(配对数据的显著性检验、回归分析、前后对比法)对南木林县退耕还林工程的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益进行了评价;最后,根据以上的研究,并提出了相应的建议。生态效益:退耕还林工程实施后,恢复了森林植被、提高了植被覆盖率,南木林县的森林覆盖率从2002年的8.69%增长到了2010年的8.98%;保护水资源价值为1335.43万元;净化环境价值为626.43万元;有效增加了空气含氧量,南木林县的空气含氧量由原来内地氧气含量的50%提升到目前的56%,释放氧气价值为193.46万元;保护农牧业价值为546.56万元;水土保持价值为5767.38万元。生态效益总价值为8469.26万元。经济效益:退耕还林工程实施后,工程区退耕农户收入增加,粮食总产量及牧业收入稳定,林副产品播种面积不断扩大;农村经济收入结构发生变化:粮食及牧业收入所占比例逐步减小,林副产品收入所占比例逐步加大;优化了土地利用结构,使有限的土地得到充分利用;运用CES生产函数模型测出退耕还林工程对经济增长的替代弹性为0.0256。社会效益:退耕还林工程实施后,通过广印藏汉双语宣传单,有效提高了农牧民对退耕还林工作的支持和工程区群众参与退耕还林的积极性,间接地提高了他们的汉语理解水平;适龄儿童入学率逐年增加,适龄儿童入学率是多方面影响的因素,与退耕还林没有必然的联系,但是退耕补助增加了退耕农户的收入,从而会间接的影响适龄儿童入学率;同时,解放了生产力,推动了剩余劳动力由原始劳作向外出务工转移,增加了他们的收入。退耕还林工程在西藏的实施,改善了西藏的生态环境,保护了脆弱的高原生态;提高了退耕农牧户的增收,促进了县域内经济的增长和社会安定团结,取得了显著的经济和社会效益。为了巩固退耕还林工程取得的成果,本文建议要加大国家及援藏投资力度,支持基础设施建设;大力发展后续产业;改善当地农牧民群众的科学素质;进一步完善生态补偿机制,提高退耕还林工程效益。

【Abstract】 The purpose and emphasis of this project is to improve the ecological environment and reduce the natural disaster,then gain the sustainable development of human and the environment.In 2002, the project of turning farmland into forest was put into effect in the district of Changdu(as an experimental unit) in Tibet.In 2003 this project was implemented in the whole Tibet.The benefit of the project is the very important thing for us farmers and herdsmen.Therefore, the analysis to the ecological benefit of turning farmland into forest project is of great importance.Through the questionnaire to farmers and with the method of benefit survey,this article choose to survey Nanmulin town in Tibet Autonomous Region to analysis the ecological benefit of turning farmland into forest project. The paper establishes evaluation index system, use of effective monitoring of the basic method of converting cultivated land into forests and the access to a large number of documents and field surveys the region to analyze effectives on the guide of theory of public goods and economic growth theory. What’s more, and theory of sustainable development put forward to proposals for sustainable development in Tibet according to the principle to sustainable development.Firstly, the paper designs the principles according to the established evaluation index and system ,draws on existing research results and use method of theoretical analysis and field survey methods to establish the ecological, economic and social evaluation index system; Secondly, according to the established evaluation index, use shadow project and statistical analysis (paired data test of significance, regression analysis, pros and cons method) to evaluate the three effectives about project of converting cultivated land into forests in South Mullin county. Finally, proposed the corresponding recommendations based on the above research.The benefit of ecology: After the process of return land to forest,the cover of forest was recovered and the rate of plant cover was increased.The rate of plant cover in Nanmulin town increased from 8.69% in 2002 to 8.98% in 2010.The value of water protection is 1,335,430,000RMB;The value of purify the environment is 626,430,000RMB;The amount of oxygen in Nanmulin town increased.In the beginning,it was 50% of the oxygen in the mainland,but now,it is 56%,the value of which is 193,460,000RMB;The value of the protection of husbandry is 395,080,000RMB.The value of the protection of water and soil is 5,767,380,000.The total value of the benefit of ecology is 8,317,780,000RMB.Economical benefits:After the implement of the project, these farmers increased their incomes, the overall output of the grain and the livestock industry income is stable, the sowing area of the forest by-product is expanding, the portion of grain and the livestock industry income is decreasing, the income of forest by-product is increasing.Social benefits: After the implement of the project, farmers and herdsmen improved their Chinese understanding level by the publication of papers that with two launguages- Tibetan and Chines,and by the broadcast of turning farmland into forest policy.They provided them with indirect platform to learn.The project bettered the land use structure,and made the best use of the limit land;In the meanwhile,it also propel the surplus labourers tranfered from original work to out working which enhanced their incomes. Using CES production function model to turn out that the project for the economic growth to elasticity of substitution is up to 0.0256.On one hand, the implementation of Grain for Green Project in has been improving the ecological environment in Tibet, and has protected the fragile plateau ecology; On the other hand, it has also improved household’s income of farmland farm, and promoted economic growth within the county and social stability and unity, moreover has made significant economic and Social benefits.In order to solidify the achievements of turning farmland into forest project,this article suggests that we should increase the government’s investment to Tibet and support the construction of infrastructural facilities; strive to develop later industry;improve local residents’scientist quality;further perfect the mechanism of ecological compensate to consolidate the result of turning farmland into forest.


