

Study of Influence on Yield and Fruit Quality of Different Tree Canopy Shapes Crown Characteristics

【作者】 王琰

【导师】 范崇辉;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 果树学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以11年生的高纺锤形,自由纺锤形和开心形红富士苹果为试材,将树冠分为上层、中部、下层、外围和内膛,测定并比较了树体枝量及枝类组成、冠层特性、叶片质量与光合特性、果实产量及品质;以11年生高纺锤形不同冠径红富士苹果为试材,测定了冠层特性、叶片光合特性和果实产量及品质;以低接5年生红富士苹果为试材,测定了不同树形的枝量与枝类比、冠层特性、果实产量及品质。主要结果如下:1苹果不同树形的树冠特性和果实的产量及品质高纺锤形树总枝量为799条/株,114万条/hm~2,长、中、短枝比例为11:9:80;自由纺锤形树的总枝量为966条/株,92万条/hm~2,长、中、短枝比例为17:9:74;开心形树的总枝量为593条/株,56.5万条/hm~2。长、中、短枝比例为37:6:57。高纺锤形枝量空间分布比自由纺锤形和开心形更为合理。群体树冠体积,自由纺锤形最大为11381m~3/hm~2,高纺锤形居中为10071m~3/hm~2,开心形最小为8619m~3/hm~2。树冠天空可视度高纺锤形明显高于自由纺锤形和开心形。高纺锤形的树冠叶片质量好于开心形,自由纺锤形的叶片质量较差。树冠外围叶片的净光合速率高纺锤形最高,开心形次之,自由纺锤形最低;树冠内膛叶片净光合速率则开心形最高,高纺锤形次之,自由纺锤形最低。三种树形单位面积的产量,高纺锤形的最高为56428.6kg/hm~2,自由纺锤形的次之为43523.8kg/hm~2,开心形的最小为28952.4kg/hm~2。高纺锤形的果个较大,着色好,可溶性固形物含量高,品质好。开心形的果实大,着色好,可溶性固形物含量高,品质好。自由纺锤形的果实相对较小,着色较差,可溶性固形物含量相对较低,果实品质稍差。2高纺锤形不同冠径的冠层特性和果实产量及品质高纺锤形苹果树冠径从1.8m-2.6m时,树冠体积由4.31 m~3 /株增加到5.10 m~3 /株,树叶密度由2.63 /m增大到4.15 /m,天空可视度由13.9%减小到10.3%。随着冠径的增加,树冠外围和内膛的叶片净光合速率下降,蒸腾速率和气孔导度逐渐降低。单位面积产量以冠径2.4m和2.6m时高,分别为55857.1kg/hm~2和55285.7kg/hm~2。在冠径2.6m时,单果质量、可溶性固形物含量和可滴定酸含量值高。在冠径2.4m时,果实着色指数和果皮花青苷含量相对高,果实着色较好。3嫁接幼树不同树形的树体结构和果实产量及品质密闭园苹果大树坐地三角形嫁接5年后,高纺锤形树总枝量780条/株,长、中、短枝比例为14:10:76;自由纺锤形树总枝量548条/株,长、中、短枝比例为24:8:68;开心形树总枝量354条/株,长、中、短枝比例为22:7:71。树冠体积自由纺锤形为6.75 m~3/株,开心形为6.05 m~3/株,高纺锤形为4.80 m~3/株,树叶密度自由纺锤形最高,高纺锤形其次,开心形最低,天空可视度开心形为14.1%,高纺锤形为11.9%,自由纺锤形为7.8%。单位面积产量,高纺锤形最高,为27473kg/hm~2,自由纺锤形次之,为21312kg/hm~2,开心形的产量最小,为15984kg/hm~2。高纺锤形的单果质量相对较大,开心形下层的单果质量最小。高纺锤形和开心形果实着色指数相对较高,自由纺锤形的着色指数较低。开心形和高纺锤形的果实可溶性固形物含量高于自由纺锤形。

