

A Study on the Genetic Diversity and Cold Resistance of ’Shuanggan’ Aprioct

【作者】 周书娟

【导师】 王飞;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 树上干杏是中国新疆伊犁地区特有的优良地方杏树品种,其果实果肉风味独特、果核轻嗑即食,是稀有的鲜食、制干和取仁兼用的良种,具有极高的经济开发价值。在新疆伊犁地区,由于当地的树上干杏资源在生物学特性的差异及果实品质的参差不齐,且花期花器官霜冻害现象严重,造成树上干杏减产与绝产,给当地树上干杏产业的规模化生产造成了巨大困难,成为生产中亟待解决的难题。本研究通过连续两年在新疆伊宁地区对不同树上干杏种质资源的生物学特性以及果实品质进行观测,并结合RAPD分子标记技术对树上干杏品种的亲缘关系进行鉴定,同时,采用主成分分析法,用7个生理生化指标对6个不同树上干杏株系花器官抗寒性进行综合评价,从而筛选出抗寒能力较强且品质较好的株系,为树上干杏的种质挖掘和品种遗传改良提供基础数据,主要结果如下:1.不同株系树上干杏从花芽萌动期到落花期末,大概持续时间为20~30 d,单株花期持续时间较短,约为8~11 d,S5的花期持续时间最长,且花芽开始萌动的时期最晚,S1和S6最早。树上干杏不同株系及不同类型结果枝的不完全花率存在一定差异,6个株系中的不完全花百分率在10.9%~28.6%。不同授粉方式对坐果率影响的试验中,自然授粉方式平均坐果率最高,达到15.4%。从6个树上干杏不同株系的果实品质分析中观察S6果实品质为最适合作为鲜食与仁用两用的株系。2.采用RAPD标记与其他62个杏品种进行遗传多样性分析对新疆树上干杏的亲缘关系进行了鉴定,聚类分析的结果显示:6个树上干杏材料的遗传相似系数在0.831与0.938之间,可被分为3个不同类别:S1、S2、S3和S6为类别Ⅰ,S4为类别Ⅱ、S5为类别Ⅲ;与其他62份杏材料的聚类分析结果显示,树上干杏株系与新疆的李光杏的亲缘关系最近,其遗传相似系数达到0.802。3.以6个树上干杏不同株系为材料,在0、-2、-4、-6、-8、-10℃低温处理后,测定了花蕾和盛开花的褐变率、半致死温度、脯氨酸与MDA含量以及SOD、POD、CAT酶活性共7项指标,采用主成分分析法,对不同株系的抗寒能力进行排序,抗寒性强弱顺序为:S6>S2>S1>S3>S4>S5,从而筛选出6个树上干杏不同株系中最耐寒的株系S6,且株系S6在果实品质等方面表现较好,因此株系S6可作为今后树上干杏生产和育种的重要材料。植物生长调节剂‘碧护’可以有效提高树上干杏植株的花期抗霜冻能力,提高植株坐果率。4.以树上干杏S5株系为材料研究了4种不同防冻剂以及植物生长调节剂对树上干杏的的防冻效果,结果为‘碧护’、‘动植宝’、‘标典’和‘通威’这4种防冻剂都能够诱导树上干杏抗寒力的提高,其中‘碧护’植物强壮剂对树上干杏花期抗冻能力提高效果最好,‘动植宝’次之。

【Abstract】 The‘Shushanggan’apricot is good endemic apricot variety in Yili Xinjiang, China, which has a high economic development value, because of the fruit can be eaten fresh or preserved and the almond also can be eaten. There were serious floral organ freeze injuries during florescence and big differences on biological characteristics and fruit qualities, so industrial large-scale production of‘Shushanggan’apricot facing enormous difficulties in Yili Xinjiang. Our research aimed at these questions and get some results through the investigation of‘Shushanggan’apricot germplasm resources, the appraisal as well as the RAPD analysis, established the molecular genetic map, we have also evaluated floral organ hardiness using principal component analysis. All these results provide the basis for the‘Shushanggan’apricot heredity relationship and the kiwifruit germplasm resources appraisal and the new variety’s protection. The main results were as follows:1. Through the observations of the phenophase of blossom of different strains, it was found that from the flower bud enlargement period to blossom falling time it lasted 20 to 30 days overall, which is only 8 to 11 individually. The flower bud germinated earliest in S5 and latest in S1 and S6, and the phenophase of blossom lasted longest in S5. The percentage of imperfect flower among different tree speices is remarkly different, which is from 10.9% to 28.6% among 6 strains‘Shushanggan’apricot. Experiment on pollination methods demonstrated that the fruit set percentage of natural pollination was better one among the others, which canobtained 15.4%.2. The clustering analysis displayed that the genetic similarity of the 6 Shushanggan materials was from 0.831 to 0.938, and it can be gathered into three classes, S1, S2, S3, and S6 of classⅠand S5 of classⅡa nd S4 of classⅢ. (3) The biggest similarity(0.802)shows between Shushanggan apricot group and Liguang apricot in Xinjiang. It shows that Liguang apricot is most closely related to the Shushanggan Apricot.3. To determine cold hardiness of‘Shushanggan’apricot cultivars, seven indexes of flower organs was observed in the study, including browning rate, LT50, proline contents, MDA, SOD, POD and CAT enzyme activity of buds, using principal component analysis after artificial freezing test (0、-2、-4、-6、-8、-10 degrees C). The result shows that order of frost tolerance is S6>S2>S1>S3>S4>S5, which provides theoretical basis for the breeding and production of‘Shushanggan’apricot in Xinjiang. Plant prevention‘libby’could improve frost resistance abilities and fruit set percentage of‘Shushanggan’apricot. Cold-resistant agent‘Bihu’could decrease the semilet hal temperatures and enhance the cold resistance effectively.4. Strains S6 is the best in the terms of fruit quality and chillness-tolerance ability, which is suitable for choosing as excellent promotion materials for‘Shushanggan’apricot breeding.


