

Effect of Different Fertilizations and Improving Methods on Soil Property and Quality of Tobacco

【作者】 赵晓会

【导师】 和文祥;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 微生物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为探明适合陕西省渭北旱塬地区和陕南地区烟叶生产中的最佳施肥模式,本文分别选取两地区的产烟大县—陇县和洛南进行田间试验,研究了不同培肥模式(对照、化肥、烟草专用肥、有机肥、有机肥配施无机肥、有机肥配施微生物肥料)对烟草的农艺性状、经济效益、烟叶品质及烟田土壤养分含量、土壤酶活性和微生物活性的影响,同时探讨微生物修复剂—皇禾绿牌放线菌菌剂对烟草的促生作用和烟叶品质的影响,结果表明:1、培肥促进烟株的生长发育,提高烟草的经济效益。施肥对各试区烟株农艺性状和经济效益的影响略有差异,但均以有机肥配施无机肥处理烟株的整体长势和经济效益最佳。相关分析表明,烤烟的产量、产值、均价和上中等烟比例受株高、茎围、最大叶长和最大叶宽的影响较大,叶片数和节距也会在一定程度上影响烤烟的经济效益,烟株的农艺性状可以间接反映烟草的经济效益。2、培肥能改善烟叶品质,提高烟叶的质量。与对照相比,培肥能提高烟叶中主要化学成分含量,增加烟叶内在化学成分间的协调性,其中2009年陇县和洛南试区均以有机肥配施无机肥处理烟叶品质较优,2010年陇县试区则以烟草专用肥和化肥处理烟叶化学成分协调性相对较好。探讨了总偏离度TD在烟叶质量评价中的应用,进一步佐证了有机肥配施无机肥是较优的培肥模式。3、培肥能提高烟田土壤养分含量,降低土壤pH值。陇县试区以有机肥配施无机肥处理烟田土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷含量最高;洛南试区则以有机肥处理的培肥效果最好;陇县和洛南试区均以烟草专用肥处理速效钾含量最高,无机肥能显著降低土壤pH值。相关分析表明,烤烟农艺性状、经济效益、烟叶品质的大部分指标与土壤养分含量间呈正相关,与pH值呈负相关,部分达到显著或极显著水平。4、与对照相比,培肥能增加烟田土壤酶活性,有机肥配施无机肥处理的提升效果最显著。土壤酶活性表现出一定的地域差异性,洛南试区有机肥处理组(有机肥与有机肥配施微生物肥料)土壤酶活性的增幅大于无机肥处理组(化肥与烟草专用肥),陇县试区的差异不明显。2010年陇县试区土壤酶活较2009年有所提高。土壤总体酶活性参数进一步佐证了培肥能较好的提高土壤酶活性。土壤酶活与土壤养分含量间的相关分析表明,土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、芳基硫酸酯酶和总体酶活性参数均可以作为表征土壤肥力水平的指标。5、培肥能增加土壤细菌和放线菌的数量、土壤呼吸强度和微生物量碳,降低真菌数量和微生物代谢熵,有机肥组效果优于无机肥。陇县试区以有机肥配施微生物肥料处理土壤的细菌数量最多,呼吸强度最大,有机肥处理的真菌数量最少,有机肥配施无机肥处理土壤的微生物量碳最大,代谢熵最小;洛南试区则以有机肥配施无机肥处理土壤的细菌数量最多,呼吸强度最大,真菌最少;有机肥处理土壤的微生物量碳最多,微生物代谢熵最低。两试区均以烟草专用肥处理放线菌数量最多。相关分析表明,土壤微生物活性可用来表征土壤的肥力水平。6、放线菌菌剂对烟草苗期有明显的促生作用,可增加烟草的生物量,提高烟苗的根系活力、叶片PPO和硝酸还原酶活性,光合能力等,其中以接种量为2.5g/kg处理促生效果最明显。田间试验结果表明,有机肥配施无机肥处理烟株长势及烟叶品质优于有机肥处理,但放线菌菌剂对烟草后期的生长发育、根系活力及叶片PPO活性和烟叶品质无明显的影响。