【Abstract】 In this research, 11 years old‘Fuji’tall spindle apple tree, freedom spindle apple tree and open center apple tree were used as experimental materials. The canopy was divided into inner and outer horizontally, as well as top, middle and bottom vertically. The shoot numbers, crown characteristics, leaf quality, photosynthetic characters, fruit yield and quality were measured. The crown characteristics, photosynthetic characters, fruit yield and quality were investigated with the experimental material of 11 years old‘Fuji’apple of different crown. The 5 years old‘Fuji’low connect apple trees were used as experimental materials, whose shoot numbers, crown characteristics and fruit yield were measured. The main conclusions obtained were as follows:1 Research on crown characteristics, yield and fruit quality of different apple tree shapesTotal shoots of tall spindle apple tree were 799/plant, 1140000/hm~2. The proportion of long shoots, medium shoots and spur shoots was 11:9:80. Total shoots of freedom spindle apple tree were 966/plant, 920000/hm~2. The proportion of long shoots, medium shoots and spur shoots was 17:9:74. Total shoots of open center apple tree were 593/plant, 565000/hm~2. The proportion of long shoots, medium shoots and spur shoots was 37:6:57. So branch distribution of tall spindle apple tree was much more reasonable than freedom spindle apple tree and open center apple tree.The group crown volume of freedom spindle apple tree was 11381 m~3/hm~2, the group crown volume of tall spindle apple tree was 10071 m~3/hm~2, the group crown volume of open center apple tree was 8619 m~3/hm~2. The DIFN of tall spindle apple tree was higher than freedom spindle apple tree and open center apple tree. Leaf quality and outer leaf net photosynthetic rate showed the same trend: tall spindle apple tree> open center apple tree > freedom spindle apple tree. But inner leaf net photosynthetic rate showed another trend: open center apple tree > tall spindle apple tree> freedom spindle apple tree.Yield per unit area of three shape apple tree were 56428.6kg/hm~2, 43523.8kg/hm~2, 28952.4kg/hm~2. The fruit quality of tall spindle apple tree and open center apple tree was basically identical. The fruit quality of freedom spindle apple tree was relatively worse. 2 Research on crown characteristics, yield and fruit quality of tall spindle apple tree under different crownWhen crown increased from 1.8m to 2.6m, crown volume increased from 4.31m~3/plant to 5.10m~3/plant, leaf density increased from 2.63/m to 4.15/m, DIFN decreased from 13.9% to 10.3%. Outer and inner net leaf photosynthetic rate increased and transpiration rate and stomatal conductance decreased with crown increased. When crown was 2.4m and 2.6m, yield per unit area were 55857.1kg/hm~2 and 55285.7kg/hm~2, whose yield is maximum. Fruit mass, soluble solids and titratable acidity was higher when crown was 2.6m. And fruit coloration was better when crown was 2.4m.3 Research on structure, yield and fruit quality of low connect apple treesAfter young apple tree was grafted 5 years in high density planting orchard, total shoots of tall spindle apple tree were 780/plant. The proportion of long shoots, medium shoots and spur shoots was 14:10:76. Total shoots of freedom spindle apple tree were 548/plant. The proportion of long shoots, medium shoots and spur shoots was 24:8:68. Total shoots of open center apple tree were 354/plant. The proportion of long shoots, medium shoots and spur shoots was 22:7:71. The crown volume of freedom spindle apple tree was 6.75 m~3/plant. The crown volume of open center apple tree was 6.05 m~3/plant. The crown volume of tall spindle apple tree 4.80 m~3/plant. The DIFN of three tree shape was 14.1%, 11.9% and 7.8%. The DIFN of open center apple tree was maximum and freedom spindle apple trees’was minimum. The leaf density showed the trend: freedom spindle apple trees> tall spindle apple tree> open center apple tree.Yield per unit area of three shape apple tree were 27473kg/hm~2, 21312kg/hm~2 and 15984kg/hm~2. Fruit mass of tall spindle apple tree was relatively large. Fruit coloration of tall spindle apple tree and open center apple tree was better. The soluble solids of tall spindle apple tree and open center apple tree was higher than freedom spindle apple trees’.

【关键词】 苹果树形树冠特性产量品质
【Key words】 applestructurecrown characteristicsyieldfruit quality