【Abstract】 In order to find the optimum fertilization model for tobacco production in Weibei dryland and south of Shaanxi province, we conducted field experiments in Long-xian and Luo-nan, which are the main fields for tobacco production in shanxi province. We studied the effect of different fertilization models (CK, chemical fertilizer, tobacco-specific fertilizer, organic manure, organic manure combined with inorganic fertilizer, organic manure combined with microbial manure) on growth, economic level, quality of tobacco as well as the content of soil nutrient, enzyme activity and soil micro-organism activity. We also discussed the effect of the repair reagent- actinomyces agent on the promoting growth and quality of tobacco. The main results of this study were as follows:1. Fertilizers promoted tobacco growth and also improved its economic indicators. the agronomical characters and economic indicators were characterized by distinct zonality. The treatment of organic manure combined with inorganic fertilizer was the best for the tobacco growth and economic benefit. Correlation analyses showed that the economic indicators were influenced by plant height, stem girth, maximum leaf length and width, numbers of leaves and knot length. All this showed economic indicators were reflected by agronomical character.2. Fertilizers can improve tobacco quality. Compared with CK, fertilizations can increase the content of the main composition of tobacco and improve its coordination. The treatment of organic manure combined with inorganic fertilizer was the best one both in Long-xian and Luo-nan areas in 2009. But to long-xian area in 2010, inorganic fertilizers were better than other treatments. We discussed the application of TD in the tobacco quality evaluation , which was further demonstrate that organic manure combined with inorganic fertilizer was a better fertilizer model.3. Fertilizers can increase the content of soil nutrients and decrease the pH of the soil. In organic manure combined with inorganic fertilizer treatments, organic matter, Alkali N, Available P increased in Long-xian area. While organic manure is better in Luo-nan area. For the content of available K, tobacco-specific fertilizer is the best one both in Long-xian and Luo-nan areas. Inorganic manure can significantly decrease the pH of soil. Correlation analysis showed that organic matter content and avilable N/ P /K content were significantly or remarkably significantly positive relevant to economic indicators, tobacco agronomical characteristics and qualities, pH was negative relevant.4. Compared with CK, fertilizers improved soil enzyme activity, especially organic matter combined with inorganic fertilizer. Soil enzyme activity of organic treatment increased higher than the inorganic treatment in Luo-nan area, which didn’t exist in Long-xian. In 2010 Long-xian area, the soil activities were improved for some extent than 2009. Correlation analysis between soil enzyme activities and soil nutrient indicated that urease, invertase, arylsulphatase and total enzyme activity can be as the indicators for soil fertility.5. Fertilizers can increase the number of bacteria and actinomyces, the soil respiratory intensity, soil microbial biomass carbon, decrease the number of fungi and microbial metabolic quotient, especially of the organic manures. To long-xian area, the treatment of organic manure combined with microbial manure was obvious enhanced bacteria number and the respiratory intensity; the number of fungi was the least by the organic manure treatment had the least ; organic mature combined with inorganic mature treatment had the largest soil microbial manure and the minimum microbial metabolic quotient. While in Luo-nan County, the treatment of organic manure combined with inorganic manure can obvious enhanced bacteria number, improved the respiratory intensity and decreased fungi number; the most microbical biomass carbon and the least microbial metabolic quotient were organic mature. The number of actinomyces was the most by the treatment of tobacco-specific fertilizers both in Long-xian and Luo-nan areas. Correlation analysis between micro-activities and soil nutrient indicated that micro activities can be the indicators of soil fertility.6. Microbial remediation agent-- actinomyces can promoted the growth of tobacco seedling, improved the biomass of tobacco seedlings, enhanced the photosynthesis capacity, root activities, PPO activities and NR activities of tobacco leaf. Especially for inoculated with 2.5g/kg biocontrol actinomyces had strongest effect, tobacco seeding grew better than other treatment. The field experiment results showed that the organic combined with inorganic fertilizers had better effect on tobacco growth and tobacco quality than the organic fertilization. Actinomyces agent had little effect on the growth,root vigor ,PPO activity of tobacco leaf and quality of tobacco.


